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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. I don't talk very much in person, unless I'm around close friends. Maybe because I have a hard time believing that anyone actually wants to hear what I have to say, which is why venting my rage on this forum is so satisfying, as I don't have to worry about any social consequences of my words. According to friends, I'm stupidly shy in public, hence I don't know very many people. Good thing about that though is that I have a very close group of friends that I can't imagine ever being without. Same here. But when I start to do just that I think to myself "does anyone really want to read my insecure ramblings?"
  2. Yeah, I was fiddling with a guitar in my local shop, and this tiny girl kept staring at me during her lesson...it was uncomfortable...she was about 15...so I left discreetly. In other news, gave my acoustic in for repair, cause it's action is too high down the neck. Then I came home and started reading Wuthering Heights again.
  3. Stop being a whore and sleeping with every random bint who offers herself to you, that would be a good start. Secondly, complaining about getting too much pussy is really not going to do you any favours in a forum infested with sexually repressed social retards of all ages, much less get you any worthwhile advice. Thirdly, grow some balls and own up.
  4. History boys was good! Bennett is a a wierdo though, like, everything he writes comes back to homosexuality in some way.
  5. You don't seem to know the ins and outs of anything.
  6. Boy, aren't you a bastion of bad taste. Not only that, but you're fucking ignorant too. The only metal band there is Metallica, and what did you listen to? Load? Reload? Maybe a bit of St. Anger? Get the fuck out.
  7. Wait, what? I thought you surrendered the privilege to be taken seriously once you said you actually like Insane Clown Posse?
  8. Can I get an Amen?! Same here, like so many things. Everytime I've been in a car with the radio on the last week, they've been playing Nickelback. Nyaaaaa *and his brains paint the wall*
  9. Tis true, I myself am partial to a little Blind Guardian now and then, maybe some Backstreet Boys if I've been drinking, but your average three minute snooze-fests where you've got some utter phallus whining about unrequited love and whatever else leave me feeling dirty all over.
  10. Who cares, you can get served when you're twelve if you want. I don't think many people are going to be happy if the only licit, mind altering substance is unavailable to them legally though, and before you know it, there'll be a fucking army of strung out hippies instead of raging alcoholics, and their whole agenda will av backfired because the only reason they want to raise the age, is cause beer sets you free, man. I can't feel my arms.
  11. Uneventful, ladyfriend came over, and we proceeded to (not) watch nearly a season worth of ugly betty, for some reason, and I am now about to light up a big fat j and suppress the suicidal tendencies by killing as many brain cells as possible for yet another night.
  12. Your roommate has pretty hair . As do you
  13. It's also the most cliched, cheese ridden song I can think of. C'mon, even the chord progression itself is cliched. I still like singing along to it, he clearly got some tail after writing that song .
  14. Yeah, it's a bit of a shit sandwich, drowning at the top of your game.
  15. Aww bless, me mam came home with a copy of Grace by Jeff Buckley. I've been wanting a proper copy of it for ages. *Is chuffed* Yay, and it came with mystery white boy too. Much ass is kicked.
  16. Get some fuckin Dvorak/ Chopin goin bro. There's some good torrents on isohunt for most of Dvorak and Chopin's piano concertos. Much win, along with any Bach, cause he is basically god. Failing that you could always blast out some Children of Bodom. Your call. By the way, none of them are "technically" classical, but I know you're using it as an umbrella term.
  17. People slate The Black album far too much, it has some criminally underrated songs, and it's actually a far better album than it's given credit for. Man, I could listen to Unforgiven, Don't Tread On Me, Nothing Else Matters, My Friend Of Misery and Sandman infinitely. I'm in a Metallica mood, good thing the early stuff never fails to kick my ass.
  18. Says a lot about the British music scene that does. Quite possibly one of the most infuriatingly unlistenable bands of all time. Ugh, I should shut up...I've probably spent more time slating the band than I have actually listening to them.
  19. Oh come on now, I think we can safely say that Emo is much worse than Glam metal, and I fucking hate glam metal.
  20. Aaaaarrgh! Why the fuck won't my hair stop falling out?
  21. Finding Nemo is great. Fact.
  22. Lol, I think it was a mask with an inflated balloon inside, that the guy was wearing on his head. It was the coolest thing ever .
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