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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. My Wii has been sent off for repair, and I haven't heard from Nintendo in weeks...just the cherry on top of the giant shit sandwich that is my week.
  2. I wrote lyrics for a really annoying, whiny sounding strumming pattern that I made up ages ago. Tis now called "Freedom is a loaded gun." It's not a happy song. Ugh...Looking forward to Assassins Creed on friday...probably going to be the highlight of my life for a week or so. I'm 18, and I'm bored of work friends sex, and everything in between. I truly can't be fucked doing anything anymore.
  3. Depends on what aspects of Tool you like. Is it the nu-metal roots or the pretentious pseudo prog vibe?...Oh shit... I promised...must...resist. I guess you might like Dream Theater...songs like The Glass Prison...or Metropolis...can't stand em myself
  4. Then again...a big part of Abrahmic religions is based on the idea that our minds can't actually conceive such paradoxical ideas such as that god has always existed and the one Indigo presented. Well, if I'm too fucking stupid to understand, I guess that frees my from the burden of caring.
  5. Ugh...now in the gruelling process of Uni applications. I hate doing this. Anywho...gonna go for English at either: Durham, Warrack, York, Manchester or Birmingham. To be honest, I'm more interested in the student life than the degree. Can't say that in my personal statement though...nor the fact that I've basically been sitting on my ass this year.
  6. It's been, like, three furiously frustrating years, how is it possible that you still don't get me? It has nothing to do with me not liking them, it has to do with them being...to put it lightly...crap. Don't worry, I sometimes listen to crap music...but the difference is that I can see it for what it is, and I don't take it seriously. Most of you lot essentially seem to be raving about whatever crap is polluting the air and radio waves all over the planet, and then expect us not to correct your ignorance. It's like claiming that your taste in literature is respectable while prattling on about Harry Potter and Dan Brown. It's like...no, your taste sucks giant, hairy monkey wang. jayseven...er it's hard to see an English student demanding such absolutes ...boundaries aren't strictly defined; I guess you could argue that the Crazy Frog song technically fits the dictionary definition of "music," still, that doesn't mean it has any artistic merit. That particular point is endlessly debatable...
  7. Not about me. Me being awesome doesn't make them any more, or less shit, as they are pure, uninspired excrement. I wouldn't hate them if they actually tried to be more than a complete waste of everyones time, churning out musically and artistically redundant crap on such a regular basis. Also, I'm not wasting my breath, I'm venting my anger. It's therapeutic. You talk shit. Like, huge.
  8. The killers are epic phail, and if they had even the smallest shred of human decency, they'd all commit seppuku. Ugh. maybe it's just because I'm an angry person, but I can't overthrow this urge to go to town on their ugly faces with any and every blunt object I can find. Also, Bitches Brew is a pimpin record and a half.
  9. This thread get's a huge fuckin MEH.
  10. And there are some who think that even if there is a god, it's utterly irrelevant to their state of being... Might not seem at first to be that different from "don't know," but it is.
  11. Hurrah for mass graves, propagation of bullshit such as the belief that acquired characteristics are passed genetically, oh and the parasitic ideals that from the backbone of the whole charade...and well, there you have it. You've done the motherland proud, Joseph old man.
  12. Why is there not an option for those who don't give two shits either way?
  13. Saw Henry V at the library theater a few weeks ago, has to be my favourite live play I've seen. Seen quite a lot, mostly Shakespeare though. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Waiting For Godot were also really funny on stage.
  14. I've been sat all day working on writing this frankly ass kicking string of sweep arpeggios. I'm actually creaming my pants. It's like an orgasm in my ears.
  15. Yeah, I agree. I didn't enjoy that film one bit. Crock of shit.
  16. The word dull is the one you're looking for. So. Fucking. Monotonous.
  17. Off to the guitar shop to school some kids. Literally. Too bad I don't get paid for it.
  18. Nooooooooo!! Snake! What's going on? SNAKE? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE. I felt that was appropriate in light of the occasion. Fish sold out on us, man .
  19. Holy Jesus, is it that time already?! Have a goodun mate . Advice: Use a condom.
  20. Shouldn't Blake be a bit difficult for kids that age? *Is perturbed* Or maybe I was just stupid back then. In a rather ironic homage, my old college is celebrating him by having a mass reading of Paradise Lost books 1 and 2 on his birthday. And then maybe some stuff actually by Blake. Genius .
  21. Thinking about it, I wouldn't mind, but what I meant was, If only my life was that interesting
  22. Alright, got my lass a present for her birthday on Wednesday, got the collectors box set of Spaced which should hopefully go down well. Or maybe I'm kidding myself. Anyway, got myself a stupidly expensive climbing harness, came home and worked out for a bit, and am now enjoying a nice warm cup of tea while watching 300. It's been alright.
  23. It's a lot more raw/punkish. Sounds so much more energetic, compared to the Grace version. Great song, not one of my favourites though...
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