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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Wow, that's intense. Real intense. Well, not real intense, but pretty intense.
  2. This is going to suck so hard, possibly harder than anything has ever sucked before, maybe enough to make my brain instantaneously dissolve. But I'm going to see it multiple times anyway. Dragonball Z ftw
  3. The Bard


    Hmm, well If you we're gonna leave, you could have just fucked off, but the betting is that nobody would have blinked twice, so you go ahead and post this shit, just so you can have your share of attention, right? Ugh, there's no point.
  4. The Bard


    Well I guess I can use this opportunity to say: You're a fucking dipshit.
  5. That has to be the single most amusing statement I have ever come across. so much so, that it's going straight into my sig. Amazing.
  6. Either dark or spread I guess.
  7. The Bard


    Yeah, I suppose in the same was as TP, but like with Zelda, I would have been alright playing it with a cube controller. I guess I just like the look of the PS2 version better.
  8. Chinese. Nothing better than chinese food.
  9. The Bard


    I personally much prefer the shots from the PS2 version. I don't like getting my dusty old PS2 out and setting it up, but considering I can go out, get Okami for under a tenner and play it straight away... It seems ridiculous that they're going on about it being unchanged, apart from the controls, and yet a distinctive graphical quirk is missing, and that just stinks of lazyness to me. Controls; they probably are better, but to be honest, they're probably not doing to add much to the experience.
  10. The Bard


    That's so fucking shit. Why would I buy it on Wii when I can get it cheaper and better looking on PS2? Bullshit.
  11. Nope, it won't be possible. Lame eh? Anyway, I'm gonna use this as an opportunity to say: Get the fuck online and play some Gears with me!
  12. Spent the whole day playing Gears with my mate. Had some lollage with Dyson. Good fun overall.
  13. Anyone who wants a game o Gears, get yo ass on Live pronto.
  14. Gaiden literally translates to "Side Story" I think. I don't know where I got that from, but I'm sure it's accurate.
  15. Holy shit, two things: 1. Striders leg looks like beeeef. 2. Daniel has the hairiest leg iz eva seeeeeen. It's like, hairier than mine. But iss cool cause I'd still tap that.
  16. I thought Evil Empire sucked monkey dick. Battle of LA was a good rock record, but their first is of course, a classic. Ugh...can't believe I missed Behemoth by a few days. Spent all of today listening to Demigod and Satanica. .
  17. Woke up at 6, showered, ate, took train to london. Went to Queen Marys, sat there not talking to anyone and seeming like an antisocial prick, had interview, which lasted 20 minutes, and then, the guy basically tells me, "LOLZ WE"RE GoNNa make you an offer." So...I pay 60 quid to go to London, for a guy to ask me about books I read 4 years ago, essentially throwing the last 2 weeks worth of prep down the shitter. I might seem a sour, ungrateful bastard, but that's because I am. Then I went on a cool campus tour. Rooms are fucking tiny! Anyway, I went to trocadero after that, paid 50p to play 2 hours worth of Street Fighter, got on the train (which took a fucking record 1hour 50minutes) to Manchester, and here I am. And now I have nothing to do. Oh well, at least now I can boast about having recieved offers from every uni I've applied to . Say it with me people: The Bard is king...
  18. Oh my god hotness, I wanna bang you.
  19. Lolz Beardyman is bringing sexy back. Best pun ever. Say it!
  20. This game looks, quite frankly, amazing. I mean, the concept is just so thoroughly ridiculous that I can't help but love it. Is Charles Barkley actually doing the voice overs for this? "The Chaos Dunk, a jam so powerful its mere existence threatens the balance of chaos and order. Flash forward 12 years to the post-cyberpocalyptic ruins of Neo New York, 2053. A Chaos Dunk rocks the island of Manhattan, killing 15 million." Just...pure win.
  21. No point trying to approach a discussion Socratically with a science student. *shudders* I joke. This thread makes me want to cause myself grevious bodily harm.
  22. I've done absolutely fuck all today apart from try to prepare what I'm gonna say tomorrow for my interview. Screw it, I'll just ad lib it. Worked out a little and also just had the most massive ass protein shake ever, I swear, the things was a vegans nightmare. Tomorrow is gonna be so shit.
  23. I love how you missed the point entirely. Grunchy here is saying that he needs to change the Wii's output from PAL 50 to 480p, and in the Wii menu this is done by choosing whether your Wii is hooked up to a HD/EDTV or to a normal tv. I would post a step by step guide, but I'm too lazy, so instead I'll just tell you where all the buttons are, you'll have to feel them out by indication of the vibration I suppose: 1. From the Wii Main Menu, the Wii Options (the little round icon) is on the bottom left of the screen, feel for that and click on it. 2. On the Wii options screen there are three icons, click on the rightmost one. Which will lead you to the Wii system settings menu. 3. The third icon from the top is "Screen", click on this, and keep the Wii pointer dead still, as on the next screen you also want to click on the third icon "TV Type." 4. On the final page the ED/HDTV option is the third, and after that there are two adjacent icons at the very bottom. The left one is "back" and the one on the right is "confirm." You're gonna need to click on "confirm." Also: Monitors have a native resolution of 720p, and the Wii's maximum is 480p, so I'm not entirely sure it'll work anyway. Hope it helps.
  24. "This seems like a good idea." I feel dirty all over. Edit: damn you grunch!!
  25. It all started with a bottle of JD and my dads affectation for using my sippy cup as a shot glass. JK. I started at about 14, got wasted off a hauge bottle of Jim Beam in the field behind my house, then I came home and slept like a baby for about 20 hours. Life was never the same again.
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