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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Speaking of Rammstein, Du Hast has to be the most hilarious song ever. Driving down the road pointing at random people and shouting "NEIN!!!" is jolly good fun. They are shit though.
  2. EDGE are one of the best gaming mags out there. They'd be the best if it wasn't for Games TM. Sure, I disagree with some of their review scores, but if you can name a single magazine or website with which you wholly agree, well, then you're either a sheep or a fucking idiot.
  3. Hope they do, they're making an absolute killing on an underpowered console with, scarcely any games worth owning.
  4. O rly? What did you not like about Mass Effect?
  5. I never understood all that "extra virgin" malarkey until now o_0.
  6. Well, the in game clock says 33 hours. It's ridiculous, I'd have to kill the same enemies again...and again, and on and on, just to get some essence to buy elixir. Cool thing is though, I've got a fully upgraded wooden sword . Also beat both Doku and the Fire Dragon without taking damage. I rule.
  7. But. It's. So. Fucking shamelessly cheesy. Like, Dragonforce pale in comparison in terms of cornyness.
  8. Today I earned my virginity back by completing Ninja Gaiden on hard mode.
  9. Anchorman - 8.5/10. Points deducted for getting that god awful Kansas song from the credits stuck in my head. So utterly ridiculous. Also; Batman begins was a good 9/10 for me. But that might be because Batman is the best superhero ever.
  10. Aww right. Just pre ordered the american version. Should be here within the fortnight. Giggedy giggedy.
  11. Hmm. Same. I got a C in maths, but that's probably because I went to approximately 3 lessons that term. Woo. It gives my results some personality, can't be having all A's .
  12. Before or after? I may need to find my camera...
  13. Out of breath. Went to gym for a hour and a half and then ran home from the bus stop, had a protein shake and gonna play some DMC3. Aww yeah, It's a good day. Also cut my hair short. I feel wierd, I'd grown so attached to it being down to my waist. It's a bit depressing :p.
  14. It's because you're ginger. Yeah, it's depressing at times, but how is it irritating in any way? Your problem is that you probably read it at school and never saw it as anything more than work.
  15. Oddly, a lot of my favourite literature is actually American. Gatsby, Moby Dick, Catcher in The Rye, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest...
  16. It's such a brilliantly written book, I love it. You need to read it more than once to take it all in though.
  17. Pride and Prejudice is fantastic, it's a pretty easy read too, and the chapters are pretty short. I thought it was pretty great throughout, but it gets more interesting as the whole Darcy/Elizabeth thing develops. Currently reading: The Great Gatsby, again. Because it's perfect.
  18. Giggedy goo. I do enjoy sweet polygonal love.
  19. I never do any cardio, unless you count riding my bike to the gym. Pretty much just weights. Been going pretty much consistently since September. Back then I remember I could barely bench 50kg, and 220kg on the leg press, but got up to 80kg and 280kg respectively. Beeeeef.
  20. Fair play to you. Yeah, it's quite fun to play, just saying it seems a bit blown out of proportion : peace:
  21. Jesus, I love this game. Still, combat is...actually it's amazing for an RPG, but still gets infuriating at times. Along with the fact that I have to save manually! Bah. Anyway, been playing the good guy, not been a dick to anybody (It's hard to resist sometimes...), but still not getting any tail. Might have unnecessarily killed a few people though. Ah well.
  22. Can't do tomorrow night, lads, have drinking to do. Can do anytime Saturday though, methinks.
  23. Haggis clearly got/ is potentially getting some aaaaction. Nothing else can explain such love for his fellow N-E'r :p. I spent today trying to do some of the blady infuriating side quests on Mass Effect, but my damn Mako keeps blowing up. I might just be a total pussy and put the combat on normal. *shudder*
  24. So, do student loans not account for holidays?
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