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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Lol, thanks. Yeah dude, should be fun Get some riffing going, see what happens. Also; nobody's guessed the song yet. n00bs :p
  2. This is just the most awesome idea ever. Who the bare did the cheesy voice over at the beginning? :p
  3. Um, donno, I guess, play until it feels like your wrists are gonna fall off, and then play some more :p...
  4. OH MY GOD how are you not stoned? :p
  5. I think people might have noticed me. Probably for the wrong reasons though. I'm a nice guy at heart :p
  6. Lol, door to nowhere. What's that all aboot? I suppose it could be a clever metaphor of some kind. :p I was gonna say.
  7. Dude, you look so stoned, it's...amazing.
  8. Sexy. We just created a new genre. Ska/ Jazz Metal. It's gonna be huge. I can tell
  9. Cheers bro . Started playing about 8 years ago, but only really started practicing about 4 years ago when I got my first electric... so not really that long...I see you play bass o_0. That's member no. 3 of the N-Europe forum band right there
  10. Dude...Dragonball Z poster. That fucking rocks. Also, I'll post a more...comprehensive video once I tidy my room a little.
  11. Well, that's the whole point , to meet up and become bestest friends for everests
  12. Lol cheers, but I forgot how to play my own solo :p.
  13. It's because the majority of us look like cavemen. Just take it as a compliment .
  14. Er, well, I got bored today, so I recorded some crap, check it out, it's pretty poor quality (cause of the camera, and cause my hands were freezing ), but it's some random riffage, plus some of my own solos and shit...the camera died at the end, and you're gonna have to excuse my awful singing along Props for anyone who knows what the first song is. You know what...lets have a game of guess the riff......winner gets to request a riff. That way I get to practice and show off all at once. Win.
  15. ...must...resist... Seriously dude, that was a bad idea...it's like you're begging me to insult you . Also, the lass on the left is solidly porkable. That's all for now, my work here is done.
  16. Saaafe. I shall book tickets. Catch me a trout, squire.
  17. I founds it! Okay...you wanna see the early afternoon showing of Godot, or the 7:30 one? I reckon the early one would be better, cause that leaves mucho drinking time. Only problem is that the 2:00 PM showing is only on Wed 27th (tomorrow!), Saturday 1st, or Thursday 6th...
  18. Caris' room is far too freakin tidy.
  19. See, now that idea's totally robbed from Stargate . It could be possible though.
  20. Lol, yeah it is pretty odd shaped, but it's spacious so It's alright. And yeah, actually just ordered a new couch, which should be cool... .
  21. Okay, here's a short video of my room, which is pretty fuckin messy, but also awesome. I <3 my room. I'd give you a real tour but I couldn't be arsed getting out of my seat. Also, sorry about shaky cam Bard's Room
  22. Haha, just what I was thinking
  23. Affictionado in less than 2 months...what. the. fuck?
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