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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. There is no press. The keypad is an entire trackpad. I find the smaller area to drag your thumb over makes it slightly easier, but that's me. Like you say maybe you should just go try it.
  2. No I mean the scroll is smoother not the actual feel of physically dragging yout thumb across the keys compared to the screen. It feels slightly more precise. Can't really explain why, guess you'd need to have a go to understand.
  3. It doesn't tbh. It just requires an hour or so getting accustomed to the keyboard and then you're good to go. Best thing about it though is the keyboard doubles as a track pad, so rather than use the screen to scroll a web page etc, just drag your thumb over the keyboard and it does the same thing, only smoother. BB10 also remembers your word choices and suggests a next word for you as you type. They appear as a row of three above the keyboard on screen and you just swipe up on the keypad underneath the word and it 'flicks' the word up into your message / mail. If you make a mistake just drag your thumb from right to left on the keypad and it deletes the whole word. Can't praise it enough tbh. Definitely recommend getting your hands on one if you can, just for curiosity sakes more than anything! You might hate it, but then again you could really like it!
  4. Too late now, it's opened! Plus I'd hate waiting haha and wouldn't you be slapped with an income charge too? But yeah, the UK are priced a bit more than everywhere else it seems - apart from Canada, ironically. It's bigggg. But the screen is really nice. Also, the buttons are the biggest of any BB qwerty I've seen, though I agree they look small in that picture.
  5. BlackBerry Passport tis called. I love the BB OS. Been waiting on this phone a while and they held an event for it today and then made it available at 3 straight after. It's definitely not for everyone, and it will take some getting used to, but I'm all for something different in a market of candy bar rectangle iPhone rip offs. Plus it's more than capable of competing with what else is on the market as it's specced up to fuck! Plus, dat keypad precision.
  6. Announced today, available today, bought today! That's how you launch a product. Things a power house, despite its strange appearance...! Deffo a marmite phone. I, however am in love.
  7. What started out as disappointing news that Aus is getting it before us... It has gotten more and more delicious the more I have learned. Sooo, where can I preorder from! Anywhere that seems reputable yet?!
  8. So question... With it being region locked, wouldn't it be a pain in the arse to import an Australian model... Or am I missing something somewhere? Or is it just as it would be when importing one from Japan?
  9. I don't think it would be right for you to buy one and not the other, soooo... But now you saying this is making me question whether I need one... OR BOTH.
  10. Oh lord. I am enjoying them transparent 2DS's... Why Nintendo? WHY? They're preying on the vulnerable.
  11. Are we still on that? Oh dear. Can't we go back to arguing over the online and the game pad? much more interesting!
  12. So as if I've only just realised that the game pad can be used as a screen in conjunction with the Pro Controller! I knew you could use a Wii remote and nunchuck and the gamepad as a set up but didn't think to try it with a Pro controller until I got DK Tropical Freeze. Good for me when I have to keep an eye on our puppy and I'm home alone! (He isn't allowed upstairs!) Very cool!
  13. My sister got her 6 today. She had only opened the box and turned it on and is waiting former number to be ported over to her new sim / network. I've had a little play with it. Massively underwhelmed. It really is not for me at all. The phone just doesn't feel nice in the hand. I did have the same criticism about the 5S though - I'm just not a massive fan of the cold hard metal used as it doesn't feel great to hold. I much preferred the feel of the 5C despite many thinking it was cheap compared to the S. Size is a lot bigger than the 5/5s, and I imagine it is welcome for those who want a bigger screen. The back of the phone is ugly as sin. It's so un-Apple like its astounding. The protruding camera is horrid, the antenna lines (think that's what they are?) look terrible, and it's the first time I think the iPhone would actually benefit from a case for anything other than protection purposes! My other sister and her mate have looked at it and they don't like it either. So not a good response so far! She's contemplating returning it as she isn't too struck on it at the min and is happy to keep her 5 for the time being.
  14. I have never really been struck on this genre of game, and I've never really been struck on the Zelda series. I'm guessing this game isn't gonna be for me then... I'm still interested to a degree, but I get the feeling that a game like this could potentially get tiring / boring quite quickly? Not sure if that's a fair thing to say, or whether there is a bit more depth to the game then on first glance? Glad to hear everyone is enjoying it though. : peace:
  15. Personally, I'm not too fussed about the Ice Climbers, I never understood how to use them well. Every other character I could get on with ok, but dem climbers . I always wanted to 'get' them as well, coz they were pretty cool in their little coats . What I will miss the most with their omission, is the character select bloke saying their name when you choose them. "Ice Climberrrrrs"
  16. Having played the demo I'm now 100% sure I am getting the 3ds version. I honestly didn't think they'd be able to pull this game off on the handheld or it'd be comprmised in some way shape or form that would hinder the experience. But obviously not. For me anyways. Definitely massively impressed, and I am off the day it comes out too - so even bigger win! Do wish I had the new 3ds to play it on though...
  17. Hahahaha amazing. Is there really porn on there?! Why?! Why would people want to do that?!
  18. I surprised we haven't had a Nigerian father posting asking for a code for his 6 year old daughter than he can send to her for her birthday next week... Or is that just eBay where that happens...
  19. Just ordered this. Managed to get it for the grand total of £21.05! Basically I have a Very account, and I ordered some aftershave from them a few weeks ago that arrived the day after they told me to expect it. Was no biggie, wasn't in a rush for it. Anyway, the day after I got a text from them apologising for the delay and to enjoy £13.95 off my next order by quoting a promo code they included. Totally forgot about it until I got another message off them this morning about a brochure or something which made me remember the promo code. They had DK for £35 so I added it to basket, used my promo and got £13.95 off! Bargain! Looking forward to playing. Totally using the pro controller though.
  20. Thank you for the replies guys!! : peace: Hmm, I knew DK was a challenge. Part of me is feeling like a bit of a hardcore thrill ride, so maybe I am leaning more towards DK now. And Dcubed, of course I shall be getting both at some point! I was gonna get DK at launch, but I was a bit platformed out and was playing a lot of my Vita at the time so I skipped it. Hmm now I really don't know!
  21. Wait what?! £25?! Fuck me. Damn, missed an opportunity !! Damn you Zell, Sprout and tapedeck!! :p
  22. I'm wanting to pick a new game up before Smash hits and I'm torn between this and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. I had no idea where to post this so thought I'd put it in this thread as I'm more leaning towards Kirby anyway... Does anyone have any preference for which game is better?! I know they're both different but if anyone has played both and can recommend one over the other I'd appreciate! Had a go of the DK demo in Game the other week and really enjoyed it. Not had any experience with this game other than net videos, but as I say I'm liking the idea of this a bit more at min. Cheers.
  23. That's good news Ike! My only memory of Brawl online was one best not remembered. a horrid, laggy, freezing mess. So your post brings joy! : peace:
  24. Played a bit more of this. Enjoying Mega Man a lot. Also has anyone had the blue shell item yet. @RedShell you'd appreciate! It could be my favourite item so far! : peace:
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