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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. OK. I love love love Diana Vickers. I am totally obsessed. This song is amazing and if she doesn't release her second album soon we'll have heard all of the tracks on it and I will be most upset This song is a snippet of what's to come from her and if this track and the others she has debuted are anything to go by - it'll be amazing.
  2. It's not that exact model but it is similar and was £25 from Argos! I had my hair cut realllllly short yesterday too, so I thought stubble may suit me. It's annoying me already though haha. I am much too clean cut and boyish for stubble I think...
  3. I have just watched a program called 'Accused' on BBC One. It was on last week with Sean Bean which I didn't see, but this weeks was absolutely brilliant. Fantastic acting, a great story told very well, and very emotional. It's on again next week - Tuesday at 9. Each week it's a different story. Should definitely tune in if your opinion of British TV is waining / already negative ha.
  4. To be honest - all of this 'go over and talk to him/her' is very rare these days I think. Normally it takes a friend to talk to their friend or for them to approach them on your behalf ha. Dating sites are definitely a good way to approach people you like the look of - or a good way to put yourself out there for people to approach you! If I were you I'd get on plenty of fish - or join 2! There's no harm in joining both. Plus POF is free.
  5. I have used online dating before and I think it is a great way for people to put themselves out there. It suits me because I don't drink - so therefore I don't like to frequent bars or clubs and I especially do not do the gay scene. Just not me. So therefore I don't really have a chance to meet other gays ha . Dating sites have given me some good dates and I've met some nice people - some I'd rather never see again - and some absolute weirdos. My best friend has just met her new boyfriend from POF and they are a seriously lovely couple. It's unlikely they would ever have met any other way as they have different interests that wouldn't ever really see them thrown together. I am just waiting for someone to snap me up now... Haha
  6. I have to shave every other night - so thought I would try and go for the stubble look. Grr...
  7. Ok in my case I am not trying to SAVE money. I sold my 3ds because I needed the money for other things that I intend to make full use of. A 3ds with no games out for it until Christmas gathering dust then, is not something I wish to keep. So selling it works for me. And also, as pointed out last time you commented about this not making sense to you - I won't be buying a 3ds XL again. If and when I do re-buy the console, it will be a normal 3ds - and with them being cheaper than an XL, I wont be losing money. But thanks.
  8. We have one - October! It's called 'Child of the Universe'. So excited!
  9. Vid for Dancing With A Broken Heart:
  10. I really like the look of this. Looks like there's gonna be quite a lot of Poké lovin in my house the next few months what with this and Black / White 2. Yay. : peace:
  11. Oh maaan! Although I think it may be wise to deflect from the Wii U.
  12. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    Because there are no decent games out for it until that point. And I need the money - hence the sale. Also, when I pick another one up, I will no doubt buy it off ebay or preowned so therefore I won't be making a loss on the console.
  13. I am hoping to get my hands on the Game & Watch replica game thingy... ma bob... This thing: But it's 7500 points and I only have 6800 so I'm a little off . I do have the SNES controller though which set me back 7000 points last year! My points were due to expire so I snapped that bad boy up. But yeah, it sucks that's points expire. Those trophies from MK7 look great!
  14. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    Touché. And that's good timing - coz Luigi's Mansion will hopefully be out around that time too, and that is one game I cannot WAIT to get my hands on. So I wil no doubt repurchase then and that'll be 3 games to start with. 999, Mario Bros 2 and Luigi.
  15. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    No not gonna regret it. I dont play any of those games anymore and didn't even start Kid Icarus properly. Plus I paid £21 for that and have already got a bid of £21 on it so that's win But no, when I do buy a 3ds again (when there's a bigger number of new games out for it), I may repurchase some of those I sell. Maybe only Mercenaries as I loved that game - the rest, I played loads of and haven't played on them for months. Rather them get some good play by someone else . Oh and @Magnus enough with 999 jizz fest! There isn't even a release date for it yet!
  16. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    The auction ends this evening and has bids so I can't end it unfortunately. Yeah that friend code wont work anymore so feel free to delete it. I'm hoping to get about £150 for my XL but we'll see! I am selling all of my 3ds games too as I don't see the point in keeping them without a console! Here is a link to the 3ds XL for those who may be interested. You can see my other auctions through it too! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nintendo-3DS-XL-Latest-Model-Black-Silver-FANTASTIC-BOXED-WITH-CHARGER-/280938950730?pt=UK_VideoGames_VideoGameConsoles_VideoGameConsoles&hash=item416944304a#ht_500wt_1305
  17. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    TBH I prefer the original model. I have been playing Pokemon Soul Silver again (in build up to B&W2!) and have been using my DSi. The feel and quality of the DSi is far an away better than the quality of the 3ds XL. The XL is the size the console should be, but it feels like a toy. The screen is the right size - the resolution is not so everything appears stretched and some games really do not look good. It is of course all personal preference. However for me, I wish I'd have managed to get a hands on with an XL model before I committed to buy. Foolishly I just dived straight in - and now my XL is on eBay ha. I am holding out on the 3DS now until Luigi's Mansion is out - hopefully there will be some more games for it then too. When I do pick one up again - it wont be the XL.
  18. Yeah she is great. That song is just simply brilliant. Perfect for summer.
  19. I love this thread So many good ideas!
  20. I think Choux pastry is the easiest of the pastries to make. Although pastry in general is an absolute mother. I haven't ever made it, but I don't think you use your hands like you do for the others so temperature isn't so much of an issue which is normally what makes pastry making so hard! Good luck!
  21. Lol. Just wait til you get to chapter 8 Animal. That's when all the dirty, naughty stuff happens! Haha. You'll love it!! :p
  22. She never fails to disappoint. Thanks for posting @Paj\!
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