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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I thiiink you may have misread my post. :p Just a little bit.
  2. BAN MAFIA GAMES FOREVER. (This post is unrelated to the current discussion.)
  3. I haven't played any of Twisted Pixel's other games because I found The Maw so mediocre. Reading reviews doesn't help, since everyone seemed to love The Maw too, and that wasn't very good.
  4. I hate science teachers too, but he goes through a lot of bad stuff, so it's okay.
  5. Oh. Well, in that case. Who am I to disagree with Felicia Day? I second ReZ's recommendation of Breaking Bad. And Coolness' recommendation on Veronica's Closet It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  6. I gave up on Eureka after two seasons. I couldn't stand how every single episode played out exactly the same.
  7. Brilliantly... boring? :p Well, I didn't like it, anyway. Your mileage may vary.
  8. The third episode airs tonight. But you really should get her to check out a good sitcom instead.
  9. Don't bother with The Maw, either. It's really boring. (I was actually interested in ilomilo, but I guess the lack of a Gold account saved me from making a bad purchase, assuming Jay can be trusted.)
  10. Haha, four TV shows. That's adorable. :p Dexter starts on October 2nd. (The Walking Dead starts on October 16th.)
  11. This was pretty funny:
  12. You're breaking my heart, Michael.
  13. At least they're well-designed planks of wood. Okay, I'll stop now.
  14. Haha, falling for a female version of yourself seems pretty narcissistic somehow. :p Seinfeld did an episode about it. It didn't work out because Jerry realized he hated himself.
  15. Ugh... Too many birthdays. Happy birthday to everyone ever.
  16. Warp to Spiral Valley and go to the north-east corner of the map. I think it's right by the cliff edge, beneath the path that leads to the secret area above the waterfall. It's just kind of tucked away there. To get unique monsters to respawn, you can just save and reload until they appear (saving and reloading is also a great way to get regular monsters to reappear).
  17. Nothing quite like having sex when you're ready to throw up at any moment.
  18. Probably a fear of rejection. That, or you weren't drunk enough.
  19. ^ I like this guy. Well, I mean, I like Josh too, but he's wrong. Oh, so wrong.
  20. Yes, the ultimate showdown between one of gaming's most recognizable villains and... that thing. :p
  21. I don't mind the animal companions, but most of the Kongs are pretty terrible. Candy Kong, Funky Kong, Kiddy Kong, Swanky Kong... Just because Rare created most of the Donkey Kong universe doesn't make it good. I especially hate King K. Rool, who looks like... Well, you know how when you were a kid you used to draw your own video games in sketchbooks and for the most part, you just ripped off whatever video games you were into at the time? That's what K. Rool looks like. Like if a ten-year-old kid tried to rip off Bowser.
  22. To be fair, the vast majority of the characters Rare created for the Donkey Kong Country series were pretty awful. And oh man, I would have been all over a Jungle Beat sequel. I still haven't played Donkey Kong Country Returns, for obvious reasons. Is it wrong that I get more interested in the game whenever a longtime fan of the franchise says they don't like it? :p
  23. So it's like every other Donkey Kong Country game, then. Trolling aside, I'm really not a fan of the series.
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