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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. I'm really glad you got to try it, and that you had such a great experience Welcome to the future! The Quest can only handle so much, but if you play with the Rift S or the Valve Index and a powerful PC, you can truly get some stunning visuals that actually makes you completely forget that you're standing in a small room with a headset on. It's amazing, truly. Just last night I played Pavlov again after a long break. It's incredible to be able to "travel" to maps that I've been playing on for many, many years, and then just.... being there. It's a bizarre, warm and fuzzy feeling. If you can get your hands on a OG Rift/Rift S/Vive and Pavlov once, I really recommend that you download Outset Island custom map. Chilling around in the world of Wind Waker is sick, and seeing the scale of the world is mind blowing.
  2. Better late than never, I guess 😅
  3. To be honest, I think Byleth looks like a cool new character. Sure, he's from Fire Emblem again, but he's really varied from the other characters of that universe. Looks fun. I'll try to join in on the Thursday night Smash chaos when he drops. It will be fun I'm looking forward to seeing what else is coming to Smash in the season 2, but I'm not sure if I'm buying the DLC pack this time. I've not touched Smash in ages, and more fighters are probably not gonna change that. It's always fun watching the indepth videos with Sakurai though, and the reveales for Smash is always something else! Two more years of fun, I say!
  4. Here we go! Can't wait for Sakurai to troll us all
  5. I still need to try SUPERHOT in VR. I've heard it's one of the best VR games out there, and the bullet time is supposedly insane
  6. If there was a "one last thing"-announcement at the end, noone got to see it xD. I doubt it was one though, but it would lessen the impact if noone got to see it during the live stream. Weird how messy this stream was compared to all the previous directs. Hopefully they'll figure it out until the next one.
  7. Pretty much how I feel. I tried to play Let's Go Pikachu, but didn't even get to the third gym before getting bored. I'll probably still watch the direct though.
  8. If you have one available, I'd gladly take one off your hands
  9. You tried at least. Too bad it didn't click with you, seeing as the game gets pretty addictive after a while. I've spent so many hours getting rare blades and upgrading them. And the battle system, once you mange to stack orbs and deal insane amounts of damage, is one of the most satisfying systems ever! If you ever find you have nothing to play, give it another go :D.
  10. Don't forget me!!
  11. Too bad you didn't really feel it, Drahkon. I think I've sunk about 250-300 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and just like you I didn't enjoy my first 10-15 hours. But when it does click, it clicks oh so well 😍. One of my all time favorite Switch games.
  12. I think i started entering at around the 10th.would love to win Tokyo Mirage, Luigis Mansion or anything else (minus just dance..) but we shall see. It will be fun to see if anyone here managed to win after the winners are contacted next year 😁
  13. Yes you are correct, but it is only a cable for transferring data, not for transfering direct video output like the Rift S. Link is sending the data from the Oculus Quest (controller inputs, tracking ect.) through the USB-C cable to the PC, who then has to translate all this, create the video output, compress it, and send it back to the Quest as raw data. The Quest then translates this and show it on the screens. The Rift S on the other hand just sends it all directly though the Displayport Cable with no compression. Does this make any sense?
  14. I can give some reflection on this issue. If you have a PC capable of running VR software, Rift S is the best option. If you don't mind a slight lag and downgrading the graphics from PC to some degree (the streaming will never be as crisp and high-res as direct cable from Rift S to PC), and portability is a big plus, then the Quest should do fine. Oculus has just stated that they will test user feedback from hand tracking on Quest, and if people are positive about the quality they will bring it over to Rift S. There are a ton of good videos on the subject, but I particularly enjoyed this one: I have the OG Rift, and upgraded to the Rift S, but in the end I ended up selling the S and keeping the OG, as I felt the quality and total package you get with the OG Rift outclasses the Rift S (despite having better and clearer screens). Sometime next year I'll be upgrading to Valve Index. It seems to be more the second generation OG Rift than the Rift S or Quest + Link is, and the price is justified by having the better screen, incredible sound, greater FOV, Index Controllers and the waaay higher FPS. Just to clarify: Quest has 72 Hz, Rift S has 80 Hz while the Valve Index has 120 Hz (or 144 in overclocked mode). Oh, and just to point out something that is actually incredible for the entire VR industry: Now that Boneworks is out and Half Life: Alyx has been revealed...The Valve Index, the most expensive VR headset ever, has been completely sold out until march 2020 (now you can't even order the HMD). The Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest, as well as most of the Vives are also sold out. Pretty much everywhere. Just four months ago, I would never have thought this would ever happen. But here we are. Two games (with Half Life being the biggest one) was all that the VR platform needed. And now people are starting to get their eyes open. I've lost track of how many posts I've read about pleople who were VR doubters and even haters, who've finally given a proper headset a go. Everyone ended up ordering one the next day, and they're losing their s**t :D. What a time to be alive!
  15. Sooo.... this is more or less a PC now, isn't it? I mean, it looks like your average everyday ITX PC tower. I bet it's not gonna be cheap either I made a stupid picture. Don't judge me.
  16. Boneworks is here! It's getting pretty good reviews, but we have to wait for the articles, seeing as Stress Level Zero didn't give out any review copies. I'm going to buy it when I get my next paycheck, and I'm really looking forward to both the 6-8 hour story line as well as the sandbox modes! Slow-mo mode looks so damn sweet And a little update on my Oculus Rift S: I adjusted it a bit more and the comfort problems were gone! So, I considered keeping it, but I think my IPD didn't work with it. My right eye was clear and nice, but the left eye was blurry unless I stared straight ahead. I was gonna send it back to the store, but seeing as all the Rift S headsets were sold out in Norway after Half Life: Alyx and Black Friday, I put it up for sale. Managed to earn about £80 So that goes into my savings for the Valve Index, whenever it becomes available.
  17. ......how could I have been so blind.
  18. Haha! I will be the sacrifice. I think if we were to wait until all of your improvements are checked, we won't be getting any new headsets in 5-8 years. And to be fair, if I am to be waiting that long, I would rather wait in style . I have tried the Rift S, and I've seen how much better the experience is with a better screen than the OG Rift, so if the Index is an even bigger leap than the Rift S I think that pretty much justifies the upgrade.
  19. That's not what I got from previous comments from Square. But I guess you're right, they've never said it was gonna be an exclusive. Still it's nice to see they have confirmed that it is coming some time in 2021.
  20. You don't need an Index at all, I just think that when I first do upgrade from my original Oculus Rift CV1, I might as well invest and go all the way. The quality is supposed to be miles ahead of the OG Rift, and the Rift S did not do the job for me.
  21. @Sckewi, I think you're gonna be pretty happy about this bit of news: Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be PS4 exclusive for a year. After that, it will be released on other platforms! What platforms they are thinking about have not been announced yet, but there is probably a port for PC and Project Scarlett coming in 2021 https://www.pcgamer.com/final-fantasy-7-remake-will-debut-first-on-ps4-in-march-leaving-pc-a-possibility/
  22. Looking forward to playing Halo Reach again, and just getting back into that universe. I'm okay with them drip feeding us the games. I don't have time to play all of the titles back to back anyway with kids around, so a good pause between what's available is nice. I'm pumped to play ODST again as well as stepping into Master Chiefs space boots. Made me think about these two awesome trailers they made: Amazing stuff!
  23. I hope I'll get it for Christmas. If not, I'll buy it sometime later next year. Glad to hear it's playing alright 😁
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