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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Easier said than done!
  2. I'm content with any old deodrant -- but it takes me a year to get through the two cans that I get for christmas (and two other cans I sometimes get for my birthday...), so I have an assortment of Lynx smells. I'm glad they fade, as Haggis says, as there's nothing worse than walking down the street and getting a massive whiff of africa from some dirk. I know girls don't like lynx - but boys don't like Impulse, so really we should be spraying each others scents on ourselves to maximise attraction.
  3. Well I'm waiting for teh VAT drop (why hasn't the forum talked about this yet?) before I start buying my presents - though I'm pretty sure prices won't be affected anywhere besides online stores - and even then I get the feeling I'll need to find some blogger who's actually mapped any changes between preices before and after. Meh.
  4. That's the same as the old photos, but with a different background! I'd agree with Bryan Adams too, actually.
  5. The Uncanny Valley! Too alike to look cute or acceptable. If it looked like some hentai character, I don't think it would be such a problem :P
  6. I just ruined my month. I decided I needed a beard trim, but my trimmer ran out of power after i'd done one cheek, and I left the charger's adapter in brighton ¬_¬ So I moved onto scissors in an attempt to 'even out' both sides, but that just left one side even and the other uneven. SO I went through two disposable bic razors to basically shave it all off, only they SUCK and get clogged up, so I'm left with random whiskers all over the place. Plus my face really hurts. Sigh!
  7. Echo found it first [/friendly reminder]
  8. Stayed up til 5am watching One Piece - about episode 68 now, I think... I decided to order a pizza at 3:30am, and the estimated delivery time was 4:20am. I carried on watching One Piece via headphones on my laptop 'til 4:30 when I decided to give the store a call. Their website says they're open until 5am... well they didn't pick up. Frustration! Anger! Hunger! So this morning I get a text from Shorty - "did you order pizza late last night? buzzer was going crazy at 4am" which means I woke him up and didn't even get a pizza to offer a slice of apology. I gave them my number to call instead of buzzing, too, and they didn't try. I'm guessing it was the last order of the day so they gave up and went home. Now I've got to wait for the night shift to get on at the restaurant so i can phone up and get my goddamn pizza. Truth is they can say "no, we tried delivering, not our fault" and just not give me anything if they want to. HASSLE. Got me Supernatural season 3 downloaded and on the go, now. First episode is promising. Also getting The Wire s1 as it's clearly made of awesome and I need to see it already. Yeah, not going to uni. I'm in my Pit and I don't like leaving. Just reaaaaaally wish there was pizza here. Or alcohol. I am so damn tempted to order pizza from somewhere else... but it's not practical as I'm going to be sharing this pizza tonight if I can get it re-delivered elsewhere. I suppose I should be arsed enough to wake up and cook some egg and bacon, or tuna pasta but... MEH. I need a slave.
  9. lawl, that website doesn't exist anymore. Surely not a good sign! I wonder, did diemetrix get his boxset? When you next visit, you need to bring this.
  10. But how can you give infractions to a dog! ...
  11. OH I got all worked up and started setting tactics and by the time I was done, the game was already over. Curse these silly time differences. Well I'll set tactics next week and hopefully win by more than 4 goals :P
  12. I've just realised the major difference between the two sides of the forum, music-taste wise; y'see, to me any fluid coming out of my ears when listening to music is usually a sign that it's bad. Wish I had something meaningful to say here.
  13. *wanted to say "you talkin' to me?" as his answer *
  14. FINALLY completed the game on normal without shooting anyone. Totally the wrong way to play the game the first time through. Found a handily placed chair in the Shard server room which saved me a hell of a lot of hassle. Started a new file to play through on Hard, and also to try and locate all the bags. I've only got two of the three on the first level and don't really know where to look, thus already I'm put off trying too hard to look for them. Really ought to try just play the game without any achievements in mind.
  15. Keep your head together, mate. Her dad has done a good thing - he's helped you out by ending this silliness. Three years is never going to be something easily forgotten, but that's no reason for her to still be in your life. She's caused you grief, and unfortunately you're going to feel more of that for a while to come, but don't think that they've gotten it their way. Her family will never treat the guy with the respect he will want after what he's done to her and to you. They both seem immensely immature and you're better off without them in your life. I would also say that sending her emo texts like that will not resolve anything :P But they're also a natural response, a way to deal with this new black-hole-feeling you've got. You gave her a piece of your heart that you're never going to get back, and the piece she gave you seems smaller and somehow not quite as good as the bit you gave away. With time you'll put that chunk in a box, and stow it away on a shelf labelled "mistakes that I'm glad happened". I'm sorry for you dude. You've been through a lot, and it's not over yet. But it gets easier. ... With drugs, sex and good friends!
  16. I was hoping for something like that when i first saw the thread - utterly genius post!
  17. "Greatest Rube Goldberg ever?"
  18. Supernatural Season 2 The season as a whole was still a monster-of-the-week churner like the first, but enjoyable. The finalé was, as to be expexted, full of awesome win that leaves lots of lovely questions for the next season, as well as, of course, a reason for the next season to go ahead
  19. You know you could at least read the post-before-the-post-before yours before you... er, post.
  20. What is this postmodern malarky? I don't understand to what extent the term is being applied to vampire representation here.
  21. Dan you are hereby decreed the title of MUSTBUYJAYSEVENABOOKFORXMAS. Accept y/y? No spelloristakes there. DO IT. My day has been full of big fat laaaaaaaaaaze. Watched a bundle of Supernatural. Two episodes left, eep! Had a nice chat to nami for a bit about how humans are odd and shit like that. Basically figured out what I am good at, and now I have to figure out how I can get paid for it in life. Verdict: Not Gonnuh happen. Written a few ideas down for stories and poems and shit, but not really done any proper work. Started on the cans now. Bought some Wot? Not in a Pot Noodle. Tasty. And cheap! Also had a nice cheap pizza and bought lots of baked beans and nonsense like that. DEAD INTERESTING I CAN SIGN THIS POST FOR YOU IF YOULIEK. My night ahead shall be filled with One Piece! Woo! Getting midly hyper. Pwnd ashley in text form. He says lies, I say... a song about eyeballs.
  22. Sooo I'm well late to the party. Commiserations for me. Sounds like you're in one hell of a pickle, but you're not as sour a gherkin as I thought you'd be about it all. You've dealt with it with skill and dexterity, and I wouldn't be worried about any rape charges. More than 90% of rapes go unreported. lol, I kid! But on a serious note; she's one spanner short of a picnic by, at my estimate, at least five shades of mental. You're better off without her and her I-must-involve-myself-with-queer-nutters reputation. Does she have a sister, btw?
  23. Have you tried dragging the image from your browser to PS in the startbar-photoshop-bar-thing? Why do people still use IE these days anyway?
  24. If you read the thread, you'd probably find your own answer.
  25. He's 9th in the world! some propz for the dude.
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