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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Don't think too hard about things, guys. In my experience that just leads to BISHes that are far too hard to do! Not entirely sure what you mean - some random thing that if perchance is snapped, extra points are earned? Might be too random... lol, maybe some bonus points are in order? :P
  2. What did I do! I encouraged you to work, remember! Ah! Well the in-game context that suggests there's an entire world that goes beyond just what you see... In gears you have communication between your squad and a 'command' that you never get to see. This suggests that there are other squads being 'commanded' over as well. In gears 2 you find items like newspapers, letters, bits and bobs that talk about other parts of the world you don't see, other people you don't meet, events that you don't witness. This is all contextually creating an entire world that goes beyond your limited scope. Set pieces like Fenix starting in jail at the start of the first gears - entire buildings that in our reality serve a purpose that in teh game have a limited amount of screen time. We can imagine that perhaps a few years earlier the prison was full of prisoners. Stuff like that? Harvard Referencing is a certain format of referencing where you are required to include specific elements of proof. A large chunk of uni is about learning this :P Have you tried to look through litsearch? You should talk to Ashley as he may know some decent journals that can help. University is rarely to be expected. The first year is for everyone - it's to ensure you're all up to a standard level at everything. If you're finding it's just animation that challenges you then you're up to scratch with everything else. When you have more choice over what you study, you appreciate things more - but independant learning is the key. Lecturers usually only have a few hours of office time where you can meet with them a week as they're overrun with their own work, but if they're just stealing their lessons off the internet then stay ahead of the game; steal them first, and don't go in. Voila! University has always been about way more than the work. It's a relatively new concept that you go to uni to learn to be good at what you'll be doing for the rest of your life (quite a radical socialist prospect that, isn't it?) and really only scary because without doing that one thing, we're suddenly opened out to all the options in the world - and we're scared of that! Scared of the fact that we can do a whole range of things because we want limitations, guidance. Don't give up yet. EDIT: Well that was one big nightwolf-sponsored post, wasn't it?
  3. But at least you tried, right?
  4. Nah go for it, dude. Bumping that thread wouldn't do any harm, but only good!
  5. At the moment it seems like the most active players are the names being thrown around for lynching. They're all defending themselves/attacking each other so it's hard to see if there are any alignments at work. I'm not really trusting anyone, as pretty much everyone has made a mistake or is making an assault based on flawed logic. Tellyn has been quite hostile when he's been voted for, and long, ranty posts are never a good sign. Each mafia game I seem to switch ideas on whether I prefer to just lynch-crazy or wait it out. This game hasn't been a mass pool of bodies so far, so there's no need to rush things. We all have our ideas of suspects, so why not move it to midnight and shake our PMs at cube to get some more info out? Vote: No Lynch
  6. A draw against Cube - Can't be dissapointed with that considering I lost 4-1 last time. Ok maybe I can be dissapointed - cube scored an equaliser in the 91st minute! Gah! I am theoretically stuck in 4th place for a week, unless Dom beats me 11-0. I've just noticed that three players are leaving, but two are reserve keepers and the other has only played one match this season. I've got two older players so it is a little surprising.
  7. Eddage has sent me his ideas - ReZ can you do the same? I admit I forgot about points... er... yeah I'll sort that end out :P
  8. I'm not going to list a bunch of games like everyone else, just instead say you're a bit loopy. So maybe your standards are getting ridiculously high, or something? Maybe I just suffer from consumer's amnesia, but I don't remember 2007 being muchbetter.
  9. In yo faces, essaydoers! Had my hectic month, i can start to feel SANE again! Brief note; check the playground, I'm running an xmas special BISH. Signerup if you please. nightwolf; is that question asking about how a player can alter the environment of a game world directly, then? Dom; that nations question is excellent. My ex had a similar one about 'countries' for her geog. course. for 1,500 you shouldn't have too much problem -- with the philosophical side, anyway. What unites a bunch of people to stand under the same flag? Language, land, what? Wish I had an essay like that.
  10. ... Beggilax is Sooty, then, and he is saying that it's him that soaked other people, I think?
  11. Yeah :P but! Mostly because I just hate falling all the way to the bottom and having to climb all the way back up again. Used to happen a lot. Well I've got all jiggies/notes now. Piss poor time racked up so far -- and I've still got grunty to beat! I hate this boss. I got as far as only needing to egg-up two of the jinjonator's holes before dying, but usually I just end up falling off accidentally/running out of blue eggs trying to shoot grunty on her 4th round of shooting fireballs at me while off the side of the castletop. Just... frustrating and time consuming. Will get that done eventually, then do the jigsaws and voila! All done. Hard to say what my favourite level is. Probably MMM for the pumpkin alone! I agree with Shiekah; unlocking clanker is such a pain in the arse. But then I hate pretty much all swimming levels ever invented...
  12. Accidentally went to sleep at about... i havenoideawhattime until 1:30am. Grave of the Fireflies is on but I missed the first 20 mins and don't want to ruin it, so gonna finish Banko instead. Been having lots of dreams set in my back garden in brighton recently. Big summer party with people chilled out, drinking, playing with a plastic football, making paper hats and carving stones. I totally need to throw a party like that. I agree. But I doubt Rok will notice any of the replies. I can help with your essay if you like? Is it the con.. context one?
  13. Nice choices dude, I've added them in Next film to watch is American Beauty - a film most of us should've already seen. The week after is Waking Life - The first test of the club, I think. I've still not got a copy of the book yet, bit annoyed. Hopefully I'll join the xmas rush tomorrow and treat myself
  14. Howdy folks, back once again the renegade master this time for a short xmas stint. Please sign up here. Slight alterations; in the actual thread, you will edit your entries into your first post in the thread after you have posted them as usual. This is to keep your entries together and make scoring a lot easier. iirc you can squeeze 50 pictures into one post, so if you take more then simply have two score-keeping posts that you edit into. This version will run from December 13th to January 6th. Please submit to me three BISHes that are somehow relevant to it being a christmas special. Any duplicate entries will mean that I come up with a new one. In the new year I will run a league-based BISH for a few weeks, see how that goes So who wants to play? Dyson Mundi Eddage ReZ gARYgREATIE ShadowV7 Gizmo Coolness Bears chairdriver Paj Meen Ah Eenuh nightwolf Welsh_gamer nami Dan Dare Letty Rummy
  15. Cheers dude - I found them in another ship compartment I'd missed On click-clock woods, my least favourite level. Sigh!
  16. She's in year 9? That means she's consciously watched tv for at least four years! Go ahead, you just try and mutilate her mind. You're too late! You can't save her!
  17. Went out, got drunk on a boat on the beach and shouted "MERRRRRRRY CHRISTMAAAS!" to underaged drinkers, fuckers with no bed and the homeless. Gooood times. Planning a re-enactment (not that LARP shit) this year, too.
  18. Never heard of the 12 days-before-xmas thingum. Back when I lived with my mum the day we put the tree up gradually got closer and closer until one year I went out at 8pm xmas eve and it wasn't up yet. But since i left home I hear my mum puts the tree up on the first. I imagine her with her deranged face on, asking the candle-santa to "pass the tinsel, James"...
  19. Fuckgodamn. I hate Rusty Bucket Bay. I'm down four notes and I have no idea where they are!
  20. No i was talking about that Hayley. lol
  21. Only one onliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!! 1,207 words writteeeeeeeeeen no waiiiiii. Banjo kazooie caalling meeee... But it's muthafuckin' click clock woods, I don't have time for that stress. TO THE DOCUMENT OF WORDS!
  22. Welcome to the forums, though I guess you won't be sticking around - which is a shame as I hear many people who are individuals have taken it upon themselves to choose to prefer this source of bodacious, happening and yet useful nintendo information. Personally it is the useful way that this site conveys the spirit of gaming with zeal that remains with me, or one of the various news articles to choose from. There must be an innumerable number of reasons why you should visit my website post again.
  23. Rummy; thou be my kindred spirit. We must do the summer dance and meet on a patch of grass again! I live opposite a Costcutters and I've been buying 15-can crates of strongbow on average three times a week. Once a week I go in and buy a crapload of caffeine-fuelled drinks and every time I buy anything there, I get 25g of tobacco. This one woman who seems to serve me everytime... I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm absolutely fucked up. Of course, I am, and it's weird how she sees this side of me that barely any of my friends see- it's weird to see her judge me because i know that's what my friends would think if they weren't my friends. Or something. One of my tutors sees me (saw me-- don't have her anymore) as this completely retarded kid, and she always looked at me when talking, even when answering someone elses questions.
  24. k when i next come to sheffield we will definitely do that you sober-assed mofo? oh, just saw you whited it. Racist.
  25. Ah I see bluey is in the video too. Sweet. Your dad looks like that guy off Corrie.
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