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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I think the story's great, I just don't think people are reading it :P ReZ's original intention was to keep interest up by having people write themselves/other members into the story at any turn. I do like the way it has gone, but it's just not easily join-in-able (what's the word I'm not thinking of?), is all. Hell, who says there can only be one story going at a time?
  2. I agree with a setiment mentioned earlier; if you don't like teh story then write your own reply and alter it :P
  3. Well i remember that dan bought you a giant chocolate bar, and you gave him three cans of coke. He wasn't pleased, and thought you hadn't really made an effort.
  4. You offering?
  5. Rubbish. The ex/almost-current girly situation is looking set to be over sooner than later. For certain reasons, she's basically moving back to Brighton in a couple of weeks rather than the months she originally planned. I'm not doing the long-distance thing, so yeah. Back to working the field, i guess.
  6. Then curse your non-spiralling bed.
  7. I'm starting to think that someone's rotated my bed, because I swear I'm supposed to feel happier than this.
  8. Man, 1000 blank white cards could be immense but it's so soul destroying trying to describe it to people.
  9. Oh, by that do you mean another fucking in-joke that nobody will get except for you and chairdriver that just wastes everyone elses time when they read it so you may as well just text it to him or something because nobody else even cares so please why not try and involve the rest of the forum in your little comments instead of just posting the - oh wait i said it - references that nobody else gets because it doesn't make you seem clever it just annoys me, yes annoys me, because I like you guys and want to talk to you but I don't feel cool enough because I don't Know Bjamos Tork or whoever the fuck is cool this week.
  10. Last night I dreamt of Dyson, Letty, Dan_Dare and probably others that aren't as hot so I forgot them. The rest of the day wasn't really interesting. Oh! Another almost-ex-type-girl-thing-person is all in-my-face and coming onto me again which is awkward. I may just get her to send kinky pictures of herself again. Lol.
  11. The movie Halloween doesn't have any apostrophes in it. I don't think Jimbob's comparing the films, he's just saying that, as a slasher-suspense movie, Halloween does a better job. Sure, he's missing the point of Scream in this respect, but he still has some sort of vague point. He sees Scream as a 'starter for horror', and it is an interesting point; if the Scream films are all about the humour of the genre, then what differentiates them from the Scary Movie series? Scream does indeed refer to other movies, but it does so in a way that tries to catagorise itself as a separate entity to them, yet a part of the genre. While Scary Movie is mostly enjoyed when having seen the other movies, Scream doesn't demand such a thing, and as such I think it can be seen as a stepping stone, as Jimbob describes it. it is most definitely post-modern in execution; it doesn't want to admit to which level we should place it, so a proper evauation is hard because you don't know precisely to where you should compare/place it. I would, too, define it as a very excellent stepping-stone into the horror/terror/slasher genre. Comparably, though, we would have to take into account the serious tension elements of the films it wants us to watch (friday 13th, halloween, nightmare on elm street, etc), and in that regard it most certainly does not match up... But I think this comparison, as with both posts by paj and jimbob, are non-sensical anyway, so, heh, whatever.
  12. I wrote a big post and lost it. general points; spirituality and logic are the key opposing forces. Nigerians have never seen snow, yet it exists. We are a tiny planet in a ginormous universe. The soul is, like god, just a word to define an entity that is different to each of us. Pandering to the majority is something I did not expect O_W to ever do, and maybe it's my own spirituality, but that act is not very apropos. It is sad that religion has driven out individuallly-acclaimed spirituality by making the laymen's understanding of God so entwined with christianty/whatever.. this makes no sense. What was teh other point? Probably just something about most people having not read the bible, again. Sigh. Will sleep in a few hours and hopefully have another go at this thread.
  13. That's the joy of poetry; hearing other people's interpretations. On the one hand, one may take offense in how diverse and different an opinion it so the initial implication, while on the other one may take pleasure in hearing the different visions of what the collection of words means. Personally, I like it when the two combine. It is criticism in itself when the reader utterly mistakes a poem for what it is worth. A poet should really be in complete control of what the reader is thinking/feeling, or at least know to what extent they are inspiring their audience. An author takes their strength from recognising when they aren't expressing themselves coherantly, but in poetry the ambiguity is strength itself, in general. There are several different theories about poetry, and the current prevailing one suggests that once a poem is writ, then the author's intentions are no longer relevant. The poem becomes an entity in itself, with meaning wholely derived by the reader, and with critics arguing over the actual meaning of the original text (and in this sense, the poet becomes just another critic). my 'psychoanalytical' paragraphs were intended to investigate precisely what you were not thinking about while writing it, so I don't care if you disagree with those :P In front of the TV drinking wine is still escapism, and while it detracts from the natural element, it holds the same worth. Work on your flow of meaning. You want to steer and control the feelings and emotions that you are exhibiting to your audience. You want to know what the range of ideas are that they are having, and the best way to do this is to imagine each word, each line is a lilipad that a frog (the reader) is jumping to and from. If two pads are too far apart then basically it means there are parts to your poem that do not flow; that do not connect in an obvious way. While some poetry, like Killthenet's, purposefully challenges the reader to actively seek out the correct path, it takes skill and precision to determine this path. Or, at least, an awareness. I am glad that I am massively wrong about what the poem means :P It makes it all the more interesting. I'm no expert, I just like analysing. Keep it up, and please give other poems in this thread a read and share your opinion. There's no timescale involved, and your poetry may benefit from what you ask/hear.
  14. Dante... I can see that you edited it over an hour later. You know what I mean.
  15. Yeah I think you're right paj, it was a silly idea I'm about to go out so I can't join in the fun but LOL SPACE ZOMBIES! I love it :P
  16. Dante, I swear if you don't post both source AND put all quotes in quote tags from now on, your posts might not show at all. It's just not fair on whoever wrote it in the first place.
  17. Well next match is against Gaggle, while Cube plays ReZ. I need to beat gaggle and ideally cube and moogle draw in order for me to get closer to moogle points-wise... The bottom 5, sans domster, are painfully close and I've got the short straw with the next batch of matches. A rush of horrible games to come, and I'm relying on other results, which is not a good sign. Our last game was very close, and I think gaggle's got a great squad... and I can't afford to see his previous tactics. Oh dear!
  18. Lighthouse Family = WIN. I really need to get more of their stuff. 'Lifted' was the first song I taped off the radio. Lol.
  19. Secret United got pwned :P And I kept my promise. Tactics set, I was in charge of the game.
  20. lol, goalposts -excellent idea :P I would very seriously like to be referee. the middle of the pitch is an excellent place for the streaking to begin I think I am level-headed, and steady-handed enough to carry a drink while running with a whistle. Can someone bring a whistle?
  21. I just want to say that, while nobody reacted how he thought they would, I think Arab_Freak posted very bravely (for a change :P) I don't believe in teh christian god, but I do belive that the vaaaast majority of people who sling around generalisations about church, religion, christianity and God have never actually read the fucking bible, so while their comments on zealots are, from a moral and social standpoint, entirely appropriate, their comments on the bible are usually unfounded and ill-researched, and as such they tend to make me groan. There is such a danger for non-religious people to instantly dismiss all religious/christian people simply because of a few bad eggs, and in general posts on this forum about this topic make me cringe with the narrow mindedness. To me, being broad minded is being able to see where they are coming from, to be able to see why they believe what they do before one dismisses it completely. I agree that discussing God is futile, but I disagree about the tone that you've applied to your statement that "people who believe in him believe in supernatural entities". By saying god is pointless you are saying that everything supernatural is pointless, and I don't think that the two terms are mutually exclusive at all. You would have to define supernatural, 'pointful', and belief before I could ever agree to that sentient. In all honesty? You are a respected member here with an opinion usually worth listening to, but this has to be one of your worst posts I've ever seen. That other members have lapped it up so quickly is shameful. While I will admit to believing that christianity, and pretty much all established religions are pretty much little more than vast cults, I will not dismiss a person's spirituaity as simply being a childish wonderment, which, I believe, is the attribute you wish to cast upon those who believe in the supernatural. But then, philosophy is something people struggle with, so I understand if you can't accept the whole point; we do not know the correct answer, so all answers are worth listening to.
  22. This is not the hot people gallery so stop the fuck now. I want to refer to what paj said; something about "this is a list of people most featured in magazines, not the hottest~" -- and it's true. Near-enough daily when I walk down the street I am introduced to a spectacle or two, walking in front of me, away or along, who are simply stunning beyond chartable measure. These famous faces are far too distant and oblique that I just cannot theorise any sort of sexual fantasy with them. The motherfucking sexy-ass blonde biatch shaking her hips from the uni steps to the roundabout, though... my god... it makes the rest of the walk home worth while.
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