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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Grrr... and Coolness cutesies his way out of it, all over again. Curses, Claw!
  2. lol wtf danny! Those are scary as heck! I have a lot more praise for children. When teh zombies come, they should be on the front line, for clearly they know no fear.
  4. Well the drunk threads are at least entertaining, tbh.
  5. I just checked. I winz, I fink! One for the oldies; what has no arms, no legs, floats, and looks like Jim Carey? ... And one for the newbies, because that one is ridiculously unfair and nobody will get it; Who has a smiley balloon in their signature? ... Bit tricky, but solvable to the observant. (Sorry if I'm rushing ahead Paj -- I've been waiting and watching this game for days hoping to get a chance to quiz the masses, and waiting on people to post their questions is always annoying)
  6. One day, you shall return. And you shall be my friend!

  7. I can't remember her avatar, but is it MBAM!? Her clutch control is magic, y'see... :S
  8. Guys. take it the fuck elsewhere. We have PMs and those profile messages now for that sort of thing. And aren't you on msn anyway?
  9. Eyedrops Was getting a new prescription/glasses and they just wanted to check that old issues weren't coming back. Plus the optician (Optometrist? Ophthalmologist? Eye-witch?) WAS TOTALLY INTO ME so I let her put whatever she wanted in my eye. While I looked down her top. And masturbated. Except for that last part.
  10. Blargle! PLUS LENGTH!

  11. Good luck Flink. I've got 10k words to write for weds and am greatly pooping myself and any nearby soft furnishings. I've sorta maybe kinda perhaps like in a way convinced myself that I need to go to Leeds and spent the next 3 days there writing. I'm a fool. Tomorrow (today) a guy who lived next door to nami in halls is coming back to sheff, and we ususally play some pool, drink some booze and talk shit for a few hours -- and I kinda agreed to do that with him, only he's a bit of a knob, and he hasn't really given me a precise time, so I'm thinking about bailing on him. I guess I could pool with him then go to leeds, only I have approx. £20 to last 'til monday, and train fare is about £7, and I need to eat, so I dunno if I can really do it. If my cheques clear then I'll have an additional £45 to WASTE on such a possible outcome for my sunday. Means no pub quiz... mental rubble continues to fall down the mountain, obstructing the tracks for thought trains and damming the river of consequence. Fuck it! MOAR CIDER and more Swayze. I'll make up my mind when the last minute comes ringing.
  12. IRN BRU! A strong sense of orange through out the last two posts. I wish I could pull off a tie of any sort. FREAKY EYES! (excuse the spot) Wow my nose is really, really massive. And very triangular. Hum.
  13. Jamba innit? mmm bewbs EDIT: LOL wrong question. this answer; killthenet? Anotha' guesso
  14. I think a lot of people got hooked on the show being called 'lost' and figured the whole thing was about them getting off the island. Really they should've given the show some absolutely absurd, made-up word, and while the season enders are pretty much always flabbergasting the next season (especially in 2,3,4.. er... but not 5 as much :P) took too long to give the viewer a pay-off for the cliff-hanger. I think because I pretty much shape my life around TV that comes out each week, it's actually easier to watch the show weekly than it is to wait 'til it's done. And without BSG it's been real hard to get that fix. I'm having trouble keeping posts short! Er, yeah; I would say if you lost interest then you might be better waiting 'til s05 is on DVD and then you have two and a half seasons to catch up on while they make/show what might be the last season. I really struggle to see how anyone can argue that the show is anything but in the top 5% of TV on at the moment.
  15. My God... Just... I've been avoiding this thread and now I know why - the nostalgia is IMMENSE! Main points; Rude Dog and the Dweebs - man... one of my earliest memories is me sulking in the kitchen not wanting to wear my hearing aids, wailing and everything, then my mum tells me that this show is about to start, and of course our volume control was 'broken' so I had to wear them in order to watch. Pirates of Dark Water... One of my birthdays my best friend gave me a figurine of the main dude. I used to make that dude play with King Arthur (from another cartoon show on the other channel). I couldn't've been much older than 10, and one of my earliest dreams taht I remember is where my entire corridor is lined with figurines from the show and other shows, all in their packaging. I was sad when I woke up. Aah! Real Monsters epitomises saturday (or sunday?) morning TV. It was pretty much teh ONLY show me and my sister agreed was worth watching. Rocko's Modern Life was a channel 4 sunday one, I think? Just... so weird. Does TV still cater for mental children? Oscar's Orchestra -- was that the one with the flying piano? I hated that. Muchly. I think I remember crappy mcdonald's toys for it too. Just... arg. I wonder if these shows are really worth re-watching? I tried re-watching Thundercats, and it was impossible to enjoy it without being high. (anyone remember Valiant? It appeared like a lame moral story with knights and horses, but I think I still watched it anyway...)
  16. Paj; while I only understood about half of that post, I am envious of the seasoned bread with slime. I've been to only three restaurants in my life of that sort of quality, and each whiff of food smelt of luxury and rich people sauteéd in diamonds. MMMM!
  17. Yeah, BSG is one of very few shows where I can't remember a single episode being dissapointing. The webisodes (or whatever the fuck they were called) did bore me, and just looked like they were filmed on lunch-breaks during the actual show. I still haven't finished the Caprica pilot (it is hench long!) but, as Ashley pointed out... I do have a bunch of months to get through it. And go back through all of BSG at some point too! BSG managed to evade the problem that Lost has constantly; people complain that Lost doesn't know what it is doing, that it is making it up as it goes -- while it is true for both shows that the fine print for the direction of the series is up for debate as the show is made, BSG managed to convince the audience that there is a plan. Do you like Lost? I know a fair few people who have given up/overlooked it and are waiting for the finalé (2010 or 2011, i think?) before they commit to it. To me that's like reading the last page of a novel first! But anyway, that's a different post, for a different thread! I heart tv
  18. Shit. Just looked at the clock and seen it's now the 19th of april. Yesterday was my sister's birthday. Fuck. FUUUUUUUUUCK.. I'm an awful family member.
  19. I watched this yesterday too - I always wonder most about these documentaries just how they come to be in the first place; do the people contact the TV companies, or did one of the student's friends suggest it, or what? I think it can be easy to view the modern civilisation as if it's sodom and gomorrah all over again, but I worry about it being indoctrinated from a young age as gospel. Mainly her father. There was a point when the student was saying goodbye and he clearly looked to his dad to see if he would get a hug from him too... and his dad turned away and walked off. I've never really understood the whole kid-seeking-gratification-from-parents thing.
  20. *looks to rez and the halifaxgate scandal*
  21. Man, I don't know what kind of boogers you have. See a doc asap.
  22. Also watched Gran Turino last night. Very enjoyable. I wonder how the film would've been received if it was called Daisythough (I really liked the dog :P). Clint's clenched-theeth-barking is, as always, enthralling to watch, but the ending... well goddamn, Eastwood likes to martyr himself doesn't he? A tad predictable, but there were messages there all the same. Unforgiven is still my favourite of his directed movies (that I've seen.. and I've only seen two so far!). The dude's, what, 70-odd? Nearly 80? He's had so much experience in the industry and worked with some great directors that he certainly has a great style. A lot of the story, if not all of it cut from one day to another while the same scene/setting was used, and it was interesting to see how his angle/POV shift helped the viewer avoid confusion. One shot, he walked up the driveway instead of up his steps, and the next he was sitting on his porch. Of course, the amount of times someone says "a couple of days ago" helps, too. Clint reserved all the best lines for himself too, which is a bit egotistical, non? Got Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River and Letters from Iwo Jima ready to go too, mind you. I started MDB late last night, and Morgan Freeman's role means that while Eastwood can continue to hog the cool lines, we get to have another actor that excels most when he says nothing at all (no disrespect to the guy! I'm just saying he's a great reaction actor). And Hilary Swank! My, I've not seen a good movie with her in since The Next Karate Kid. LOL.
  23. Conservatives on the internet?! BURN THEM!
  24. inevitability of chance and infitity compute. No hassle there. We're not talking about parallel lines eventually meeting, we're talking about a complex system. We're not talking about a God that is just absolute, but also a god that has given free will to his complex system that he has created, and as I say, he has done this in order to see the system surprise him - to come up with something that he did not expect, I suppose. The idea that mankind is in charge of its own fate, and yet it always seems to gravitate towards the same self-destructive one, is what God cannot control. I don't think the idea of an absolute god is ever really something that can be explained or comprehended by one who is not an absolute god; if he can see/hear/predict/know/do anything and everything, then why create the universe? What could creating a universe possibly do for a God? (Let's stay away from a couple of theories; I don't want to drag this into an Dei-existential drama, nor lead it down and paradoxic alleyways where a parallel universe splinters open and devours our eyelashes whole, or whatever) In terms of story, in terms of biblical father-figure type stuff, what I see to be the favoured idea for BSG is simply that God is love, and love simply means he wants the best for what he has created. That he created it is secondary to what he wishes for his creation to aspire to; he wants his creation to be able to exist without a need for him to be there (wooa-oh! Heaven on earth! Eternal Peace! woo! etc)... and he really can't have a hand in our 'destiny' (word chosen for massive irony, that I can't be arsed to go into). Yet when we fuck things up he has to steer us back to the beginning. He is the reason the complex system is repeated. What we see in BSG is a return to the beginning, it is rewind. It is what happens after humanity has reached its peak, it is what happens when the system has failed to surprise God. Eternity exists so that God can keep trying, with the only certainty that the system will actually ever surprise him being the fact that infinity... is eternal. Lol. It doesn't matter how many cycles, how many lives are lost, because once Mankind succeeds tehn tehy will still have infinity have their idyll. I can agree that what I'm saying jars with the idea of God being absolute. But then we both agree that the show isn't saying that God is absolute, so in a round-about way, what I'm saying doesn't jar with what you're saying at all :P
  25. Cool on the addy. I've seen The Audition, which I think he did, and from what I saw there I would say he has a good eye for avoiding the cliché horror/terror/slasher angles "that build tension". Katakuri's was great because it seemed to draw together a lot of influences. Stuff like Peter Jackson's Bad Taste and Braindead (claymation in particular, but general grossness), bollywood (the dance with Richard (gere lol - blatantly some Julia roberts nonsense right there)). I would say they didn't build up a good enough sense of isolation; while saying grandpa was selfish and a liar never surfaced and served just to make his character's nice turns more 'surprising', the constant supply of guests kinda jarred a little with their definition of 'isolated'... I'm losing the ability to talk smoothly here... I mean it always felt closed in and... Yeah. I'll stop now. I don't think I've even seen Crank yet but I was told that if I liked Shoot 'Em Up, The Transporter and district 13 I'd like this. You seen Max Payne? Were you annoyed at the failure that it was?
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