I was watching the BBC documentary on Queen and at some point someone said "[Queen] weren't fashionable, just popular" and it struck me how rarely I focus on the distinction. I'm notoriously ill-dressed, but I have the ability to get on with the majority of people, to the extent where it tires me to have diarise 'catch-up' sessions with friends. The majority of my social outings seem to be of this calibre, actually, which leads me to wonder - what's a friend?
For a long time I've held on tight to the notion that I've got these 'wavelength' buddies - people who slip through the stream of life in a similar fashion to me; regardless of our independant struggles and endurances, we meet up every month or year and immediately gel - instantly combine our jigsaw pieces, clap our hands and say 'yeah'.
On the one hand it's all about familiarity. I have three stalwart life companions that, when we combine, there's legends being unwritten. However I wouldn't say that I have a best friend (aside from my girlfriend!). I don't know if it's the TV show that's skewed perceptions, but I do kinda feel like I'm supposed to have a solid group that I rely on for anything from advice to stress-relief. While I spent 4 years in sheffield I think I kept myself in reserve, knowing my 'life' was bound for brighton, then I get to brighton and it's flipped; I find myself pining for the 'other crowd', for that notion of belonging.
Then it struck me - My friend is this forum. It's my release, my consolation, my home and my church. It's sucky and lame to say but it's true. For the last decade-ish, my days have been spent with the safe knowledge that I'll be able to check the forums at some point.
But what is friendship? I don't feel like I've even scratched the surface. Do you have life-long friends, or what? C'mon, go essay on this shit.