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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I got it on Wednesday, so you must loathe me. Anyways, this game truly is the defining game for the Wii, I've enjoyed every moment of this game thus far, got 37 stars, day off today so I'm gonna try and get to 60 stars at least.
  2. He means the new idiot guide you get when you boot up Super Mario Galaxy, before the title screen it tells you to put on the wrist strap, hold the Wii remote tightly and don't let go and now it also tells you to use the Wii remote jacket. Firmware update which allows you to turn off such warnings would be nice to say the least.
  3. This game just keeps getting better and better ^^ each new Area, Galaxy, Planet, Boss Battle... it's all brilliant. It really does feel like the true sequel to Super Mario 64. Gonna go play it for a bit more now.
  4. I'm not going, I'll be sitting at home playing the game as I got it yesterday, btw it's awesome ^^' I hope any of you who haven't got it get your copies soon. : peace:
  5. I've played it for around 5 hours now and have 15 stars, lol who said this game could be easily completed first time in 6 hours? I don't think so, not even if you rush, theres just so much to see and do. Gonna leave it at that for today and get some sleep but will play it some more tomorrow, but for now I'm just happy because... [Charles Martinet Voice] Hehe! I Got it! [/Charles Martinet Voice] Lol sorry I couldn't resist ^^' I really do hope that it comes soon for anyone who hasn't got it yet though. : peace:
  6. So far I have 11 Stars and I'm enjoying it even more I think many reviews stated that the bosses were easy and well, they kind of are but they are on the same level of difficulty as Super Mario 64's bosses really. Anyway I'm off to play it for 15 mins more before I have to go to work. T.T I'll no doubt play it more later though but so far it's really good. ^^'
  7. Well I left for an hour and a half, to play Super Mario Galaxy gonna take a lunch break now but my first impressions? It's amazing and really fun! I hope it comes soon for you all as it really is a fantastic game. Well worth the wait. Okies I'll go away again now... >>
  8. Hell Yes! my faith in Play.com has been restored... Super Mario Galaxy has arrived for me literally just moments ago! I opened the package, saw the boxart and just said "OMG! Super mario Galaxy!" which I continued to repeat several times on my way to my Wii which is now switched on and ready to play it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play what is quite possbily destined to be the Wii's best game!
  9. Woot! Play.com have literally just posted my copy of Super Mario Galaxy which I preordered months ago, which means I should get it on Thursday or maybe tomorrow if I'm really lucky. Either way, best piece of news I've had all day.
  10. Hmm interesting, I would download Ninja Gaiden Black if they put it up there for download, other than that, not much else, hopefully they will have achievements too, otherwise the service will have limited appeal.
  11. I have no respect for people who thoughtlessly take stuff that isn't theirs with no thought towards what the belongings might mean to the people who own them, it's disgraceful and there is no excuse for it. I'm sorry to hear that this has happened Cube, I hope they catch whoever did this and make them compensate both you and your housemates.
  12. Got 4 or 5 hours sleep so far... gonna go and get 3 hours more.
  13. I've just finished this truly exceptional game, though I'm both happy and sad as it's the end to the Metroid Prime trilogy which I have played since it started. Of course getting 100% items and scans in the previous two I had to do it again on the third instalment, so I did. The 100% ending is good, I won't spoil it but it's just a fitting end to the trilogy I guess. Final boss, which I also won't spoil is both decent and enjoyable, kind of easy to guess the final boss early on in the game but actually seeing, playing and then defeating is a satisfying experience. Overall Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption betters it's predecessors in many ways thanks mostly to it's intuitive but solid method of control. Though as standalone entities I think I still prefer the original Metroid Prime, as a trilogy though, all three games will always occupy a special place in my heart along with the immortal Super Metroid. Where will the series go from here? who knows, but if the next Metroid game turns out to be even as half as good as the combined Metroid Prime trilogy then that will be an achievement in it's own right, a Metroid game that surpasses them however would truly be something to behold. Either way I'm sure that Samus Aran will return so until that time... See you next mission!
  14. The friend vouchers, nice feature but Retro could have easily just allowed you to unlock the extras via the main game that a linked to the friend vouchers, I mean it's using Wii connect 24 fair enough but it also means that a lot of people might never see the extras due to not bothering with the friend vouchers. The actual game itself is amazing though, sure it's the same concept but if it isn't broke, don't break it! the controls work just as they should and the ways that the controls are incorporated into the main gameplay are well thought out, absolutely loving it atm.
  15. "wer'e playin Nintendo ohoh oh ohoh" lol nice find Caris.
  16. That comment is BS and they are singling the Wii out, the PS2 has a lot of "Mature" games (or at least percieved to be mature but thats another matter) but it also has a load of family friendly platformers etc too. How is the Wii any different in the respect of software? putting the debate of quality of software aside, Konami are simply singling the Wii out due to it's controls, though I don't know why as they have been proven to work? Completely pointless and illogical comments probably fuelled by numerous back-handers and a certain amount of success on other platforms, most / all games companies want to make money and if they were to port Silent Hill games to the Wii they would make cash, tbh though I'm personally not bothered either way as I have enough games to play already. The point is though, it could easily be done, Konami's narrow mindedness = Fail.
  17. Hmm so when they all simultaneously initiate a "Falcon Punch" won't that potentially just be another set of three red lights waiting to happen?
  18. I just defeated Crocomire and got the Grappling beam ^^ taking a break for lunch now but after that I'm gonna go in search for every grapple point that I have seen thus far.
  19. Hmm it mentions that you need a retail till receipt... but if you buy it online you don't get that? Will they accept a printed receipt from time of purchase online?
  20. I've been making some nice progress today, increased my missile capacity and found the reserve tank by bombing every suspect wall also got another energy tank to play with, woot. ^^
  21. Is is me or is E4 (Extend Every Extra Extreme) more addictive than caffiene? Like I'm sure it won't be played as much in a week or so but right now it's really fun to play despite being quite simple in it's execution.
  22. woot finally found a way out ^^ I'd almost forgotten how well designed this game is now to make some REAL progress before I have to go to work ><
  23. I'd say that it's worth it but... when you become stuck like I am now it does become somewhat disheartening. but other than getting stuck it's awesome.
  24. Stuck! >< Norfair, I can go back up to Brinstar but there is a bit where I fell down to get to Norfair that i can't get back up... there is an energy refil station at the bottom of it and it's in Brinstar if that helps, it's also not wall jumpable, not enough to get out. If I cantinue into Norfair I get to a place surround with green bubble walls which either leads to a spiked pit which you need either the ice beam or grapple beam to cross or another jump which again I can't cross... Any help / tips aprpeciated, *sigh* I recall getting a lot further than this without becoming stuck the last time I played it. ><
  25. Super Metroid is by far better than the original, as for comparing it with Prime? my answer is simple... Super Metroid = Best 2D Metroid game Metroid Prime = Best 3D Metroid game While they are both stunning games IMO there isn't any point in saying one is better than the other because due to the different perspectives which offer different brands of gameplay even if they are based on the same concept, they are incomparable.
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