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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Almost done with this, just the quiz and Grunty to go, otherwise I have 100% of Everything.: peace:
  2. XD Idm... I have all three consoles and I'm not exactly zealous about owning any of them (just that the 360 is my console of choice mainly) I've played MGS4 and I enjoyed it a lot at the time, but looking back it was still ever so slightly overhyped, sure if they ported it to 360 they might need to adjust the textures to make it fit onto "X" number of discs but really there isn't a tremendous difference in graphics between the two systems, anyway we shall see.
  3. it's blatantly Metal Gear - something for 360 as the last bit in the green lettering is the inside bit of the ring of light, it's most likely just MGS4 on 360 with extras.
  4. ^^^ it was an original interpretation though and it was composed so technically it is... also, any chance of a mod changing the thread title as I'm sue it's "composition" not trying to be a grammar Nazi or anything it's just bugging me and probably others too >> Anyway, nice work Edjamakated, not really my thing but you obviously enjoyed making it.
  5. That was a quality cover Tapedeck ^^ if you're thinking of covering any more new Killers tracks I reckon Spaceman would be epic, anyways very nice.
  6. Happy Birthday guys! ^^
  7. Kinda assumed cos it kinda sounds like a womans name anyway not that it matters cos regardless of gender, he's still wrong, yes I know it's just an opinion etc etc but wtf? 4/10 >> like I said before the only good thing that will come out of these review is that Sega hopefully won't add anything like the werehog stuff to Sonic games ever again, not that those bits are bad but they aren't good either. :/ Still as far as the Sonic action goes, it's the best it's been in a long time so as long as they keep the Sonic bits like that, I'll be happy, one minor criticism though... the plane level? wtf... just pressing a sequence of buttons = fail I wanted to fly the Tornado II just like I could fly it in Sonic Adventure and the Bi-plane in Sonic 2. Other than that, Sonic is back on form.
  8. It's up on XBLA Marketplace on the 360 now too.
  9. None at all really Rez, just the obvious Achievements on 360 and Trophies on PS3, I went for 360 version but it's just personal choice, if you are waiting for it to drop, £20 - £25 is about the right price for it tbh but I bought it for full rrp just because I really wanted it lol.
  10. Blech! no wonder it scored so low, Hilary Goldstein reviewed it, I've tended to disagree with a lot of her reviews in the past plus she pretty much disliked Unleashed since the preview. Anyway it's not all bad because I have a feeling she could have easily given it a 7 or an 8 because of the awesome Sonic sections but I think the score was so low because really IGN like everyone else are actually frustrated because half of the game is amazing and the other half just isn't because of the werehog, the reasoning is probably that Sega will then look at the majority of low scores and then next time make a Sonic game that has just Sonic sections. Sure it'll be shorter, but if I'm honest thats what I'd like, the werehog sections aren't actually that bad once you get used to them but the point is Sonic has always been about pick up and play gameplay, not pickup, think wtf am I supposed to do and then put (or throw) down the controller due to one irratating battle or several annoying jumps. But yeah, basically the Sonic parts are near perfect, so as long as they just keep that for the next one then nothing can go wrong, or they could do what I and probably many others have wanted them to do for ages and just release a really shiny looking 2D Sonic game on XBLA with gameplay similar to Rush, Unleashed (Sonic bits) but that actually controls like the MD versions now THAT would be epic. Anyway as far as Unleashed goes they got half of it right amazingly, but the other half? I know it's not that bad but still... *facepalm*
  11. Ollie go here... http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/offers/00000001-0000-4000-8000-000058410954 and click on Download to Xbox 360 (gotta be signed in on the website to do it)
  12. For anyone getting the game off Live today, it's up now on the web-browser based version of marketplace, priced at 1200 points.
  13. Fake Plastic Trees easilly...
  14. Seconded, trailer was nice but I would like to see Moar! regardless though this will probably be a decent sequel hopefully.
  15. It truely would be epic if they somehow released an additional content pack and re-added in some of the originally planned lvls, that'd be huge ^^ won't happen though... probably... but still.
  16. I remember both Tooie and CBFD coming out on the same day / week and I'm glad I bought CBFD at the time, definitely the right decision for me, I'd allready played BK (had it since release) and loved it, my younger brother ended up getting Tooie anyway so he ended up liking it more but because I never actually owned it I didn't actually play it properly so I'll be downloading Tooie as well when that hits XBLA.
  17. QFT! I see no point in voting if both songs are rubbish.
  18. Ty for that good sir! I too have purchased it at that awesome price, it's been out what... a few weeks? thats almost as cheap as the original and in a Steelbook too, it did say it was part of a Mega Monday promotion so I'm guessing one day only, anyways a great deal. ^^
  19. It seems no two persons opinions on The Killer's are the same even if they like them lol because for me I really liked Hot Fuss when it came out, but now I only like about half the album... Sam's Town, I loved pretty much all of it when it came out and I still do, Day and Age, I love half of it but the rest is strangely growing on me, Human is overrated, Spaceman is awesome, I also like A Dustland Fairytale, Losing Touch, Neon Tiger and A Crippling Blow. Interestingly that last "bonus track" sounds the most like something off of Sam's Town than any of the others and I really like it for that, anyway, overall it's a great album I think, just not amazing like the second was.
  20. Happy Birthday Killer Kirby! ^^
  21. Google it... see if anyones had any problems with it, if not do it, if so delete it... [/thread] note: my comment isn't probably that helpful though as I only have a relatively old phone so for all I know it could be a completely legit update thing... or a virus.
  22. The general view is it's someone who has played games for 75% - 99.9% of their lives and is only satisfied by the games that really contribute greatly to gaming as a whole and so will typically avoid shovelware and film cash-ins but will quite rightly play through the latest blockbuster title in a short space of time and then complain when there is nothing out to play for a period of days, weeks or months.
  23. Another pointless review... obviously the 3D Sonic games will never be as good as the 2D ones in the same way, so any review by a reviewer who hates 3D Sonic games completely just for the sake of it shouldn't really be taken seriously.
  24. I don't really care anymore, for it's simple, if an outstanding exclusive retail game comes out on the Wii I will buy it, until then I shall enjoy the allready exceptional collection of truly excellent VC games that are available for it.
  25. I read that review and tbh it's pretty shit (the review not the game) still awaiting my copy and I still think it'll be a solid 7.5... 4 is just harsh, Sonic 2006 may have deserved that but not Unleashed...
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