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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. *gives Raining a massive hug* that sucks, I mean it's instinctive to scratch when you get an itch but then for skin to then start bleeding once you've scratched it... must be really annoying. :/
  2. Jesus fucking christ... it didn't take long for this thread to turn from interesting and harmless chatter to mundane mud-slinging*... *I don't include everyone in that statement, just the general feeling I got from reading most of this page. ------------------------------------------ Stuwii... if that's your opinion then fine but that doesn't make it so Radiohead are excellent Imo, some might even go as far to say as they are a national treasure in a similar way to say PJ Harvey - not a direct musical comparison - but boring? really? I'm sorry to hear you say that even if you aren't. ------------------------------------------ Thank you JonSt, they may not be to everyone's taste, this is true but I happen to like Linkin Park and Hands Held High is also a favourite track of mine out of everything they've done, seeing them perform live was really enjoyable. ------------------------------------------ Today I listened to Homogenic by Bjork in its entirity and I absolutely loved it, probably the best album I've heard from her so far even though the first two are on near-equal level in some respects; her music definitely seems to get progressively better.
  3. Happy Birthday Domstercool! you crazy, RPG loving, game hoarding legend!
  4. Sleep Now in The Fire I'm familiar with both tracks and I prefer RATM in all honesty.
  5. Ah... sadly it was wasted on me as although I have it, I haven't listened to it yet >.> but I shall, tonight? possibly... but not before, though I will be listening to Homogenic on the journey to / from work today so I think I can be temporarily forgiven.
  6. Eh, agreed? if going by the definition - "A difficult and futile endeavor may be called a “labor of Sisyphus†or a “Sisyphean task."
  7. Either Match 9 of this round or the start of Round 4... whichever it is I hope it comes soon too.
  8. An excellent cover brilliantly performed, Beej & Peej harmonise really well and practically make that song their own.
  9. And if you complain, once more... you'll meet an army of me. Personally I love it... Army of me an excellent starting track, also I'd recommend listening to the original version rather than the live version posted above, not that it'll make much difference though I guess. Also the album gets progressively better as it goes along with Hyper-Ballad starting off rather quietly and then picking up the pace towards the end brilliantly which is then maintained by The Modern Things and then It's oh-so quiet which is just brilliant. Meh well I love it anyway it's a fantastic album for anyone who likes / appreciates Bjork. [/bias opinion]
  10. He's not being killed, just corrected :P Metroid has always been first and foremost an amazing single player experience and it always will be and no amount of tacked-on multiplayer components or off-shoots will change that... ...ever!
  11. Tbf I was amazed that me and my brother didn't come back with Swine Flu or something when we went to Sonisphere, even though we washed our hands with that anti-bacterial stuff after the few times we used the toilets, there were still quite long periods of time where we hadn't washed our hands and thinking about it, would have been so easy to contract a bug or something at a place like that... I guess we were just lucky.
  12. Just when I thought I'd erased that song from my memory years ago... still it made me smile.
  13. Army of Me is a stunning opening track, well balanced electronica with vivid vocals, it's all perfectly pitched and paced which makes it a joy to listen to. Yeah... if I did nothing but listen to the 15 - 20 albums I've ordered recently then a week would be doable but I tend to save certain new albums for the journey to and from work - when I need it most - and because I work five days a week then that's an album each working day, so I have at least a months worth really. Plus I don't like to listen to it all in one go, I think it's better to spread them out and look forward to listening to each new album and having a set time to do this helps a lot, though certain albums I will listen to while I'm at home first, YS will be one such album as the length of the tracks aren't very 'travel-friendly' because I tend to like hearing tracks in their entirity and so will avoid turning off when the journey comes to an end unless I absolutely have to or I'll even stop listening when one track has finished if the journey has less than a minute to go rather than spilling over into the next track and wanting to listen to it all when I know I can't because of work. I know, I have some rather 'particular' listening habits but that's just my way of enjoying music.
  14. Congrats Caris! I'm happy for you. ------------------------------------ I'm still trying to increase my weight a bit but I've been a bit slack obout weighing myself which isn't good >.> maybe I'll step on the scales tomorrow and see where I stand.
  15. I listened to Post by Bjork today... such a stunning sophomore album, absolute quality from start to finish, it's just so good, I love it. --------------------- Moar CD's in the post today... Bjork - Drawing Restraint 9 Tori Amos - Under The Pink Soundgarden - Superunknown I will listen to all of these albums I've been buying recently, honestly... >.> give me until 2010 though yeah?
  16. Metroid has never been about Multiplayer and it never would be, the multiplayer mode in Echoes and Hunters were 'interesting experiments' but that's all and should never be repeated. Metroid Prime is one of the most absorbing single-player games anyone is ever likely to experience, not buying / rebuying it because it doesn't have online multiplayer should be a crime.
  17. Hmm? not at all... personally I voted for the Rip because it's a more enjoyable song for me personally and so did Paj I believe, so obv we'd like it to win... your vote is appreciated Erin that's all.
  18. It's a good change tbf, makes it seem that little bit less typically American, plus I don't really like Admiral Dane... sure it was good to show a bit more of what the Galactic Federation is like but when you've got that guy as a figurehead it just makes for unnecessary annoyance and does absolutely nothing for the atmosphere / story.
  19. I would tbf... it'd be a well deserved win. Yeah, don't worry it's definitely a good thing.
  20. The Pal version comes in a plastic case but quite honestly idc... It still looks damn good and the actual games play better than ever I'm about 60% - 75% of the way through Prime now progress-wise and still loving every minute of it, also here's something I thought might amuse people who have played it the game before... Metroid Prime Hunters DS reference anyone?
  21. Welcome NintenWho I've been playing Metroid Prime Trilogy since Saturday night and I can confidently say that the refinements make it all very much worth playing through again; the controls are spot-on and once you get used to them you'll prefer them to the GC's original controls - I do anyway - they are that refined. Also the new - I think, for Prime / Echoes anyway - ability of being able to do a single jump while in morph-ball mode is most welcome and lends itself well to assisting with bomb jumping - for the noobs who can't handle doing it the proper way... j/k - not to mention enabling you to mess about and do certain bits out of sequence, if you want to spend ages doing so anyway, but mostly it helps in making certain areas quicker when backtracking which is nice. The game itself has never looked so good and even with the very slight border - which you don't give a damn about when playing - it's still very nicely presented indeed and as much fun to play as its always been, plus the achievements which are now in all three games will please the die-hard completionists out there, you know who you are.
  22. *looks at 3rd Gen iPod Nano*
  23. Nice, I was contemplating picking up GOW 1 + 2 in their original PS2 format - NTSC obv - but assuming this works out the same / cheaper then I'll just get this instead because this is basically gonna be the equivelant of Metroid Prime Trilogy - in terms of quality not a direct comparison - but for the PS3.
  24. Heh I was wondering when this scheme would be implemented, it's looking really damn good, the only thing is coloured names don't show up as well against the background on this scheme but, it's a small price to pay.
  25. Brrrainsss!
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