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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. What? ... no but seriously... stuff like this...
  2. How about... ducks? *waits for people to mis-read as something rude* >.>
  3. It matters not one bit, anyone who has played either of the Neutopia games will realise this, practically complete clones of the early Zelda games, but enjoyable? Fuck Yes!
  4. Randomly selected an album on my player today Eyes Open by Snow Patrol... I listened to about half of it, enough to hear the wonderful Set the Fire to the Third Bar with Martha Wainwright speaking of which I may get into some more of her stuff because I heard and loved her self-titled album not long ago. Also listened to the first half of Dry by PJ Harvey which I can't seem to get enough of ^^ and now I've just finished up listening to In Rainbows by Radiohead once again, it definitely gets better with each listen, quality stuff.
  5. Fair enough lol but you do realise that drinking 12 cans in one go is enough to give you heart palpatations/possible heart attack? ------------------------------------------------ Still undecided on whether to pick this up on release or not... I will realistically play through it once on single-player mode, dabble with the multiplayer and then sell it a week later, but if I waited until it's half-price I'd just buy it, play it and justify keeping it for the multiplayer... >.> of course I could always rent it but meh.
  6. GOTY 'fo 'sho...
  7. This is my new obsession, I'm riding high upon a deep depression Some people kill without sympathy, is this human regression? What is this obsession? Am I your posession?
  8. Yes... yes you are... luvurly but you're right, Absinthe is her worst album, I enjoyed ADP a lot more, also I've pre-ordered Midwinter Graces despite the shitness of its album art. Mhmm, never really did 'go-go' for GaGa... most of her songs just fall short for me failing to keep me interested for the duration, there's nothing particularly 'wrong' with it I guess but nothing particularly 'amazing' either.
  9. But they are lovely, you can stare into them and kinda get lost... ... srsly though, you've got good eyes Goafer, be proud of them! [/uncomfortable Silence] ------------------------------------------------------------- Calm down dear, it's just a comment... Ross don't worry, I'm sure Jay was referring to the differences between the two standard kits that you get with the games and tbf I'd probably agree - apart from the pedal because that slides around on the floor - but yeah the ION kit is in a league of its own I'm sure and so it should be for the amount it costs I'd love to own one, maybe one day...
  10. Seriously, if they can pull it off, then it could potentially be amazing I just hope we don't end up with something with one good part and two bad parts, it'll be interesting to see how it develops though.
  11. Very concerned because it will last a few more days, to maybe a week maximum before it completely goes, that is usually what happens, so the sooner it RROD's properly the better, then you can get it back in time for MW2.
  12. Why not keep the picture taking part, scrap the rest and turn it into Pokemon Snap 2? It may be too early to tell but I get the feeling that this could turn out to be the Wii equivelant of Pokemon Channel... :/ I mean it has potential but... meh Idk, just got a bad feeling about this, though I'd like to be proven wrong.
  13. That's not true, they do and are replaced by regular ones.
  14. Do you have a fucking death-wish? Stick to one or two cans, that way at least you'll live to see the end of Uncharted 2...
  15. And also what will tire me out most before work so it'll be good to have a bit of assistance from the bike when going uphill, plus at the start of the journey there I'll be going down a steep hill so on the way back it'll be a steep hill I have to pedal up on my way back from work when I'm likely to be kinda tired, so again the assistance will be useful there. It's not as if it's gonna make things 'effortless' there will still be a good deal of pedalling done by myself, it's merely a bit of assisted power provided by a battery, that's all... if I ever feel like a 'challenge' I can always switch to a non-assisted gear and ride it normally, but it'll be good to have the option there rather than to needlessly struggle.
  16. While I don't really care for many Boyzone songs, as a person Stephen Gately always came across as a nice guy so it's sad that he died so young. R.I.P
  17. I love Bedshaped but had never seen the video to it, ty for that Rez. ------------------------------------------------------ Today I finished listening to Abnormally Attracted To Sin by Tori Amos which concludes my listening of her entire discography and overall I enjoyed it alot, some really amazing tracks from her as well as some fantastic albums. I also had time for one more track on the way home so I put on Forever More by Moloko as I walked from the bus stop to home for the last time - in the evenings at least - and it's still just as brilliant as it has always been for me ^^ I should give the whole album another listen sometime though.
  18. It's not a problem as such, it just means that the story will kind of fall by the wayside as a result because your character is a variable instead of a constant, though you're right, I'm sure it won't matter when actually playing the game.
  19. Fuck Idk why I didn't post this before but... Pepper my current stash lolz I love the stuff a bit too much, but 'tis a harmless addiction. *snorts yet another line* >.>
  20. Ok... it still has pedals, you turn the electric bit on when you need it, so for the most part I will be using it like a normal bike but on the steep hills that's when it'll be used so I'll still be keeping 'fit' with it though I may need to start eating a bit more because I need to be putting on weight, not losing it really, but yeah, cycling regularly will be good for me still I reckon. Ty Rez it's mainly for getting to/from work because the bus service here - in the afternoon/evenings - has become mega phailz and I need to be at work for certain times but I had figured it'd do me some good too and of course the other main purpose is that it'll save me a fuckload of cash each year... so I can keep fuelling my pepper addiction >.> :wink:
  21. Meerkat Metro - Electric Bike Bought this beast seeing as I'll now be cycling to work as of a week Monday! I'm actually kinda excited about it, I haven't rode a bike for about a decade so... should be fun. Got all the other shizzle today as well, decent helmet, gloves, clothing, front and back lights oh and a chain of course, can't wait till it arrives and I can start using it. ^^
  22. It's all looking - and sounding - pretty nice, the only thing I don't like is that while it copies Zelda in almost every way, near the end of this video it seems to show that you can't 'hop' down over ledges in the overworld without losing health which is a bit meh but apart from that it's shaping up to be pretty awesome. The only other thing I can see maybe being a problem is that, the fact that you can completely change the main char will probably mean that the accompanying story will probably be quite rubbish or non-existant because picture this if you will... King character - "And so it's up to you to save the world!" *camera pans to main char* *Player has edited the main hero into a random object, say... a turd* Main character - "..." It'd just seem a bit silly no? :p
  23. Anything and Everything...
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