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Everything posted by S.C.G
I lol'd... Never did get why they deicded to call the great Dr Ivo Robotnik - formerly Dr Ovi Kintobor according to STC - a lesser name such as Eggman of course I understand that it's easier to say but it's just so '...' plus the fact that they 'explained' it into the plot of Sonic Adventure as the nickname that Sonic himself gave him. :/ *spits* Some things should remain unchanged...
^ Mmmmm nice rice Eddie You know what else would go well with that? Chorizo... aka 'food of the gods'
Did you fall in love? Zing boom!
Well I was just about to get cast into the water when suddenly the tide changed and... 'You crawled out of the sea and straight into my arms' After being stunned by ISBIC I didn't think that AICS would be as impressive but I feel like I've been retroactively critically hit! *Sam is out of usable Pokemon... Sam blacked out*
I recall her performing this at Eden... well she either teased it or performed it or both but by the time Black Horse & the Cherry Tree was played I didn't really care as I was fully enjoying the performance. I couldn't resist... :p But it is true, I remember when I first started posting in the original Music Thread - R.I.P :/ - even though I'd perhaps rather forget it now... I'm so glad that I actually decided to start engaging in conversation about something I've loved for so long but never truly realised how much. Indeed many of the artists that I listen to today I probably wouldn't have even considered if it weren't for this forum and I'd probably still be 'stuck' in a musical rut listening to Kaiser Chiefs or even... *braces self* Razorlight *washes self clean* so really, truly I'd like to say a big 'Thank You' as I feel genuinely blessed after listening to such a diverse range of music over the past few years which I may not have even considered; genuinely never thought I'd ever be listening to a single member of the Trion - let alone all three - and now I simply can't imagine my life without them. Of course there are bands which I have always loved, still do and always will... Foo Fighters being a prime example but now I feel like I've gained a great deal of perspective which is most welcome indeed... anyway I'll shut up now but you get my point. :p --------------------------- So after listening to both Junior and Senior by Röyksopp yesterday I must say that while I still prefer the cheerfulness of the former, the stark contrast of the latter is indeed welcome though I feel like I'd need to listen more before I actually appreciate it fully. Today I've decided to finally unseal Alas I Cannot Swim by Laura Marling after hearing and falling in love with I Speak Because I Can last year I felt like I needed to give the first album a listen, so today the time has come, throw me into the water and lets see what happens.
The downloadable quests are timed? That sucks, didn't have to worry about that with Dragon Quest if I recall correctly. This puts me in two minds... the downloadable quests either aren't essential or simply aren't that great and are just there to artificially bolster the length of the title.
Currently listening again to Junior by Röyksopp before a long overdue unsealing of Senior which I only got around to purchasing a few months ago despite owning Junior since it came out. Should be interesting... anyway here are a few of my favourite tracks from Junior. '6 afraid of 7, cause 7 8 9 I'm about to lose it a second time Staring at the wall, hour after hour Running up and down, over and over'
Were they attempting to play Human Tetris? :p
I enjoyed this, not something I'd normally consider listening to but then... this is what the Music Thread is for so it's good to see it getting back on-track.
I probably would have picked this up but I haven't seen it anywhere in the high-street... I know why too, big supermarkets etc are afraid to stock it as they don't think it will sell that well overall and I suppose they are probably right but personally I think we need more stuff like this on the shelf and less shovelware crap that many third parties have been flinging at the DS for several years... ... not that it matters a great deal now but, it'll only be a matter of time before this happens on a similar scale for the 3DS which is a sad thing indeed. :/ --------------------------------------------- On-topic - this game looks decent and I'll most likely pick it up at some point but it's not high on my list of priorities at the moment, but one day... perhaps.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuu.... Chemical Plant Zone has never looked so good!
This is the first video it came up with for me on that site... Anything that features the Star Light Zone music from Sonic is awesome in my books.
@ Helmsly - those screens look niiice rappies! @ Shorty - if it exists then I feel they should include it, especially if this gets a console release too.
Still not biting... ShopTo will most likely lower their price to follow suit.
Torchwood is something I just watch because 'it's there' if it wasn't then I wouldn't watch it - because I couldn't - nor would I mourn it as a loss. Last nights episode was watchable, equally though if they decided to not show the rest of the series it wouldn't matter that much to me... I'll watch it, to see how it pans out and ties into Dr Who but other than that... just... meh. I'm sure there are plenty of programmes that are worse than it at the moment, but equally... I'm sure there are better.
Apple and Blackcurrant Fabs?!? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... must buy, when see... Please don't tell me they're exclusive to Morrisons.
Oh... still, that could change, plus I want to be playing the game either on release date or before, not sat there waiting for it.
I downloaded it last night - took about two hours due to BT doing things to the line supposedly improving the connection... definitely faster today though - and I can confirm that it is indeed bigger and dare I say it... ... better. Yes, it defintiely feels more refined than the original - which there was nothing wrong with - for instance there are now power lines which you can slide along plus 'launchers' which work the same way as the barrels in DKC! Oh and there's a proper map screen now - Mario style - plus loooooooads more content, I've only played about 3 or 4 levels and would already highly recommend it! ^^
... If all of the above is more than likely going to be available as DLC at a later date then GAME can sod off. :p I'd rather purchase the game for around £5 + cheaper on ShopTo, get it early and buy the 'extra' stuff with Microsoft points which I'll be able to get cheap via work meaning that all the dlc will probably cost me the equivelant of £2.00 as opposed to them slapping an extra fiver on just 'because they can'.
^ I have indeed noticed the above... By the by... sorry that the review isn't finished yet, I've spent mroe time playing the game then reviewing it in truth lol fault of The Mercenaries for being so addictive. :P I'll try and make an effort to have it finished by this weekend.
Just finished another puzzle... Game : "Congratulations!" Me: "It's a toilet..." Game : "Bucket" Me: "...well I was half right" this game.
^Truth... Just finished my first puzzle after getting back into this awesome game... Game : "Congratulations!" Me: "It's a pair of bewbs?!? Game : "Oranges" Me: "..." Yep... Picross is awesome.
Yeah, we're supposedly getting Mario's Picross today - pro game - but it's not even up yet... I may have to resort to 'drastic' measures and actually dig out the original cartridge and play it on my GBC... ... heck I may even do that anyway, at least that way I get to play it with a bit of colour. *edit* I couldn't stop myself... ah the memories, the theme music to this game is awesome, not mention Mario's cheeky - yet creepy- wink he does on the title screen. ... anyway, Picross = Win!