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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. So... PC it is then. Well at least it gives me a valid reason to try and cast Resta on my dying desktop before giving up and then buying a brand new - cheap and cheerful - base unit with a mid-range graphics card so I can run it comfortably. :p *prepares to watch the above videos and get properly hyped*
  2. It started on consoles and so should continue on them, I'm not saying being it to all consoles, just the Xbox 360 because it already has the established userbase thanks to PSU - it's now the only place you can play it online in the US/Europe - plus the whole thing about content updates having to be paid for isn't entirely true, besides... Ambition of the Illuminus - PSU expansion - was paid for regardless of format; you had to buy it on a disc for PC/PS2 but it was just DLC on Xbox live, relatively cheap at that... plus later down the line they actually made it free when the 'change' was implemented. Just saying, Sega could quite easily support both PC and Xbox 360 versions if they choose to, if they don't bring out an Xbox 360 version then why even bring PSU to it in the first place. Ultimately... if it comes down to it, I'll buy it for the PC but I reaaaaaally don't want to.
  3. I have added back everyone who has added me... kinda pointless me saying that because you can all see for yourselves on your 3DS friend list but anyway. :p I look forward to possibly playing some online games with you all in the future.
  4. I shed a small solitary tear of joy after watching the above trailer... :') ... and then a bucketload more after realising that this hasn't been announced for any consoles! This had better come to Xbox 360 after/alongside the PC version, I find it a massive disservice to fans of the first PSO - the original console exclusive MMO - that we're currently stuck with just PSU on the 360 and that this... PSO2 the game we have dreamed about for so long is coming out seemingly exclusively for the PC. Seriously... it had better only be timed exclusivity, if Sega decides to keep it PC only then they'll have lost one loyal fan and perhaps many more besides; yes you could argue that I should just 'get a new PC' but really this should be on the Xbox as well; there really is no reason for it not to be. TL/DR: this should be on Xbox 360 as well but otherwise it's looking fucking amazing!
  5. This... in fact it'll be pretty interesting if she is indeed playable, though they've got to get it right. I want to see both classic Amy - Sonic CD era - and modern Amy - Sonic Adventure era - as there is quite a bit of difference... I've always preferred the original Amy tbh.
  6. The above is true... it seems there are better times to buy points than others depending on where you buy them from, only recently in Tesco there were many chart titles reduced but in addition to this when you purchased a points card with them, you'd save an additional £10 making them ludicrously cheap.
  7. Dyson... how did you find this video, I'm curious. Either way, it had me in stitches.
  8. I couldn't have described it better myself, must play it a bit more though... I'm trying to alternate between Bastion and Ms Splosion Man which is also fantastic but in an entirely different way.
  9. Well at least they expanded the online options plus added more varied armour types, so it's not a real step backwards... it's just worryingly light on content. I'm still more than happy to be blasting huge aliens/insects/robots again though.
  10. Ah well in that case, we got kinda fucked over... *goes back to blasting the hell out of giant insect scum*
  11. Well I can't really argue with you there, but at least it didn't pretend to be anything but relatively short, I mean the low price is defintiely an indication of that as I'm sure the original would have retailed for near full price when it came out despite it being cheap now. All I can say is there is a DLC option on the menu so perhaps we'll get level packs at some point? Not ideal I agree but better than nothing surely.
  12. Yeah but... try doing them on Inferno difficulty setting from the start, trust me... you'll be glad there's only fifteen levels when they take about an hour or two for each mission. :p
  13. I heard about this earlier, It's sad but somewhat unsurprising news... Anyway, R.I.P Amy Winehouse.
  14. I hate mayo!! It just tastes soooo wrong :-( Srsly... I can't be the only one who thinks that it ruins perfectly good meals plus there are far, far superior condiments available Imo.
  15. Or a week long deal in-store... ended on 17th though.
  16. I have it... the Xbox 360 version anyway :p got it at work yesterday, it was on the shelf and I thought to myself "that shouldn't be there yet" ... *purchases* and what's more it was only £19.84 or something yet I only ended up paying £15 and even that was all in vouchers so... erm yay! I enjoyed the original and always planned to purchase this as soon as I found out about it - which only seems like months/weeks ago - and last night it ended up being the reason I only got about three or four hours sleep because it's so awesome... yet so punishing... yes I started it on the hardest difficulty and soloed the first mission because I'm that awesome/manly/foolish... probably just the last one there actually because it took me a good few retries and a fair number of hours just to beat the first mission. Levelled up the Jet armour a whole three and a half levels though so I'm quite pleased and I've now upgraded my arsenal significantly, planning to kick some insect ass again tonight after work, again probably solo but I'd be up for some co-op possibly at some point. Anyway... what people need to know, It's EDF for better and for worse but it's still frantic and fun which is all that matters. EDF! EDF! EDF!
  17. I wondered how long it'd be before ProvDonk posted lol I saw the name sign up two days ago, anyway... nice to know that you're Still Alive. Which reminds me... I bought Portal 2 the other day for approximately £10.50 and its been sitting here unsealed, I have some unfinished business to attend to... GLaDOS I'm coming for you!
  18. I enjoyed, they seem pretty decent for a new band. Also, I finally got around to properly listening to Grace by Jeff Buckely yesterday - Hallelujah! - I can see why you love the album, it's genuinely brilliant and I think it's a huge shame that he died when he did, especially in such an unnecessary way he clearly had so much more to give.
  19. Don't forget to play Xenoblade Chronicles... ... or else... ... you'll have not played it, which would be a pity, no?
  20. Ah but it goes without saying... No pepper = No deal! Though recently I've become quite liberal with the sweet chilli sauce because it's quite literally one of the best accompaniments since salt... ... and pepper. :wink:
  21. What a rubbish name change... Super Pokemon Scramble at least sounded half decent but Pokemon Rumble Blast? This isn't a Dragon Ball Z game.
  22. You have a point... Anyway, egg-related anomalies aside, I'm genuinely looking forward to this title though I wish they'd bring out another timed demo so that we can eggsperience the Chemical Plant Zone now. :p
  23. I know, I'm not dismissing you btw and I assume Shorty was joking too - hence why it was funny - but it's undeniable that Dr Robotnik is the better name and I just wish they'd kept it that way is all. At this point it doesn't matter, it's just a preference.
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