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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. That sucks @Ganepark32 I guess it could have been worse but still it's shit that you'd obviously rather not have to put up with/deal with... people who break into houses to steal stuff/harm others are scum.
  2. Well I've paid for my copy in advance on ShopTo so now the waiting game begins... ... fortunately it shouldn't be a very painful wait as I'll hopefully have Uncharted 3 by tomorrow. :wink:
  3. S.C.G

    Battlefield 3

    Servers are down... for the rest of the night so I hear, for maintenance? Is this correct? If so then it's back to the campaign for me, which I'm actually kind of enjoying at the moment but not as much as the multiplayer.
  4. This is why I love ShopTo... I can't wait until Uncharted 3 arrives, it'll be literally the first - and possibly last - PS3 game that I buy this year which is ok by me because I plan to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Out of the few PS3 games I own the Uncharted titles have been games that I play from start to finish without fail, I even dabbled in the multiplayer of the second for a little bit and found it to be enjoyable but never got 'seriously' into it... but if the multiplayer is even better in the third entry - which it blatantly is going by some of your comments - then I'll certainly be up for joining a few games every now and then. Just gotta get myself a decent headset... the official one is good I take it?
  5. S.C.G

    Battlefield 3

    So my first experience with the multiplayer has been cut tragically short... I get in from work, play one game which I lost connection to and now I can't even play the mutiplayer. 'Failed to connect to EA Online. Please try again' Almost the same thing happened to me with Medal of Honour, is it just me or EA's shit servers?
  6. S.C.G

    Battlefield 3

    So I got this today - ShopTo ftw - and I would be playing it right now but I have a few codes to register plus there's a 162 MB patch already, downloading it now, I hope this is for both parts of the game as all I did was put the single player disc into the drive, hopefully there isn't a seperate one for the multiplayer lol. Now upon loading the game it tells me to install 1.5GB of HD content from the multiplayer disc... ... hopefully I'll actually get to play this game before work lol. :p not that I'm complaining, I'm lucky to have it a day early.
  7. I did this when they had the original game up for offer, biggest mistake ever as they ran out of copies almost instantly and ended up sending me free plane tickets instead - which apparently are really easy to get hold of plus I wouldn't have used them - so I had to send them back and asked them in writing to just cancel the damn thing. I'm guessing their service must have improved somewhat over the years though but still, I wouldn't bother based on past experience plus the fact that I haven't even finished the other games anyway. >>' They are on my 'to complete' pile though...
  8. Clearly they don't know that November comes before December. I'm kind of guessing that they must have moved forward the release date though...
  9. I don't know if that makes it better or worse... :p --------------------------- I still can't wait for this game, I'm sure it can't really be that slow surely and in case it'll be a amrked improvement over New Super Mario Bros.
  10. I realised the one I found wasn't the actual product shortly after posting... ... still the 'official' wheel still doesn't inspire much confidence.
  11. I shan't be reading the full review in that case, not that I was going to anyway... :p Currently this is sitting quite nicely on a 93 according to Metacritic, not that it should influence your decision to purchase or not but I figured it's worth mentioning.
  12. Happy Birthday Guys!
  13. I think I've just found an image of it... ... I now wish that I hadn't.
  14. But then again Uncharted 2 had a disappointing final boss battle so there is room for improvement... everything else about the second game I liked though so I can kind of see where you're coming from. I'm pre-ordering it regardless though because from what I've seen so far it's surely going to be a solid single-player title at least, I'm not even taking the multiplayer into consideration at this point but judging by the amount of fun a load of you are having with the beta, it's probably a great additional component to the game.
  15. I'm sorry to hear that Raining... *mahooosive hugs* I truly hope that your Dad will be ok.
  16. Awesome... now show it some love! [/half serious] But seriously, I hope you're both enjoying it as the game is easily the best yet in the series.
  17. So was I the only person on the forum who actually bothered to buy Forza 4 on launch? Seriously, it's a truly fantastic game that has the driving experience completely nailed... I'm currently playing it with the new Microsoft Speed Wheel plus Kinect being used for the head-tracking and it's very much like driving should be, very impressed thus far. Also, anyone who has the game and is planning on getting all of the dlc, there's a season pass available which will likely save you a good few hundred MS points.
  18. The only thing that irked me about the latest demo was RoboChao, I really hope you can turn that little fucker off, I don't need to be told how to play a game that I've been playing since the very series began thank you very much! Everything else was excellent, roll on November 4th!
  19. Do Want!
  20. There might be some truth to that, because every time you end the game normally and it sends you to the main menu it always updates the stats etc. Still you'd have thought that they would include some sort of fail-safe to stop you from losing all your data... that's really shit.
  21. Happy Birthday Daft! And Happy Birthday Hamishmash! Okapipako says Happy Birthday... ...twice.
  22. Happy Birthday Guys!
  23. Will definitely be buying this as I love all games made by Treasure, I must admit though I would have thought more people would have been downloading Radiant Silvergun when it came out a few weeks back... ... though perhaps a similar level of excitement surrounds this despite it being something of a classic, I suppose Treasure games are rather niche but for those who know of their awesomeness they are some of the most compelling experiences in gaming.
  24. S.C.G

    Dark Souls

    Hmm at an early point in the game I was actually starting from this certain bonfire with 10 Estus Flasks... this continued to happen until I was killed by the ghosts but I died multiple times trying to get back to that point, if I get back to that point will I be able to 'pick up' something from that spot where I died which will restore my ability to claim 10 flasks again or am I completely misunderstanding this? Just that I recall having 10 flasks and since that point I've gone back to 5 and was just thinking how useful it would be to have those extra flasks back.
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