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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Absolutely loved every moment of the latest Easy Allies betting special, I watched it over breakfast this morning. Them dirty bets! The names! Those moments of confrontation! And of course, the greasiest of palms! :p R.I.P. Huber's Giants merch. -------------------------- Regarding the whole digital/physical games debate. While I understand the nature of the machine, having easy access to games in seconds, personally when I get a new console there's nothing better than building up that physical library of games, especially if the boxes for Switch titles turn out to be red cases, somewhere inbetween 3DS and Vita size and generally space-saving; perhaps similar to GameCube game boxes but more like the Japanese versions, always with the logo on the spine though along with coloured spines which continue the artwork or at the very least have full colour logos. Not that I'm specific about how I like my game boxes to be or anything though...
  2. I'm sorry to hear that martinist. Best wishes to you and your family. Also, it's sad to hear about that Nicktendo, I only just saw the news story about that, must be unsettling to know it happened where you grew up. --------------------------------- My bad stuff is nothing really, just getting over a cold, annoying when you've got stuff to do but can't focus because of it, a bit better today though.
  3. @Ashley if you could get them to tell us the Virtual Console launch line-up then that would be excellent. Other than that, just anything about the VC titles, especially GameCube games if you get to play them.
  4. I got a refund for my already paid for pre-order. Still... sad about the game not getting made due to Microsoft's bullishness. It would be nice to see it re-tooled and released on the Switch or the PS4, let's hope it happens.
  5. So... you can pre-order your Poochy amiibo with Free game now. You know you're only buying it for the amiibo really... ...so that you can pair it with your Yarn Yoshi amiibo and faithfully recreate those promotional animations. :p
  6. Oh shi... I'm more concerned about this game being cancelled of course, awful news for Platinum Games... ...but I actually put money down for a pre-order on a two games for £80 deal (plus staff discount) effectively getting me the game for £32, I guess I'm going to have to put a call in tomorrow; or play a very long waiting game. I still hope this game has a future in some form or another though, it would be a great shame to see it scrapped.
  7. £200 is also about the right price for it really. If it's less than £250 I'll be happy. £300 with a game and a Pro Controller.
  8. I sure am! Sounds good! See you at 8PM.
  9. Yes, I too discovered this, it's running buttery smooth for the first time in a while which resulted in me claiming my Plus games for this month, then I saw the Sale... Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour Red Dead Revolver Canis Canem Edit Psychonauts Dear Esther: Landmark Edition The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Season Pass ...and just over £37 later I left the store, after saying I wasn't going to buy any more games for a while. Ah well, I can't pretend that I'm not happy about it, some of those deals would have expired tomorrow, so thanks for persuading me to check the store.
  10. I'll switch my PS4 on now for a bit, I probably have more game updates to download by now anyway.
  11. I was considering buying the dlc myself but alas... This was six months ago now and I feel terrible about it. The game is back on my desk again now still sealed, I just researched about the dlc though and you need to have reached at least Chapter Six in order to access the dlc realm in game. I wonder how long that would actually realistically take? I'm half contemplating starting the game this afternoon just to play up to that point so I can get all the dlc, but if it would likely take five hours or so I might just have to chance it as I have other reviews on and lots to write again currently. Surely there will be another sale or another offer somewhere down the line? This is my fault for not starting playing the game much sooner though.
  12. I'm just hoping that they can but like yourself I must admit that my faith has been shaken a bit in recent years. But this is different from the Nintendo Classic Mini: NES so here's hoping but then again, there weren't enough of those to go around and that's a small console, this is a major machine, their next console... it does make you wonder. Let's hope that there are enough to more than meet demand and that there aren't any hardware issues such as dead pixels on the screen, now I haven't had that problem since the original DS unit but still, I don't like to think about these potential issues too much but it has always been in the back of my mind ever since. Anyway, at least soon we will know more.
  13. So long as I can purchase a Switch, Pro Controller with two first-party titles and maybe one third-party offering plus a couple of GC Virtual Console games on day one, I'll be happy. I'm hoping that due to the tablet-like nature of the device, hopefully components will be cheap enough that Nintendo will be able to more than meet demand at launch. If extra docks do come later then, so be it... I'd get an extra one at launch if it were possible to be able to play it on the big screen easily in another room but if they are six months later like the rumours suggest - likely alongside another colour console and more joy-con options - then so be it. : peace:
  14. No deposit, all TBC at the moment, there probably won't be a deposit either which is nice, plus all their new consoles sold come with a 12 month replacement warranty.
  15. I can understand and respect that. : peace: I've tentatively pre-ordered with Shop-To but am prepared to Switch my pre-order if there's a better offer from Nintendo Store UK or even Tesco... if we are stocking it... if the discount is worth it... but again it would be an online pre-order. I do miss that feeling of going to the store on launch day but then again, getting your console early from an online order is great too.
  16. The very last console I pre-ordererd physically in-store was the Wii... ...well, plus the original Xbox 360 technically but only because of the stock shortages elsewhere. After that though, no more as I went online exclusive for most of my consoles from then as I used to order from Play.com until they went bad and I ended up ultimately getting most of my games machines from ShopTo despite them branching out like Play, at least they still seem mostly reliable for gaming items on the whole. More recently the Nintendo Store UK as well which despite being effectively run by Zavvi are actually better than their main site, probably because Nintendo's reputation is on the line as well. I can understand people wanting to buy at a physical store but at the same time, you do pay a premium for this as well, especially where Game are concerned. :wink: They were good years ago during the N64 to GameCube era but there are just too many viable, better alternatives to them now, for me personally anyway. : peace:
  17. Yep, I'm not even going to pretend that there aren't at least ten games in that trailer that I'll be picking up for certain. I've recently bought some proper storage for my PS4 games and am in the process of sorting them out so that I can just grab a game when I feel like it to play rather than having to rummage through loosely sorted stacks. Each unit can hold twelve games and I bought six, they are stackable but they require extra support to secure them, I'll take a picture of them at some point soon when I've got it all organised, I ended up selling certain special editions which I haven't got around to playing as well so that I'm left with games which actually fit on the rack; it also helped that some of them had gone up in value during that time which helped in getting together some much needed funds for this time of year. I still might sell some other games from my collection before I'm finished but I'm hoping to play a load of them this year while not buying as many new at launch only for the price to go down, I suppose it works both ways though given that some of them went up in value but still... I've got to clear this backlog and stop being swayed by certain titles which I know will likely be reduced later down the line; I don't regret supporting a lot of the developers by buying at launch but when you add it all up, the price difference is sobering at times.
  18. I know, this year I feel like I've really let myself down in terms of games actually played and completed. This year however I'm hoping to significantly Switch it up.
  19. Here we go! 2016 activity log 3DS Play Time 37 titles / 279:16 Monster Hunter Generations 126:56 Nintendo Badge Arcade 41:02 Dragon Quest VII 19:21 Pokémon Yellow Version 15:36 Kirby: Planet Robobot 12:27 Miiverse 11:40 Pokémon Sun 9:38 Unspecified title 8:25 Nintendo eShop 6:56 SEGA 3D Classics Collection 4:35 Swapdoodle 2:47 Notifications 2:15 YouTube 2:13 Friend List 2:01 Monster Hunter Generations Demo 1:37 3D Sonic The Hedgehog 2 1:28 Pokémon Sun and Moon Special Demo Version 1:27 Radiohammer 1:18 Rhythm Paradise Megamix 0:57 Super Mario World 0:51 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 0:50 Sonic Colours 0:44 Internet Browser 0:43 Flipnote Studio 3D 0:39 Fire Emblem Awakening 0:37 System Settings 0:34 Streetpass Mii Plaza 0:30 Activity Log 0:16 Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 0:15 Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 0:14 Other(?) 0:24 Wii U Play Time 21 titles / 104:13 1080° Snowboarding 2:04 Drill Dozer 1:10 FAST Racing NEO 1:37 Futuridium EPD 0:57 Kirby Power Paintbrush 0:51 Mario Kart 8 31:31 Mario Kart 64 1:55 Mii Maker 0:11 Miiverse 11:01 Nintendo eShop 3:29 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: EoS 12:42 Pokkén Tournament 1:33 R-TYPE 3:14 Splatoon 0:24 Star Fox 64 0:27 Star Fox Zero 7:19 Super Smash Bros. 8:39 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD 4:32 Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE 6:57 Wave Race 64 0:28 Wii Fit U 3:12 Verdict: Aside from Monster Hunter Generations which has been the saviour of my Nintendo gaming year and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, I clearly need to play more where possible.
  20. Happy n-ew Year : peace:
  21. R.I.P. Carrie Fisher
  22. Merry Christmas N-E!
  23. ... I paid full price for that only weeks ago. Ah well, it is The Last Guardian, still though I'm going to try and buy less games just as they come out in 2017 I think, I've already got loads to play. : peace: But yeah, £25?!? Snap it up!
  24. I would say... 60fps vs 30fps Battery life Voicechat & Online Connectivity 1080 vs 720 Get that framerate locked for smooth gameplay, then worry about the battery life which will dictate how long you can enjoy your games for on the go, having those online options should then naturally follow assuming that we're getting games which will attempt to have a comparable set of features which have been standard for a long time on other machines and only then worry about whether the handheld mode is 1080p or 720p... the latter should really be fine for portable play while the higher resolution is a more natural fit for the big screen. : peace:
  25. For me, most of the Tales of... series has been about the battle system and the surrounding world. The games which have the best characters and stories for me are Symphonia, Vesperia and Phantasia. All the rest, I own but I've never really played.
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