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  1. Nintendo Direct 27/03/2025 Roundup Press release and video embed. (Metroid Prime 4 is shaping up nicely)
  2. Nice, I'll probably watch this Direct at the shop today if it's not too busy, and will post the roundup article when I get back in the evening. It should be a good last showing for the Switch at least.
  3. Nintendo eShop new releases (week 12) The twelfth week of releases. A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Check the article for the full roundup. - - - - - Here is a recently posted article... New SNES games to be added to Nintendo Switch Online March 2025 See you next week!
  4. Maybe it's finally time for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD / Twilight Princess HD It has been ages since they were released on the Wii U, and these are the only two main Zelda games which aren't on the Switch, so it's now or never, surely?
  5. Nintendo eShop new releases (week 11) The eleventh week of releases. A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Check the article for the full roundup. - - - - - See you next week!
  6. Nintendo eShop new releases (week 10) The tenth week of releases. A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Check the article for the full roundup. - - - - - Here is a recently posted article... New GameBoy games added to Nintendo Switch Online March 2025 See you next week!
  7. Ah, I misunderstood, it looks like all Switch batteries are fixed in with adhesive, though looking at the iFixit video, it doesn't look too hard to pry out if you've got the full battery replacement kit, but it isn't as straightforward as other older Nintendo console battery replacements.
  8. With that said... Switch 2 is going to be released this year, but not right away, and it'll be expensive, so I'd say it's still worth repairing the Switch, especially if you can get it repaired for a reasonable price. I'm hoping my Switch console holds out long enough that I can just transfer to the Switch 2, but if not, I might need to look into getting a new battery as well, though it's been OK so far, bar a few louder-sounding fan noises.
  9. It might need a new battery. I've seen similar things happen with "non-working" GBA SP's with no power light indicator etc, then once the battery has been replaced, the console usually works fine. So it could be that? I don't know what Nintendo would charge to replace a Switch battery, I'm guessing £50 - £75? After a bit of research, you can get a new battery online for around £15 or less plus the tools required, I looked at a video, there are more than a few screws which would need removing, but it doesn't look too bad, though not as simple as replacing a GBA SP battery, which I've had success with. Also, it looks like later models of the Switch have the battery held in place with foam around it, which can be easily removed, whereas looking around, some earlier Switch models, the battery is actually glued to the inside?!? Not sure why... I mean sure, you don't want the battery moving but, this seems... overkill, they probably realised this and then started making the replacements with the foam around them, and then for the Switch Lite, just a smaller battery in general. Sending it in to Nintendo for repair might be the best option, though possibly not the cheapest. I hope this helps.
  10. Nintendo eShop new releases (week 09) The ninth week of releases. A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Check the article for the full roundup. - - - - - Nintendo have started putting the eShop updates up again on their news page, so last week must have been an anomaly. Highlighted game of the week? Omega 6 and the Triangle Stars... "From the pen of former Nintendo art director turned manga artist, Takaya Imamura, and developers of the Retro Mystery Club series, Happymeal, comes a 16-bit styled retro-future, adventure, infused with RPG elements: OMEGA 6: The Triangle Stars." Potentially worth checking out? Plus it's discounted at around ten pounds off for a while, then it goes up from £13 to nearly £23... so get it sooner rather than later for that discount... or wait for a sale. See you next week!
  11. Probably because the boxart will be saved until the last minute, when both the Switch and Switch 2 versions are revealed. It could be another Zelda: Breath of the Wild situation, where the game will release on the same day on the Switch, as the release date of the Switch 2. Or, it'll be a matter of months apart, so anyone wanting to buy the game will have a choice; you can buy the game now, and play it, then still be able to play that same Switch version on the Switch 2, or you can wait 'X' amount of weeks or months, and buy the Switch 2 version when it launches, but hey, if you pre-order it now on the Switch, you get a free plush toy. Alternatively, that IS the boxart, and you just draw the rest yourself, in the giant void surrounding the logo.
  12. I had a custom GBC traded in a while back, the screen was decent, the sound was amazing being easily ten times louder than the original, but the buttons? Unplayable... I didn't even think about replacing the buttons with OEM ones, I just sold it as quick as I could. It's fine though, I have an Analogue Pocket, which feels a lot better overall, which is great for a console that's not the origjnal.
  13. Yeah, but by the same arguement, they are only half putting in on the PS5 then... if you're going to release big games like that, might as well go physical with the game release, to show that you're serious, otherwise, they might as well just make Game Pass available via PS5 somehow at this point, and have all of these games available on it on day one, then sell all the DLC as extra, that's where they'll make the extra revenue.
  14. Really? This is the first time Forza gets released on a Playstation platform, and there's no physical release planned? Oh well, no disc, no sale. If games are going to be digital only on both PS5/6 and Xbox platforms, there will need to be some kind of Games Pass equivalent on Playstation, otherwise I can't see this doing as well as it could. Also, the pricing... £54.99 for Standard, £69.99 for Deluxe, and £84.99 for Premium? I like Forza Horizon, but not that much. Though I'm glad for those who will be happy paying the price and playing it on day one on PS5.
  15. Nintendo eShop new releases (week 08) The eighth week of releases. A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Check the article for the full roundup. - - - - - Nintendo don't seem to be putting out the eShop highlights any more on their main page, so I just picked out five of either the best or most interesting titles, as I don't see the point in highlighting the clearly average titles. Let's hope the lack of weekly highlights on the official site is just a sign of how lacking in discoverability the current eShop is, and that it's hopefully being worked on for Switch 2, especially with the upcoming withdrawal on gold points, so surely something better has to be on the horizon? See you next week!
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