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Everything posted by DCK

  1. That's just a n00b forum post, not an article -_-
  2. Just to get things clear, I don't have an HDTV, and I'm not expecting one anytime soon (heck, I'm 16), I just think that HDTV should become the standard because it's amazing. HD doesn't cost more - it's just another socket more in the back of the console that outputs a higher resolution. In games there's barely an extra cost, it's just a larger videobuffer that is used. Console games ported to PC run in 1280x1024 no problem - games need little modification to run in HD resolutions. I have a feeling Nintendo is missing a chance here. Right now, there aren't many HDTVs, but the console war doesn't last a week, it lasts more than five years.
  3. Yeah, it's still profit, they haven't made a loss in ages.
  4. That's right, the Xbox 360 premium package costs Microsoft 525 big ones (without distribution costs and such), while they sell it for $400. The main culprits are the CPU and GPU, totaling both at a whopping $247. This is quite serious though - if parts are THAT expensive, it's going to be really difficult for Nintendo to bring the Revolution close to the 360, especially if they're aiming for $250 pricepoint. Not only that but a pricecut for the 360 is pretty far away now
  5. So I was thinking about the Revolution shell. Most of us seem to think like it's going to be a Wavebird that attaches to the remote's socket. Of course the Wavebird is the greatest controller to date (only, after three years, rivaled by the 360 controller) and it does really well for this generation of games. But I think the Nintendo 64 tripod would be better as the shell design for the Revolution. Why? If you grab the middle part, you can still use the shell with one hand, it'll only be an extension of the remote. The Wavebird forces you to use two hands. The controller will work exactly like the nunchuck this way, with Z1 and Z2 under the control stick, so you can choose whether to use the nunchuck or the shell. The tripod, with its large D-pad and seperate L-button owns the Cube pad for SNES games as well, and of course would be so much better for N64 games. Of course, there's no C-stick now, probably one of the biggest reasons why Nintendo went from tripod to the Cube controller, but with the motion sensor, who needs it? I think the tripod would be far better for the Revolution than the Wavebird.
  6. DCK


    I'm not sure what you mean but you should find everything you need in Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network Connections and then click on your internet connection, go to the 'support' tab and click on details. There's a number for a DNS server too. I'm running a Dutch XP here so I can't say if the menu names and such are the same as my translations, but I hope it helps anyway
  7. All the plasmas I've ever seen looked pathetically bad, I'd take an LCD anyday. I also don't like the idea that some plasmas expire after 5000 hours which means only four years...
  8. That'd be a bit obvious don't you think Besides, FPS and RTS just work because the Rev controller works as well (much better actually) as a mouse - the idea isn't new, it just works fantastically. These ideas are ideas that weren't possible before, something why you'd have a Rev over a PC.
  9. Come on people, these articles are tongue-in-cheek articles, there's no point in taking every point and telling everybody 'oh wait, that's not true' them or saying 'omg their fanboyz'. These articles are made on purpose from a fanboy perspective and half the reasons are there because they needed to have 10 reasons. You make it seem like it's meant massively make people stop buying a 360 which just isn't true.
  10. I like it when IGN makes these we're-fanboys-and-proud-of-it articles. There's no point in picking up a 360 at launch anyway. It needs a price cut before I get interested.
  11. PES finally outselling FIFA, justice will prevail *yay*
  12. DCK


    Would someone decipher that first post for me? I have no idea what you're talking about.
  13. I think the people who make those decisions have better views on the market than us. Releasing a 3rd party game on the Cube is much less profitable than releasing one on the Xbox or PS2. Cube owners buy slightly more games, perhaps, but that doesn't wage up to the user base or the amount of 1st party games Nintendo releases. There are a few examples like Viewtiful Joe (which was only released silently for the PS2 after being exclusive to the Cube) and Soul Calibur II (Link = sales x 10) but overall there's no doubt that third parties don't cancel their Cube projects for nothing.
  14. Yeah, Nintendo has nearly EVERY SINGLE FRANCHISE they own in development for the Revolution. Not really.
  15. I have a 70 cm widescreen and I'm really bothered by the raw pixels I see when playing Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime 2. I would easily give a way a few million polygons for a higher resolution because I think the current generation has already reached a point on which 480p doesn't do the graphics justice anymore, and it'll only be worse next gen. Of course I won't see it on my TV now, but I think Nintendo can really enrich the game experience for others by adding HD support.
  16. So how is a visual improvement not an improvement of graphics? Of course they will be fine now, but they would be finer with HD.
  17. I'm only hyped about its looks really, I'm still desperate to see some games.
  18. I can't imagine anything beating the controller but he sounds promising :awesome:
  19. All TVs made since the 90s are 60 Hz TVs, so what's your point?
  20. Which is the second console? The 360 or the Rev? The Revolution seems more a family console to me.
  21. Hmmm, what's Okami, and how are you sure that it isn't in development?
  22. Man, I hope you're not violating NDAs here BigTac, cause you could be seriously screwed
  23. Saying "I won't get a HDTV" is selfish. So you have a good TV already, or you can't afford one. So that means you shouldn't care about HDTV because YOU won't have it, other people who put their money together for some quality resolutions don't matter. HDTV is becoming more accesible over time and there will be a time, like it or not, that you'll have a HDTV because it's the standard. It could be in ten years, or it could be in two years, but either way, when you get your old dusty Revolution out for a spin, it'll just be a shame to see the archaic 640x480 resolution. About the graphical improvements - those who haven't seen the difference, stop talking. The difference between 480p and 720p is big. Even in Resident Evil 4 you see raw strips of pixels simply because the resolution is not good enough to match up to its graphical quality, no matter how much full-scene anti aliasing they've done on it. 1280x768 or 1920x1080 does so much better in displaying good graphics. I have a feeling that Nintendo is missing an opportunity here. I mean, HD is better than no HD right?
  24. When HD does become a success Nintendo could probably make a different video output cable for the Rev that will support HD, so there's not much point in worrying.
  25. Yeah, we already knew that the CPUs weren't THAT powerful, but to say that it's only twice a Celeron 733 is pushing it a bit. The CPUs seem to suck bad in single thread performance but when developers get the hang of multithreaded the power gain should be good. The Revolution should do well if they use something like a conventional Apple G5 like in a PowerMac, like a dual-core 2.5 GHz one. Those seem pretty good in single threaded AND are more suited to games than the cores in the 360 and PS3. There's a pretty good chance the Rev GPU will be on par or better than the competitor's GPU so no worries there either.
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