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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Actually ArtX helped developing the ATI R300 chip, of which most cards in the Radeon 9, X and XI series are based, with some elements they used in the Flipper. So, the Flipper and Radeon series are not so different. The graphics chip in the Xbox 360 is similar to the chip on the X1800 (both derived from the R520) only a bit slowed down (500 MHz versus 615 or so) and some other customizations such as a different shader architecture and embedded hyperfast memory. I'm thinking Nintendo or ATI will also customize the R520 for use in the Revolution, it seems a better choice than a brand new chip, with all the costs involved.
  2. Something like June in Japan, September in the US and November in Europe are pretty reasonable and better than the PS3's scheme if Nintendo's lucky.
  3. So far it seems I'll buy the Rev at launch. I'll have to see the games first, because the Xbox 360 looks pretty good as well, it just needs a price drop. I will get a Revolution anyway, but maybe not at launch.
  4. I doubt Nintendo will have the same problems. The Xbox 360 will launch in the US 6 months after its unveiling, the Revolution more than a year later. I think Nintendo will be very ready for a worldwide launch that won't be delayed to 2007.
  5. They have to release screens NOW. If they release screens just before the 360 launch people aren't going to change their plans. They need to show off at least five games in a week so people get the time to think it over and change their plans.
  6. Nintendo really hired the right person there. She talks like a walking commercial.
  7. That's great news for Nintendo, this reaches the audience they want to attract to the Revolution It owns the other mind-blowing things too :bow:
  8. So you're implying that the Revolution is not multicore? Wait, don't answer that.
  9. Because it's a lot of work of making a high-polygon high-res Samus model (and more) which will take some time and money. It's not trickery, mind you, it's a teaser. They've did it before with Metroid Prime 2 at the E3 2003.
  10. Prerendering doesn't mean it has to look as good as Toy Story.
  11. The Rev won't be delayed to 2007 for no reason. If Microsoft can launch a console all over the world at about the same time when there weren't even proper devkits 5 months before, then Nintendo can certainly launch the Revolution everywhere in 2006 if they want to.
  12. ... (I would've just said that, but the forum tells me I can't)
  13. OMG that's £10/€15 million only to begin developing for the PS3... You can make software for the DS if you spend ~£200 (that includes a DS too )...
  14. Any way you put it, the teaser is something fixed up quickly to have some hyping material for the first Revolution revelation. They could've prerendered it, run it on Cubes, run it on actual alpha Rev devkits, it doesn't matter. They probably made it in a day or two.
  15. Revolution is now confirmed Q3 (or Q4, but let's be positive here) for the USA so that offers a good chance for a competitive launch in Japan and 2006 in Europe. Good news
  16. They could just have it run on a Cube devkit at 5 fps in slow motion, record it, and then play it 12x faster. The MP3 teaser isn't reliable for indicating the Rev's power
  17. Depends on the game really. For Zelda, I'd pay £60 easily, but £40 for Mario Party is way too expensive. I'm hoping Nintendo'll keep prices the same next-gen.
  18. That's very, very good news. I was expecting Japan late summer as earliest. This is going to get them into very good competition with the Playstation 3, especially if it's going to cost half of what the PS3 does. This makes me absolutely confident the Revolution will get launched in Europe next year. We still have to wait for an announcement by Nintendo though, although the plans sound really promising.
  19. A few months ago Retro Studios were complaining about the ever changing specs. Don't know if it's still a problem though.
  20. Heh, actually the GPUs in the 360 and PS3 are pretty bad compared to the CPUs (especially the nVidia RSX is pathetic compared to the Cell). The Revolution has a very good chance of having the best graphics chip next gen, actually. Oh, and the image looks photoshopped to me. I don't think the Rev will use Blu-ray.
  21. Sounds to me that Matt Cassamina has chatted with some industry insiders and has drawn his own conclusions. Of course Too Human would be able to run on the Revolution, else it would be underpowered really badly, and that can't happen. As Iwata said 'I don't think Revolution graphics will be inferior in any way.' Sure, it might be weaker, but the gap won't be big.
  22. It'll either be DVD-9s or some custom format made by Panasonic. Don't expect more than 12 GB though.
  23. There's a certain literary value to Link's everlasting silence if that's what you mean. It makes you feel like you are the hero because Link (and Samus too) doesn't express thoughts to replace what you think of the situation - your thoughts are Link's thoughts, you are the hero.
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