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Everything posted by DCK

  1. A Zelda FPS, come on... Tell me how it'd work. What is the improvement over third person? It would simply kill the game, and probably a part of the series with it. Third person is what makes Zelda Zelda. The first person rumour is probably the result of lack of imagination. I kept on imagining FPS Zelda in my head and I simply won't see how it'd work and only see the dissappointment of how it would crush the series. Sorry, I think Nintendo'll also see that Zelda is absolutely not suited for this. Maybe they'll but sword swinging with stylus/Rev controller in, or point & touch elements like I said before. But not FPS. The FPS idea could be a very good game but why mangle the Zelda series for that? Remember the criticism the Wind Waker got, when it only was graphics? If they pull down DS Zelda to the likes of The Elder Scrolls (not comparable, but hey), I don't want to hear the entire gaming community coming down on Nintendo. I have no doubt though that Nintendo won't even try though.
  2. Hehe if there are three of these titles and some more from Nintendo at launch I won't have the money Resident Evil 5 Battlefield Next-gen Pro Evo 6
  3. There's a rule in economics that putting a too cheap price on something makes it seem bad quality. It's risky to launch at this price, and they'll probably not even be able to make profit of it. I'm guessing more like $/€ 200 - 250, which is a very good price.
  4. Heh, the author isn't really against the Revolution - he can't think of good reasons. He doesn't really make a point; he says the controller is stupid and isn't the way to change the industry but doesn't say why it won't work.
  5. I don't think we'll ever see a FPS Zelda. The DS version probably has point & touch elements (or something else really adding to the series) and if it works out OK they'll probably put it in the Rev version as well.
  6. It doesn't hurt to add another plug. Seriously, there's no downside to HD support; games are already rendered in higher resolutions than 1080i and if it's supposed to be connected to PC monitors as well it has to go far beyond the old 640x480 resolution. The plug might cost a couple of cents more to make per console, but if they're bothered by that, why do they put in monitor output? We'll only be glad when we do have a HDTV in five years.
  7. Exactly, Hostile, that's probably what we can expect. The Revolution will probably not be more powerful the 360 in raw numbers simply because of the price of the console, but by careful design and picking the right hardware balance (developers are already complaining about that since E3 with the 360 and PS3) you can get very far. It will never equal PS3, but that's just out of its league.
  8. I don't care if they'd be worse than the 360 or PS3 as long as it improves over the Cube acceptably. I would feel ripped off if the gap Rev <> Cube would be smaller than N64 <> Cube. I don't have worries about that, it's probably slightly under the Xbox 360 anyway.
  9. Heh, I actually sent in the second one to IGN to hear what they'd say (I'm NOT kidding, seriously). Anyway, if Nintendo want to do good they should at least make the hardware jump Cube --> Rev as big as N64 --> Cube, which should be very possible. A G5 @ 2.0-2.5 GHz and a decent amount of RAM (256 megs) as well as a good GPU by ATI should do just fine, especially if they include a PPU.
  10. Analyst is a great job because you can say all the crap you want and you will be listened to. Seriously, making predictions at this point is useless. I do think the 360 might have serious chance to outsell the PS3 though.
  11. I actually think it's a shame they chose the Metroid Prime franchise to do the point shoot method. I really liked the lock-on, it's what makes Metroid Prime unique. I hope they use something like the Geist or a new FPS (SR388 would be awesome) because it fits the control even better.
  12. I think Revolution is good for hyping but it might sound too arrogant in the shops. The name's pretty good but I think Nintendo should come up with another name. Besides, if you're talking about a 'Revolution' it's not clear that you're talking about Ninty's next console.
  13. Meh, it's OK. I liked Ball of Duty
  14. OK, I was just trying to make a point with the field of grass :P Anyway, yes the G5 will be a dash more expensive, but the G4 simply doesn't cut it for next gen. Consumers can only get so far as 1.42 GHz in an expensive PowerMac and Nintendo will have to pump it up to 2.5 GHz and/or use multiple cores if they even want to get within acceptable distance of the 360. The G4 wasn't made with those speeds in mind, nor does it do as well in multicore. The G5 is much better in terms of speed and multicore performance. Remember we're talking about mass-produced, customized chips that will only get in production next year. Microsoft has also mentioned their chances of making profit are much better with the new consoles, and they're using three high-end G5 cores. I think the G5 is much more suited for the Revolution.
  15. The difference between 32-bit and 64-bit is overrated really. The way it works is that the CPU keeps track of addresses of the memory. Every single byte in the RAM has an address. If a CPU has 32-bit addresses it can store values from 0 to 4.2 million (2^32) in them, meaning you can have 4.2 million bytes or 4 GB of memory. If the CPU has 64-bits registers it can have 2^64 bytes or 1.6 exabyte RAM. The actual performance gain is pretty slim though.
  16. The G4 is getting out of date now. The GameCube Gekko is G4-based , it's been used in iMacs since 2000, and they've stopped using it since 2004. Their highest end system goes only to 1.42 GHz, only three times that of the Cube. The Revolution's internal hardware design isn't finished (Retro Studios are getting update after update according to Matt Cassamina) so implementing a G5 is no problem, but they probably already have it in there. @System_Error I just backed you up here
  17. I'm not sure if the PPU could just do that though I was just giving examples but it should be much better at doing physics than any of the most powerful CPUs. I think it might even outperform Cell on physics works.
  18. PPUs are great because they not only take A LOT of work of the CPU, but can do more. You would cripple the X360 CPU by simulating a field of grass waving in the wind, but a PPU could do this reasonably, without involving the CPU in the process. @ Schpickles Why do you think a G4 CPU? G5s shouldn't be more expensive and a lot more powerful...
  19. I'm quite a techie but I've no idea what all the console bit crap means. It doesn't really seem matter though.
  20. Sony buying shelf space? Come on. That's just naive. Sony consoles are more popular => Sony games are more popular => they get more shelf space. The Revolution needs to earn its shelf space.
  21. I can't see why they'd leave it out. Even the DVD players you pick up for €25 have DD5.1 and Dolby DTS support.
  22. 1.When do you think the Revolution will be released?(Japan, USA, Europe) Japan - Sept '06 USA - November '06 Europe - Nov/Dec '06 2.How much do you think the Revolution will cost? €250 3.What will be included with the Revolution? Remote, nunchuck, shell, 3 free retro downloads, trailers/demos on the flash memory 4.How much will the controller cost? €20 with regular batteries €30 with battery pack 5.What will you get in a controller package? Just the remote and the nunchuck, the shell you'll have to get seperately for €10 or so. 6.What colours do you expect at the launch? Black, white and one other colour. 7.What colour do you want? White because it simply looks sexiest that way. 8.What game are you looking forward to the most? Resident Evil 5
  23. Heh I meant that if they'd use A & B the small buttons would probably do the same thing as the big A and B trigger. If they'd use X & Y they would function as different buttons, which is good right?
  24. I doubt Nintendo would've managed PSP graphics even if they tried. It's quite an achievement Sony made by making the PSP with those graphics and screen for that price, because they could custom build it from scratch. Nintendo can't custom build a full console so they assembled the DS from 3rd party parts. Home consoles are a different thing. Home consoles use the latest chip technology, something Sony/Microsoft don't have the experience with building, so the competition is open.
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