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Everything posted by DCK

  1. They're not fake, but the Nintendo logo is just pasted there somewhere. They're probably ATi's, but definetely not Nintendo's. Come on, what professional presentation slide would've run text into images? The text in the last slide is just standard Paint Arial text drawing.
  2. It's warm, but not extremely hot. The X600 series seem to have more problems with lockups though, I saw one just crash while rendering Windows for no apparent reason - so it could just be your card that's crap. Hope that helps
  3. If it can do an interlaced picture 100 times per second it should be able to do a progressive picture 50 times at least. Don't know if it works that way though.
  4. Sega could do it. But then again, the Saturn used CDs so some games will be too big. Meh, there aren't any Saturn games (except for Nights) that I want to play.
  5. Bluetooth devices' range can reach up to 400 metres, so 50-100 metres should be possible if they want to spare the battery. They'll probably only use infrared for on and off, because infrared sucks.
  6. It would be so awesome to have a Mega Drive and Saturn emulator in the Rev... Too bad a Dreamcast emulator might not be possible
  7. XT probably - it has GDDR3, you can unlock 8 more pipelines and has twice the memory bandwidth. I'm looking for one too. If you don't want to mess with your card the 6600GT is probably slightly better though.
  8. Well that won't be spectacular because the 360 does and probably the PS3 as well. Perhaps he's talking about Mario 128 or something, maybe it's not the hardware.
  9. Every next gen console will have this so the Revolution won't have advantage. Just about every graphics card out has it too (isn't it part of DirectX 9?)
  10. So how's your processor, memory and swap memory? Any decent video card will run XP fine (and yours is very decent) but there's more factors involved. If you're running a Pentium II 400 with 128 MB there's not much you can do. If you mean playing games then the X600Pro is not quite ready for the latest generation of games (like FEAR).
  11. Even if they'd have displacement mapping (which is a way of avoiding too high polygon counts) they wouldn't make so much fuss about it. In fact, it was introduced back in 2002 with the Matrox Parhelia-512 so it isn't a really new technology either.
  12. So if they are so small how can they be working on two versions of Raid over the River and another 3 projects? Good news to see some games, especially because we've seen screenshots of the game.
  13. Heh, I'm not too sure about what I said about the Cell All I know someone said that the footage Sony showed at the E3 about some Unrealish game (using UE 3) was made when the GPU wasn't finished, and I think someone said it was running on the Cell alone. @ Innovance: The Cell probably costs a fortune, and a GPU is better at doing graphics no matter how you put it (and for a cheaper price). The nVidia RSX (basically the most powerful version of the GeForce 7800GTX) is also very, very powerful.
  14. You can't expect perfect grammar/spelling from a developer that might not be a native writer, and what he says sounds pretty realistic (and he's made sure that he says 'I'm not a programmer' so he can make errors on the technical side). Still blogs don't sound very convinving to me.
  15. The PS3's Cell chip makes it a beast - it could run Unreal Engine 3 on the Cell alone when the graphics chip wasn't finished (yes it ran on only the CPU, no GPU involved) - so it has tremendous graphical power. The Killzone footage isn't far from what we're going to see.
  16. Meh, I don't think the Metroid Prime demo was much of an indication. Retro kept on complaining about the ever changing specs much through the entire summer (another indication that these specs are in fact the modified devkits) so the final hardware should have been far from finished in May. If the specs are like this I can't imagine they complained because these specs are exactly the same as an overclocked GameCube with debug memory. Matt Cassamina said this in September: He couldn't have been talking about the specs we have now.
  17. It's all very confusing - why would Nintendo spend $3 billion on Revolution development (they have not spent it all on the controller), all to get a reworking of the IBM CPU they received five years ago and a GPU based on the architecture by a company taken over by ATI way back in 2002? There's no way that they'll do with a 1 GHz Gekko, when they can have a dual core 1.8 GHz 65 nm notebook G4 expanded with the Gekko instruction set and freaking 2 MB L2 cache? Honestly, that should only cost a tiny fraction of the Xenon ($30 vs $140 at launch) and would be so much better. If they'd expand it with the Radeon X1600XT chip and 256 MB notebook RAM (it costs only like $10 per console), it should be truely next-gen and not pass a $200 pricepoint at all. But now we're getting a GameCube reworking and Nintendo seems to confirm it. I just can't believe it.
  18. Hmm, what if they put in every single Mario Kart track ever made... Heh that would be so awesome - 5 x 16 + another 16 = 96 tracks ^_^ It's a bit of overkill but so what
  19. This is an e-mail I got back from Nintendo after asking which company holds the rights for GoldenEye 64 and if we'll see it on the Rev's download service: Hi! That's a great question, and in fact, I don't have a clear answer for you. Most of the information we have on the split is actually associated with characters. They kept their characters and licenses like Banjo, Kazooie, Perfect Dark and Conker, while we retained all our characters they worked with like Donkey Kong. However, GoldenEye was actually licensed from the holders of the rights to that movie so I really can't say. As a fellow fan, however, I hope so! R.M. Rickets So it seems either EA has it or MGM (correct me on that), which hopefully means they're not influenced by Microsoft.
  20. I think that it can be considered the very bottom of the 4th generation. Whether the Rev will be top 4th gen or bottom 5th gen remains to be seen.
  21. I mailed NOA to ask who owns the rights for N64 GoldenEye now, I hope they reply
  22. I can't believe that, the site isn't very reliable. Anyway, it does seem that the devs were talking about the Cube devkit. The 64 MB upgrade seems like debug memory to me (I think I even read that Cube devkits had such an amount of extra memory) and the other specs are really similar to the Cube's... I don't know what to think now.
  23. Heh the 3D applet is amazing, and it's Dutch too (yay now it's even better :p)
  24. Actually generation-wise is defined by technology. If they'd release the Rev controller for the Cube like they seemed to originally plan it wouldn't suddenly go up one generation, would it? If the specs stay like this, I think the Revolution would be considered 4th generation rather than 5th. I still need to see the games though.
  25. If they were talking about the Cube devkits, that would be such a lot of fuss about nothing Why would there be speculation about the devkit's GPU though Edit: the fact that they use the Cube's RAM and add extra memory to it (debug memory anyone?) does make it sound like a devkit.
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