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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Transformers OMG, one of the greatest films EVER! I was expecting it to be great and it surpassed all expectations!! Thank God it didn't dissapoint (not even in the slightest) like Spiderman 3; which after seeing what Transformers achieved, has fallen lower in my ratings. This film has gone straight into my Top 5 films ever (whatever they are)! 10/10
  2. Don't really get what this move does! Do opponents freeze and take damage while your playing the bongo's? Also, whilst this is a fun move, DK had so much more potential for some really powerful striking move; He could have launched himself out of a barrel cannon at opponents, or launched opponents out of one. Or he could have gone all retro DK on us and started chucking barrels all over the screen!
  3. EA are doing a great job on the Wii so far, especially when it comes to utilising the Wii-mote. And when you consider that alot of these early EA Wii games are rushed efforts (because the industry suddenly saw the success of the console and had to start getting games out for it), it bodes well for future EA games on Wii, especially combined with their new focus on new IP's!
  4. Gametrailers version of the Full Trailer, http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22801.html
  5. Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22890.html
  6. Before my Amiga 500 broke a couple of years ago I thought I'd play a few really old games that I could never do when I was younger as I found them REALLY difficult! I thought that around 15 years on I must be able to complete them... turns out I was wrong!! Rick Dangerous, how you annoy me!! However, I look back on such games with really fond memories! I definately think there need to be more games nowadays that offer a real challenge!
  7. Series 1 is my favourite intro, it's how I remember it being! Must have never seen series 3 onwards, don't remember the show being like that! with MegaByte doing the intro!!
  8. Agreed! Hmm... what was always a saddle seems to have turned into more of a shell?!
  9. Cool! The latest TMNT was alright; look forward to seeing this film develop!
  10. Well Reboot was... So give it some credit!
  11. Oh, fare enough then if you've already seen it through twice!
  12. So the whole series then.....seriously! Tommorrow night (Wednesday), 9.00pm
  13. Anyone else have the trailer cut out half way through? EDIT: Just found another link for others whose video is cutting out, http://www.jeux-france.com/news21102_white-knight-story-se-montre-en-video.html The last third of the trailer was fantastic!
  14. Also agreed! Yeah I know! rather see the in-game than character artwork!Cheers Dante! Yoshi looks cool, that last picture is great!
  15. "I come from the net, Through systems.... peoples.... and cities... To this place!.... MAINFRAME!!" "My format..... Guardian! To mend and defend, To defend my new found friends, Their hopes and dreams, To defend them from... their Enemies!!" "They say the user lives outside the net, and inputs games for pleasure! No one knows for sure.... But I intend to find out!.......... ReBoot!!" ReBoot was AWESOME!! You can watch episodes over on http://www.tv-links.co.uk Loved the hoverboards! and Hack and Slash were cool! I had a toy of Hack (the Red one).
  16. Oh great! On top of having no water here in Gloucestershire, looks very likely that the power will be lost to most of the areas for as much as 5 days! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6912650.stm Can't wait!!
  17. Yeah but no matter how a game is structured, it's so frustrating starting a second playthrough on many games and having everything you'd gotten used to and got great at using throughout the game taken away!
  18. Couldn't really choose between them! I like both sauces as it completely depends what you're eating!
  19. Not true, I loved fighting on... Kongo Jungle, Rainbow Cruise, Great Bay, Hyrule Temple, Corneria, Brinstar, Onett, Mute City, Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Final Destination... All very different stages and many have interactive/changing elements to them! At the moment, the stages shown for Brawl are good for very straightforward fighting, but is that particularly fun and what Smash Bros is all about! The layouts are very repetitive and you'd get bored playing the same stage with dirrent backgrounds. No doubt some better stages will be revealed in the future though!
  20. Sequence breaking the whole game can mess it up yes, but being able to get your abilities at the start on a second playthrough is much better. Have you never played a game that teaches you moves as you progress, completed the game, gone to play it again and been really frustrated that your abilities and freedom are so limited and everything is so slow again! This happened in Banjo Kazooie for example. Games like Resi 4 get it perfect by allowing you to use all your items for the second playthrough, making the second time feel more like a new experience as you can tackle things differently!
  21. Well seeing as all three of those things are in the trailers/adverts and aren't all that funny...!
  22. Well here in Gloucestershire we've just had our water supply cut off for what will probably be about a week, if not more! The major floods we've had in the area has caused some sewage plant to contaminate the water supply! There were fights in the area in the supermarkets over bottled water etc... so police are having to step in and supervise them. Shops that actually can get water delivered are is selling out instantly and we're getting really small useless water tanks delivered to the roads round here occasionally. Some of the area has also lost its power supply, because it's had to be turned off because of the danger from floods! and it looks like more places may have power turned off for a few days from tonight/tomorrow! Dunno what I'll do if that happens!! Here are a couple of bbc news stories on it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6911226.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/gloucestershire/6911490.stm Not fun!! And why won't it stop raining! It's pouring down constantly! and the more it rains the more it floods and the longer it will take for things to get back to normal!
  23. Yeah apparently...
  24. I think the PAL version has the hardest difficulty level.
  25. Yeh, hopefully it will feel more like the Rainbow Cruise level from Melee, which worked really well moving slowly along...I hated the Ice Climbers level largely because of the stupid changes in speed! Would be good if at the top there's a giant barrel to shoot you back down to the bottom! Or maybe there is just a large cloud stage to fight on once you're fully at the top, maybe with a giant fruit like in Jungle Beat!
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