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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Don't take it so seriously! The titles just partly a joke relating to the console 'war' we have with each generation, and just to celebrate what the Wii and Nintendo are achieving! Nintendo has been down (and looked down on by many) for the last two generations, I don't think there's anything at all wrong with enjoying the success!
  2. Yeah the Wii probably overtook the 360 in its first week in Japan!
  3. Good guess! I didn't see it coming, but then I didn't see the first few episodes when Fox was introduced. First time I saw him was when Paul found him sleeping in the park the other day. He was a rubbish character! so i'm glad he's not 'actually' in the show!
  4. OMG!! what are peoples problem with catching the fish for the cat!I couldn't believe it when I looked back at the start of this thread and saw page after page of complaints about it! On my first play of this game, I caught 2 fish right away!! It's really not hard! The line twitches and you pull up!
  5. Think you missed the point! or i did! Nintendo puts a basic sports game together for the Wii's launch that shows other developers the potential for sports games on Wii. However, all this time on Wii-Sports still remains the best example of a sports game on the console! Nintendo must be getting annoyed, because they create all this potential for fun sports games with their hardware, but no-one else seems capable of using it properly!
  6. Maybe for more dedicated gamers, but not for the non-gamer market and more casual market that Nintendo is after these days. The whole Healthy living/lifestyle thing is one of the biggest topics of interest in the world these days and Wii Fit is right there ready to capitalise!
  7. Think someone said it in this thread or the Metroid thread, but the next Zelda could really learn from the Prime series in terms of boss battles! Immense size... challenging... lengthy... multiple stages to them... etc...
  8. Bourne Ultimatum What an amazing film!! Probably the best of the Bourne Trilogy and an absolutely fantastic end to the story! Loved every minute of this film, some of the best action scenes I've seen and I really like the no CGI stance/look to the film/trilogy, really refreshing for such action films these days! The shaky camera used to highten the sense of speed or to demonstrate the immense power behind the fights got a little much in places, but it's easily overlooked! Just Awesome! 9.5/10
  9. And the Temple Boss is just as easy!
  10. Pretty much yeah!Especially Temple of Time and the next Temple, you probably won't take a hit! Yeah I suppose! Only bosses that are much of a challenge are... Phantom Ganon and Gryorg (but only really on the first playthrough)!
  11. Awesome boss yes, but both forms of Stallord were incredibly easy!!
  12. I'd also really like Mario Golf/Wii Golf to show up on Wii soon!! Wii Sports Golf was just so awesome I just wanted endless more courses! and Nintendo seem to be the only people who can make a golf game successfully on Wii atm!
  13. Any chance all the rubbish in the middle of this thread can be deleted?!
  14. Saw a horrible rumour somewhere the other day that Robbie Williams was a possible contender for the role of Kirk!! They think he could play the character well!
  15. Oh yeah, just seen those logos at the bottom of the first page! I think the remaining sports are winter sports and my guesses from the logos are... - Speed Skating - Ice Hockey (looks like a puck and base of a stick to me) - Snowboarding (again, looks a bit like someone balancing on a snowboard)
  16. That would be called 10 Sports then in English? Good name! - Archery - Go-Karting - Motocross - Volleyball - Football - Basketball - Badminton - ? - ? - ?
  17. Do the UK Elites have better hardware updates to solve many of the problems?
  18. Yeah, the poor 360 never even stood a chance! I know! They've been out pretty much the same time frame and the Wii has around a 200,000 lead!
  19. Yeah, that stands pretty rubbish!The wii looks better lying down by itself, why expand the size of it like that?!
  20. I can't really see it being screwed up, as there's probably the option for standard controls aswell.
  21. Look forward to seeing it!
  22. This is such impressive stuff from the Wii!
  23. Cheers Hero'! It all just sounding SO good!!
  24. Although it makes it look like a PS2!
  25. Can't you do that on every level? I thought that's how you got the best rank/score in this game?!
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