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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Nope, Metroid Prime 2 didn't really do anything for the story, all it showed was Samus meeting Dark Samus and the kind of destruction Dark Samus can bring; both of which will be played out again in MP3!
  2. Despite having more content, amazing graphics, custom garage etc...It wasn't as fun as F-Zero X IMO, and I also prefered the levels on F-Zero X. F-Zero X, one of the greatest games of all time!
  3. I always do the Shadow Temple first! Think it's because you need the Hover Boots to cross the desert and you get them at the start of the Shadow Temple don't you? Also you use the Lens of Truth alot in the Shadow Temple, which you can carry on with you to help out with the desert and Spirit Temple. Also, mainly because to me it feels more of an epic ending to me doing the Spirit Temple last: Going out through the Gerudo gate, crossing the desert, the whole Young/Adult Link thing, awesome boss battle, awesome temple overlooking the land etc... etc...
  4. Have you tried clicking on the black video screen to launch the video (close the new window that appears)?
  5. I'm only guessing but I think you may have 3 bars for the hub etc... and all the standard exploration, but then when you enter a world, such as Bee World, you can find mushrooms to build you health bar. Then after each star found/or when you leave the world, it will be reset?
  6. That was Amusement Vision though, not Sonic Team, who are simply rubbish at the moment!
  7. Umm No!! That honour goes to Bruce Almighty
  8. New E3 '07 Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21832.html Looks awesome!!
  9. Yeah I made this thread in December when news was coming through that Zelda Wii had been in development for over a year! http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11095&highlight=zelda Ah well!!
  10. Well ok yeah... But that's it really, in other words they are right at the start of anything.
  11. Yep!! Sega's a joke at the moment!
  12. Showing a Zelda at E3 '08 doesn't mean it has to come out anytime soon! Could come out 2 years later, which I thought might be the case! But seems they're not even thinking about Zelda right now. Twilight Princess launched close to a year ago now in Japan, and seeing as that game was probably ready to launch around a year earlier, had they not waited ages to re-configure it and launch it for the Wii, there could have been an indication of Zelda Wii at next years E3! But anyways, the Mario's, Zelda's, Metroids etc... are what I buy Nintendo's consoles for, so maybe I'm just a bit more dissapointed by this news (that it's not even really in any planning stages yet!) than others! Saying that though, I'd much rather they took their time and produced something truely outstanding with each installment! It's just a bit depressing to actually hear, that's all!
  13. Retro_Link


    There's a Jenga game in development for Wii, Jenga http://uk.wii.ign.com/objects/948/948730.html
  14. Least favourite level so far! and yet again it's a flat one with a platform! Wonder if an Animal Crossing character will be playable? as there's yet to be a Smash Bros. stage that doesn't relate to a playable characeter!
  15. Just tell them to shut up Shigsy! I want a real challenge with this game!
  16. Alright calm down!No one had mentioned Left Field in the thread! Yes the produced the fantastic Excitebike 64! This however looks very rushed! and just because it's Left Field, doesn't make it less of an Excitetruck copy and paste! Looks like they're just trying to cash in very quickly (too quickly) on something they know works!
  17. Agreed! Ubisoft Game Developer.... "OK.... first to cut out this Truck...... now...... paste this Bike..and.............. OK cool! job done!" "Ummmm.........anyone wanna go for an early lunch?"
  18. Oh yeah true! I read it as... "When quizzed on the subject, Miyamoto [all but] revealed that another Pikmin was in development for Wii." ... wierd! Ah well, Nintendo/Miyamoto are thinking about another Pikmin title atleast!
  19. E3 Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21747.html
  20. No, as in cannons that shoot the morph ball, they were in Metroid Prime 2.
  21. You didn't think there might be something of Zelda Wii at E3 2008? Surely that was quite a good possibility until now! The first info on the title and the first basic trailer perhaps! Considering Twilight Princess was developed for GC and work started on it as far back as around 2002 (the first Twilight Princess trailer was shown at E3 2003), I would have thought they'd have been working on something for Zelda Wii, that we could get to see next E3! Thought we might be looking at a Christmas 2009 release for Zelda Wii! But if nothings even really been started yet and it takes more than 3 years, then maybe there won't be another on Wii!
  22. Trailer http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/947/947169/vids_1.html
  23. Hmm... not good news!! Can't see there being anything shown for a new Zelda until atleast 2009 now! And that's if there is going to be another Zelda on Wii! They didn't sound all that positive! Launch title for Wii 2? At the moment it seems like alot of Nintendo's focus has shifted towards there 'new style games', Brain Age, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Wii Music, Mii's etc... etc... With this shift in focus and the high praise of Zelda on DS, it seems more likely we'll see another Zelda DS before we see anything of Zelda Wii!
  24. Interesting indeed!
  25. Expected! but nice to have some confirmation!
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