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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Awesome! yeah the atmosphere of an England v Germany game in the new wembley is bound to be something special!
  2. Yeah! can't wait! Yeah where are you Platty?!
  3. True, but they are just trying to mirror the doctors eccentric behaviour aren't they in this latest incarnation, to make him a very like for like rival, almost like a brotherly rivalry (to try and make him more appealing to the new series audience maybe?).
  4. Tennants not leaving at the end of this series! Next series though, yeah (or at least Series 4 was said in the past). To everyone moaning about the use of 'Voodoo Child' I don't think it was meant as a soundtrack over the Masters actions, wasn't it the Master himself who was playing the song, because didn't he say something like "that's enough of that" and turn it off? If so it puts a different dynamic on it's use, because it's showing what a warped character the master has! How he can cause so much chaos and destruction, but have a joke with it!
  5. Well, that was only a month or so ago, but I suppose before it was released anywhere.What have been its sales figures so far, do you/anyone know?
  6. Hope they are proved wrong!
  7. Video Interview http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/827/827211/vids_1.html
  8. New pictures http://www.jeux-france.com/news20673_opoona-pour-le-27-septembre-au-japon.html
  9. I've highlighted so of the more interesting questions/answers of the interview... Looks like online play would have been included if Nintendo had its act together with Third Partys! Seems Midway have numeruous plans for Wii, and we may see some other Mortal Kombat/spin-off games on Wii. Looking into MK on Virtual Console!
  10. Very nice boxart!
  11. Don't really like it to be honest, don't really like the model they've used of Samus just standing there, looks pretty boring! This is meant to be the final dramatic installment, so how about a dramatic pose from Samus! It's also not particularly clear! Is the darker Samus (standing behind Samus) meant to be Samus corrupted by Phazon? then with Dark Samus in the background.
  12. Great to here Crystal Dynamics are using this project to get to know the Wii for possible future original IP's!
  13. Some great new info! I really like the fact it wasn't originally meant to be Wii exclusive, somehow gives it more credibility!
  14. This is another genre Wii is perfect for!
  15. English Preview http://www.gametrailers.com/player/20993.html
  16. This game needs to be made! Jedi Knight 3 would be great to have on Wii! Or a Wii version of Star Wars arcade! Or just a brand new game!
  17. haha, that it does! The games do look rather boring to say the least!
  18. So are Take Thats, so are BoyZones etc... etc... but they are still out there, they would still want to go and see them! The fact that people have constantly been asking 'when are the Spice Girls getting back together' shows they're still out there. Plus the Spice Girls have never really left the public eye and therefore will have some new fans aswell.
  19. I think it's just rediculous anyone complaining about this, just let it go! They're doing a reunion tour for their fans, who will hugely appreciate it! People have been wanting them to get back together since they split. It's not doing anyone any harm and it will please alot of people! They're just having a bit of fun before they get any older, beats the lot of them just sitting around!
  20. haha, true! hmm... those pics didn't last long before 'red crossing'!
  21. World Tour planned; those tickets are going to be worth an absolute MINT on ebay!!
  22. Don't think you're gonna get many answers other than Zelda!
  23. You're welcome! Probably a game that will look better in motion and just looks a bit to busy and colourful in pictures.
  24. Pangya Golf 2!
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