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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The Bourne Ultimatum http://uk.media.movies.ign.com/media/039/039975/vids_1.html# Looks very good indeed!
  2. New E3 Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21257.html
  3. Without question I would prefer Smash Bros in 2007! Mario Kart is abit of an overrated series IMO (single player anyways!)
  4. AWESOME victory from Kimi!! Couldn't be more pleased for him!!
  5. Thankyou! Couldn't agree more!! Everyone has jumped on the Hamilton bandwagon and all the Formula1 loyalists are being forgotten about, every second of every show is relating to Hamilton, where as there used to be features on all the drivers. If you don't support Hamilton your just forgotten about! There are 21 other drivers on track thankyou ITV!! It really is annoying me!! Todays qualifying... stupid light on fuel show boating lap from Hamilton to please the crowds! As for tomorrows race... Kimi to win!!
  6. If the keep to that it will be just fine!
  7. Well they did promise some 15+ hours of gameplay, so we'll see... There's also the new Wesker/Umbrella chapters, so at least there's something very substantially new in the game!
  8. AWESOME!! Finally we hear from Leon, though they still aren't showing him! Loved the whole computer voice to the trailer and Weskers section at the end.... haha, this is gonna be amazing!!
  9. Ah go on then, you can have that one!
  10. That's because Nintendo's was the stuff that legends are made of!
  11. I'm not saying he isn't a fantastic player, I can totally recognise and appreciate the talent he has, it's just personally I find him very boring to watch! I also found Sampras extremely boring! I prefer to see the player show there emotions out there and have a personality! and that's why I prefer to watch the likes of Hewitt, Agassi and McEnroe, so much more!
  12. I rememeber it! and just searched for it... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=433&highlight=sr388 Not the original thread about the idea, but it's shown/explained! It's funny how the idea of a Federation Trooper FPS seems to get refreshed/mentioned again every month or so and spoken of again as though it's a brand new idea, lol!
  13. I can say that, because as awesome as Federer is, his complete lack of emotion on court just makes him disinteresting to watch for me! Federer loses the point... Federer wins the point.... Federer wins the match..
  14. Henin FTW!! She's an awesome players and Wimbledon is the only Grand Slam event she hasn't won, she deserves to win all four of them! Shame Hewitt's gone out, Nadal FTW now! Federer is just SOOOO boring! Try showing abit of charisma/personality!
  15. So how's this gonna work this year? Boards closed to us again for the week so that only mods etc... create threads for new games/announcements, and all other members sending PM's to mods if they are yet to create a certain thread... like last year? Can't believe it's already been a year!
  16. Hmmm... there aren't really any particularly good places to get a Wii from, as nowhere really offer bundles at the moment, and stock is still quite infrequent! Choices is selling a Wii/Wii Sports + Resi 4 bundle for £194.99. http://www.choicesuk.com/Product.aspx/!828226 Gamestation have a few bundles worth considering e.g. Wii + 2/3 games could save you abit... http://www.gamestation.co.uk/cat.asp?cat=wii&t=hardware It's more a case of; where can you find the best games at the cheapest prices!
  17. IGN Review - 9/10 http://uk.movies.ign.com/articles/799/799776p1.html
  18. Haha, yeah they are quite big! Think the circle round the edge is showing your ammo though to free up the screen of HUDs!
  19. Shows the co-op gameplay!
  20. Hope it's the whole game in Co-op! If it is then...
  21. I absolutely hate the Catherine Tate Show, but thought she was fantastic in Doctor Who! After the brilliant Rose she was a refreshing change, offering a different type of companion and thought it would be good if she was in a few new episodes. Think she could be good!
  22. Thats a photoshop!The actually picture is back a page or so!
  23. But if Retro have basically got all the tools in place to make a FPS, why not capitalize on it! I think a Retro FPS would also appeal to a much greater audience than Raven Blade.
  24. Great idea! At certain times a switch could appear for you to jump on which would draw back the bridge! And anyone who doesn't jump away in time would bounce off the lava like on Melees Planet Zebus: Brinstar! Whilst this is happening new platforms could appear above to carry on the brawl!
  25. New Video! http://www.jeux-france.com/news20718_no-more-heroes-en-video.html Looks awesome!
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