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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Hello Enthusiasm: Some of the minigames actually look pretty fun, and I do like the board game mode.
  2. I'd like it please!
  3. Just be sure to stock up on games now!
  4. So are we to guess the inside of the cruise ship has been modelled on the mansion also.
  5. Yeah just heard it was 30 games all in the 5th... unbelievable!!
  6. Hmm... might be interested in getting it for the DS. ---
  7. WOW, that sounds awesome!!
  8. Yeah the fourth looks like they've drawn ALOT from Resi 5. Plus aswell as having Claire in it, Chris is in it (Wentworth Miller FTW) and Jill is also supposedly back!
  9. Not Nintendo, but First4Figures have announced... Super Sonic and Super Sonic: Exclusive Version
  10. First Look/Developer Interview: What with SO many awesome games shown at E3, the Conduit 2 is really gonna have to go some way to get any attention from me tbh!
  11. Looks fantastic!!! and seems there's an interesting story going on!?
  12. yeah that suit certainly hasn't/doesn't help! But I agree I can't really put my finger on why either... he just really, really annoys me! Pleased to see Roddick, Hewitt and Nadal have all gone through pretty easily!!
  13. Hmm... that's funny because all pro tennis players are better than me... they don't all however make me want to punch them in the face!
  14. Personally i didn't think that looked very good... or at least, something I'm not bothered seeing.
  15. Maybe it's so authentic that the Hispania's stalled at the end of the pit lane. Wonder if dry lines start to develop and you can really feel a handling difference on and off it?... should do if they have weather changing mid race.
  16. I spent years!! Found 99 all within good time, then spent ABSOLUTELY ages trying to find the last one, rechecking and rechecking every area... until I was convinced there was something wrong with my game! Then a couple of years later I just thought I'd try putting bugs down every hole AGAIN and low and behold, out came the 100th at the entrance to Dodongo Cavern!!
  17. Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story - £19.85 http://www.shopto.net/DS/VIDEO%20GAMES/DSMA24-Mario%20and%20Luigi%20Bowsers%20Inside%20Story.html
  18. Does make me wory that this will lead to The Avengers being character packed!! Mind you they've only got the chance to show two shorts (if they go ahead with them before Thor and C.A.) before The Avengers comes out!
  19. Absolutely CANNOT stand Federer, he actually makes me angry! I was watching his match earlier through gritted teeth thinking man I just can't stand you! Shame that first round defeat didn't happen! Hewitt, Roddick or Nadal FTW!! Hewitt because I've been a LONG time fan of his... but a wins unlikely. Roddick because again I like him and would LOVE to see him win after his defeat last year. And otherwise Nadal because he's just all round awesome!
  20. Yeah the first is enjoyable enough, the second less so, and I haven't bothered with the third.
  21. Looks like they've slapped Weskers 'Jill control device' from Resi 5 on Claire's chest for this film.
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