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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Maybe they could make Red Steel 3 for the 3DS?... Red Steel 3[DS]... Perfect!!
  2. Not Mario Kart, Pilotwings, Resident Evil, Professor Layton?...
  3. It was a combination of manual focus depth to somewhat obscure the background behind the car, and then emphasised with blur in photoshop. Whilst running backwards at 200mph.
  4. Yeah I supose your right about Star Wars, in that it could be seen as the story of Anakin. It's down to opinion I suppose. Yes the original trilogy is numbered IV, V, VI (btw I thought it was always this, not re-numbered at any later stage, as it was always the vision), but if you want, they can be two seperate stories... with Anakin and Obi Wan acting as a connection.... In the same way that The Hobbit and LotR are two stories, connected by Gandalf, Bilbo and Gollum. It is different to Star Wars in that the original Alien trilogy wasn't produced with a prequel story always in mind.
  5. And whilst this one is only a prototype, they've also designed an iPod case...
  6. Well yes obviously you couldn't use LotR etc... as an example because it's one complete story devided into three books/films. However if you so wanted to you could ignore the Star Wars prequels because the original trilogy is a complete story in itself, it works as a whole, there are no questions left unanswered. You can then look at the story of Anakin Skywalker as a seperate story. Alien works the best out of all these examples, because where as George Lucas always had a prequel story in mind for Star Wars, that's not the case with Alien. Alien works fine as it's own story, as you've said, these prequels aren't even necessary, it's just something the director has now chosen to do as a project. Personally I'd just take them or leave them.
  7. So that's a 3rd Party Wii remote, as opposed to some sort of casing? It looks absolutely AWESOME!!!... but I wouldn't want a 3rd party controller. Also the Mickey charger is quite nice, but it's annoying me that the paint brush is for the nunchuck which doesn't control the paintbrush in the game!
  8. The PSP retailed higher when it was first released, also Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when they launched the Wii at £179.99. It was selling for £300-£500 on ebay over that christmas period and people were still lapping them up. They could have launched the console at £250 and then droppd its price to £179.99 6 months later. Also I was thining the DSi was retailing at £150, but just remembered it's £130 isn't it... so yeah I'll say £150 for the 3DS. It's also got a lot more to it than the DSi.
  9. £150-£170 I reckon. But let's be honest, we're pretty much all buying one whatever the price!
  10. Hmm true... but I pretty sure that's what they've done! Though the end boss (from that video interview with the devs) did sound like it could be someone interesting.
  11. Yeah but tbh Mario could do with taking the occasional break from Bowser.
  12. Maybe it's just because it's about time DK started on a new adventure of some kind!
  13. Reggie on GTTV http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/gametrailers-tv/96?ch=1&sd=1 Followed by Sony and Microsoft's guys. Followed by 1 minute from each on why they won E3.
  14. Oh yeah it was a removed Beta part, there's a video out there that shows it... Just wondered if from this part of the hands on... They might be teasing us at them reincluding it, along with the other few changes they are making... but I doubt it. And yeah, does this suggest we'll be able to take Epona on into the castle?... Wonder if they have anything new planned for Link and Epona in there?
  15. For launch yes, but what about each and every game there after! It'll be interesting to see how it's handled! I imagine for starters third parties will advertise their games on TV a lot more and with strong 3D messages... either in adverts similar to the one with the Nintendo bosses shown at E3, or maybe like the new advert for the 3D TV (panasonic maybe?) where it's shown in 3D despite our TV's not showing it and inticing you to want to experience the 3D images.
  16. ^ So ignore it!
  17. I think it's interesting that this will be the first console in history in which we won't be able to judge a game visually until we have it in our hands. We can take a reviewers word for it, we can see the game in 2D in video reviews, pictures and TV adverts... but not until the game is actually there in front of us will anyone truely see what the 3DS' game are like!!
  18. Hmm... wonder if the Triforce will make an appearance in this version? Also, did that info say they rode over the drawbridge?!!
  19. That looks Beautiful!!! Wet Spa!!
  20. Didn't realise this was out!! I thought the release was months away!! Good solid sales though!
  21. That was actually my witty attempt at trying to bypass another post he unneccesarily ruined by 'stun/stunning/studded/it stuns'.
  22. Actually I don't think paint stuns the enemies, it seems to altogether befriend them! *Psyche*
  23. Yeah I'm even a little annoyed that I'm now aware of what's likely the first boss! I don't want to know anything more about this game... I don't even want to know what the 'hook' is... I mean I assume we're gonna take to the skies... but I'm gonna try my best to not find out how! Though more than likely some artwork on the front page of IGN or somewhere, is most likely to reveal it to me at some point!
  24. Yeah I always used to zoom in the sight and look at that island, didn't realise there was a video of someone going over there!! Judging by the gun turret which I guess you'd have to take out from the boat on the way over, the guard tower was probably intended to house a heavily guarded secret gun of some kind! ---- Finding the Triforce in an OOT Beta:
  25. Cool, so a new Resident Evil Chapter!! I imagine it will be more like the original games in terms of length, one that can be completed in say 5 hours. If only it were Leon instead!!
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