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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. These are just to fill out the launch catalogue surely... like Super Mario 64 DS. There's LOADS of original games aswell, both First and Third party!!
  3. Vegetation doesn't look great, looked better in Wind Waker didn't it? I hope they work on the graphics, but I'm sure things will progress between now and early 2011.
  4. I imagine the release will be pretty simultaneous. Who knows, Europe may even get it before US!
  5. AWESOME!!! This day just keeps getting better and better!!!
  6. I wonder if Nintendo actually listened and scrapped it? Perhaps that's why Ubisoft have had to bring out their own device instead of waiting?
  7. Who's loving the 2D revival!! NSMB Wii Metroid Donkey Kong Kirby
  8. Seriously, who'd of thought Zelda would be the most underwhelming!! (yes it was because of the lame way they demonstrated it) But that conference was SO utterly EPIC (of yarn proportion)... it just kept getting BETTER and BETTER!!!
  9. Yeah but I'm sure Nintendo are realistic with its sales figures when it comes to a Kirby title. They'll know what to expect and who's likely to buy it. I'm sure they've planned dev costs around this.
  10. But... his yarn is EPIC!! I hope we find out later in the game that the yarn is made from "100% pure win"
  11. Video added to first post.
  12. Video added to first post.
  13. Found you a video!
  14. Yeah remember Retro is behind this, so the gameplay should be there!
  15. Exactly! But hey, it sells!!
  16. I'm busy creating new threads, but just want to say... BEST E3 EVER!!!!!
  17. "Sorry to keep you waiting"
  18. DK Returns to 2D platforming!!!
  19. Just announced! Looks incredible! Seems to draw from Paper Mario for graphical inspiration.
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