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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Oh... Dear... God... NO!!!!
  2. I meant seemingly none of the drivers and teams were really aware of the rule, seeing as pretty much everyone made a mad dash for the finish.
  3. The rule is actually clear enough, albeit a bit stupid... and seemingly no one aware of it!
  4. I kinda like Daredevil aswell, not really sure why! Though Bullseye is pretty aweful!... is that seriously the best the Daredevil universe has to offer?!
  5. Oh I think that's much further round then if you came via the fields the other side of the railway.
  6. I'd say having a Giant and a Tiny amongst all the normal size people is going to be pretty jarring anyway!... I hope they can pull it off!
  7. Wasp joined him as a partner when he was Giant man is that right? If so Giant man seems the most likely option over Ant Man.
  8. So he'll be Giant Man in The Avengers yes? So Wasp is a likely now too. I hope they leave it there for the cast. And if they do, then it's pretty much set up for this scene to take place...
  9. Now that's more like it!! Easily the best episode of the new series IMO, with Ep.1 being second... the rest all a pretty meh! It was well written, well acted, thought provoking, Dream Lord/Doctor was a good character. Really enjoyed it! Did the village scenes remind anyone else of Resi 4?
  10. Hey cool, you went to the cement works/quarry! Did you access via the fence down by the river?
  11. Tatsunoko vs Capcom - £14.98 http://www.game.co.uk/Wii/Fighting/~r345880/Tatsunoko-vs-Capcom-Ultimate-All-Stars/
  12. Oh right ok, I didn't realise they always changed them all, I thought quite often some stayed the same. Thanks for the screens though Serebii, it does look far more interesting now! Though the illusion stuff seems confusing!
  13. Really don't like the new names (or the designs a great deal tbh!)... Pokabu, Mijumara and Tsutaja (which I can't help but say like Goldmembers 'Farja') ... really!
  14. Like what? Moon Saw this a few weeks ago, brilliant sci-fi film and Sam Rockwell is just great! Really gets you thinking (I must admit I got a little confused by it all in the end), and some nice emotional scenes. When the plot twist was revealed I was a little dissapointed because I thought it was going to go the other way (full out psychological), but by the end you really get caught up in it all! 8/10
  15. I live in Gloucestershire. Would probably take me an 1hr to get to Goafer's neck of the woods, well Oxford anyway! Yeah that might be an idea, safety in numbers! That mine especially looks pretty epic! A regular Bat Cave! Nice Macro Happenstance!
  16. I just can't believe how drawn out Smallville got!! The first two series, fine... but then seriously, it was like the same thing every season, for AGES!! The Clarke, Lana, Lex relationship became absolutely aweful!
  17. (Especially if it gets a 5th season) Heroes has got to be one of the longest running ruined shows!
  18. I keep thinking this is a WiiWare game... it had the same vibe to it as Lost Winds. I hope it gets a budget release.
  19. If you listen closely... *nom, nom, nom* ... yep, that's the sound of Dante eating his words...
  20. Holy shit!! where is Middleton... *checks* Warwickshire... south of Drayton Manor... so not too far! I'd be pretty interested in checking that out!............................. providing it's stable! Also @ Goafer... Did you buy a mini tripod a while ago?... one of those ones with bendy legs. If so which one was it and have you found it to be good?
  21. Man that is good news!!


    If only they could do Transformers 3 in such a way that you could just pretend ROTF never happened!

  22. Yes... yes it is!
  23. Transformers is brilliant!! Transformers 2... not so much!
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