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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. T'is all kinds of awesome!
  2. If anyone's been keeping up with the Ferrari-Marlboro-Barcode story it's pretty funny. I've always associated that barcode with Marlboro... especially given that at every race/country where smoking promotion isn't an issue, they replace it with 'Marlboro'. But Ferrari, when called up on it last week, flat out denied it... ... only to immeditely change the livery this week... ... albeit to something that arguably looks even more like a cigarette packet?! And great innovation from Mercedes!
  3. Yeah it's my first vote too! Didn't bother last time. Yep, you vote for your local seat, and then all the seats across the country are totted up. Whilst the election is looked on as people voting in terms of the overall country... Some people choose to vote in terms of which party will be best for their local area, so they are voting more for their local MP. But yeah it does feel wierd seeing all the parties jumbled up on the ballot paper.
  4. Voted Lib Dems, in a Conservative/Lib Dem area. I'd have voted Labour, just for the fact I think we need Gordon Brown for the next year (after that not so much), but it's pointless doing so here, so Lib Dem it is. So long as spinless, policyless Cameron doesn't get in, that's all that matters! Not really seeing as it's his constituency!
  5. Brilliant Spune, the first minute was hilarious!... 'umbrella was behind everything'! And Wesker singing Umbrella, classic!
  6. Well I never... I just sold a Framed Print on RedBubble!! Yeah there are some great photo's taken inside and out of derelict buildings... redbubble has some good examples. I think we're quite limited in this country though aren't we, in terms of things like asylums etc... and even if they were around, you're right, they are shit scary!! There was that derelict quarry/clay works I went to around a year or so back... It might be an idea for us to try and find out what places there are to potentially visit in the UK and see if there are any near any of us.
  7. Great photo man! Has a movie poster vibe to it!
  8. Sweet!! Best one yet IMO!! - 15 Inches tall - $154.99 - Limited to 2,500 worldwide
  9. I don't currently have any controllers other than the Wii-mote/Nunchuck, and I'm guessing it doesn't work with that?
  10. Does it matter story wise if you haven't played the first?
  11. Like that one Fresh! Yeah everytime I've used Photomatix it's added quite a lot of noise, even though I'd taken the image using the bracket (3 at a time) setting. Though my camera only goes as far as +/-1, do you ideally have to use +/-2? Sure thing! This is the one I prefer most of your 3 and the HDR image.Though did you chop off the far right of the container for a reason?... or were you trying to stick to the 'rule of thirds' a bit too closely?... because it would be nice to have it at a slightly different angle and fit it in. Maybe try and position your photo in the best way to make quite a surreal image of a giant container seemingly just lying in the middle of a field. I get the deserted shot you're going for in the road photo, problem is it's a pretty unattractive road! It might be nice to get much lower down to the road and depending on your camera try playing around with depth of focus, blurring or focusing in on the near/distance.
  12. Yeah I agree. I honestly have no clue why they replaced Howard, because he was great (perhaps he just wouldn't look as bad-ass in the suit?)... but anyhows Cheadle just naturally fitted right in and did a great job. Aren't pretty much all the bad-guys in Iron Man, mech/arc reactor based? I don't mind that they use them and Whiplash was a good example of variety on a theme. It helps keep the Iron Man world focused and believable, where as you always run a risk when you cross into far-fetched powers.
  13. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Just not Melee! Not even close! Donkey Kong 64 - Banjo Kazooie... except this time crap and no fun, with tacked on DK. MadWorld - Just so repetitive, boring and shallow! Stopped playing after a couple of hours.
  14. Sorry Ashley (I realise it's not your fault), but that's aweful! and kinda scary!... like when Agent Smith takes over someones body in the Matrix and the face stretches all over the place! It doesn't look human. It's so blatently a fake, that it's not worth doing anything else with it, and they shouldn't put it in their photo album. The face is at completely the wrong angle to the head, hence the huge expanse of blur! If I were you I'd either just get him to put up with the original, or meet with you again and take a new headshot that will fit.
  15. Yeah I wasn't all that keen either. For a second parter I thought it went a bit downhill and fell a bit flat.
  16. So Black Mask (having taken over the criminal underworld) and Catwoman (found by Batman a broken vengeful woman by Black Mask), could work well as the two key characters. And then a couple of other recognisable 'henchmen'.
  17. Yeah to start the film off that would be great. Are there any 'lessers' that work under Black Mask for example?
  18. Oh man... where's my OOT Ganordorf vs. Link, or OOT/TP Link on Epona... or even Link vs. Volvagia, like the OOT artwork! Still, Darunia ace, and looks good, but I wouldn't have picked him for a replica.
  19. Yeah Nolans said himself for sure that Mr Freeze won't be in it. I'd like to see Black Mask, having read up on him... and perhaps Catwoman and/or Talia Al Ghul.
  20. Dude that is like soo page 150!
  21. Alpha is so the drinks waiter!
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