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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. ... I'd have loved the Dinozords in it! Still a classic though!
  2. Now you're talkin'!!
  3. Really?... all looks very rubbery to me... like Lord Zedd's (off of Power Rangers) gimp suit! Where's all the chainmail and armour? Maybe some CGI 'sparkle/shine' effect is going to be added to the outfits or something?
  4. It doesn't look very metal?... is it meant to? Looks more like Batmans cast suit.
  5. ^ Well if that's the case then awesome!! I'm seeing it tomorrow night so all will become clear then!
  6. I suppose it annoys me more than some, because I have no real opinion yet on the Avengers. Not having read it, I don't view it as this amazing realistation, but more something that's getting in the way of and potentially somewhat ruining these films I'm so excited about!
  7. What I'm saying is, why include it at all yet. It sounds like it may have gotten in the way of Iron Man 2, and what with no Captain America/Thor sequels planned (until after the Avengers at least), it's safe to say there'll be more than just an after credits cameo because they need to set the characters up for it (like they're reportedly doing with Iron Man more in this sequel), especially with CA being the lead and all! Anyways, I haven't seen IM2 either, so best not to judge yet... but there really was no need to set the Avengers up throughout all the other films! They need to establish the characters, not just all this rushing about for a stupid 2012 deadline!
  8. Yes I did thanks... and I think they're probably arcade ports, hence the 'arcade' in the title. This looks like utter crap and is a series no one's even fussed about, it's just the cheapest, cash-in possible. But I take it you'll be buying this game will you?
  9. Nice idea! Think it may look a bit better with the corners angled, so it's not just cut off, and maybe faded in a bit?...
  10. I wish all this Avengers bullshit could just be left for after all the films! It's bad enough slapping it in Iron Man 2, but the fact that possibly the only Thor and Captain America movies are going to have their stories tainted by having to include some Avengers crap!
  11. Testostalone win!
  12. HELL YEAH!!!
  13. Cheap Sega!
  14. Dante, you posted that on the previous page! Can't believe this is out so soon now!! Guess I should get around to downloading the original beforehand, but I have too many other games to play aswell!... Thus I may have to wait a while before I get this!
  15. If they've built an accurate sim, then all you'll need to do is drive as Mark Webber! I just noticed another attention to detail... choose helmet cam inside a Force India and you get mirrors! Choose it inside a Toro Rosso... and you don't!
  16. If you're brave you could walk into hotels on the night and ask for a room. At that time of night if they have any rooms left unfilled (which they're likely to), you can get it at a bargain price, because for them at that stage, any money is better than an unsold room for the night.
  17. They wouldn't dare get rid of it, The Doctor said he likes that noise, Besides, if they did, there would be so many complaints it would immediately be put back in!
  18. Developer Diary - Handling:
  19. This exists! Although I'm guessing maybe your longer post would have explained wanting a sequel more like the original?
  20. Yeah I couldn't believe Amy sorted it out herself for the third week in a row, jeez! River Song's been in it before (not sure if you knew that or not), but yeah the bit about leaving the break on (hence the classic noise) was great Audio *love that noise!*
  21. Also a Black & White gallery...
  22. Went to Prescott Speed Hill Climb today. The aim... panning... and I definately made progress throughout the day!
  23. I did actually enjoy the episode... I was just confused as to what was going on with the Angels. They had a great re-introduction into the series anyway, the video bit at the start was classic terrifying Angels stuff!! Next weeks looks like a great second half!... and the continuing story of River is an interesting one.
  24. The scene that really struck me was when Bob was by himself in a cave, he had two or three angels behind him just doing nothing. Though maybe they were waiting for him to go to the winged angel. In Blink I think the smaller number helped because you could keep track of them in relation to what the girl was doing. Where as I think the plot of this episode conflicted a bit with what we'd previously been told about the angels movements. It seemed far more dependant on light this time, as opposed to blinking or turning your back. The Doctor et al, could have at least formed a circle!
  25. Sorry are you talking to me. I'm not looking for reasons to hate it at all. But why take arguably the best/scariest enemy of the new series and implement it so badly?! I thought there were simply two rules to an angel... 'Don't turn your back on it' and 'Don't Blink'! Seemingly neither (apart from chosen set pieces) matter now!
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