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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Retro_Link


    Oh... I don't think I ever used bombs in battle! Don't think the dojo teaches you about that sort of stuff... have a look at some of your earliest scrolls maybe. Basically, equip a shield as your sub weapon 'Z'... and every time an enemy is about to hit you with their weapon, or with a slap/kick... press it to shield the attack/perform a finisher... most enemies will drop a fang. When you've killed an enemy they briefly slow down... slash them with a brush stroke and some will drop a fang. And 'peeing' on enemy with the 'C' button will always cause them to drop one.
  2. Retro_Link


    They're the ones that monsters drop as you battle them... Have you not picked up a few hundred or more as you've been battling monsters? There's already been a blue fang traders or two in the game. If you don't have many go back to the original field where the easiest monsters are and battle a load there. For easy fangs just 'pee' on every monster... but you also get them for blocking their attacks at just the right time and for finishing them off in the right way when you defeat them and they go all slow-mo. The brown apes who carry guitars are the easiest to pick up a load from. You get 1 from 'peeing', another from blocking their guitar just before it hits you, and I think two from finishing them off with a power slash.
  3. Yeah that's very good news for Webber! Personally I'd rather they never went to Korea but still!
  4. Yeah well i got a certificate from the US Air Force because I completed it so quickly... with my eyes shut.
  5. Rez you bastard... you made me laugh just as I took a mouth full of Vimto!
  6. Tbf, we said the same thing after the Gamecube!... you'd hope the message would finally get through, but this is Nintendo!
  7. Yeah I think the names ok... it's just letting all those Old School Nintendo fans know (who don't check the web)... DKC is BACK!!
  8. First go... 18:776 Second go... 21.14 Answer... probably not!
  9. Oh shit... the big boss of Red Bull Helmut Marko, just revealed on finnish TV that they offered Kimi a drive for Red Bull F1 in 2010. *Excuse me while I go and find a wall to put my head through!*
  10. I'd stretch to ever!However I do find him quite funny in interviews... not sure why this is.
  11. Can't say I'm a fan of Will Ferrell *holds up flame shield* And Mark Wahlberg... well he's Mark Wahlberg! Needless to say this film doesn't immediately appeal, but I'll watch your movie review.
  12. The silly season is Renault to Ferrari, Massa to (Ferrari powered) Sauber... back to where he was before Ferrari. However much Ferrari bullshit, they do not treat their drivers equally.
  13. Further reports today based off of Kevin Keegans comments... that 'Rooney's confidence is shot'. I'm sure all the recent attention has contributed, but lets face it, Rooneys been underperforming for a long time since before all this came out!
  14. Excluding DNF's, I'd say it's a three horse race between Webber, Alonso, Lewis... I don't think Vettels quite ready for it, and I don't think Button can beat Lewis.
  15. Wel' I'm gonna! You could have used a nice landscape view of a coaster for the sig. Though having said that I prefer the sig to the avatar. Actually I really like how it fits in with the other part of your sig aswell I do like the contrasting colours, and it's for Florida so that bumps up the ratings to a 7.5/10
  16. Does one guys shirt read... "Designer Bodies Unlim." ... we have a winner!! Also, does the guy with the rose realise it is infact, not a Falcon?
  17. New Gameplay
  18. All these instances would infuriate me more simply given the fact it appears to always be Petrov... who is, lets face it... rubbish!
  19. Felt pretty sorry for Hamilton tbh! I don't want to be seeing people taken out in these remaining races... if it's a mech. failure then fair enough. Yes it's a racing incident, but I'm not entirely sure Webber should have had hiss car there, it was a bit optimistic as Lewis was always gonna be coming across. Wished Vettel had been able to push for just that bit longer each time he tried... but guess his brakes were on the limit! Kovaleinen on fire was pretty crazy how he just kept going! And Kubica put on a nice show towards the end with his fresh tyres!! That race goes on for probably a bit too long though!
  20. haha... Vettel was priceless on the grid, when Martin and Tanya were having one of their little moments again, and Seb was all 'are you two...' Very funny! Nicole Scher(can't spell it).... on the other hand... that was just embaressing!
  21. I have to totally agree with FLink, I just can't see it with Katy Perry. Many guys do think she's hot, and woman have also told me the same, but it's just not happening for me... Though I'll always love her 'running man' in Hot & Cold.
  22. I guess I just don't really like white boxarts much.
  23. Happy Birthday Guys!!
  24. Booooo!!... from various F1 tweets this morning it seems there was no rain, the sun was shining and the track is dry. That majorly sucks!!
  25. I thought in the development videos they kept saying the challenge of choosing Lotus et. al. was to pretty much beat your team mate and maybe one day fight your way up to score a point. I'm surprised the game lets you finish as high as fifth.
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