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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I know... my post was almost as much of a fail. :p (Had assumed they were all separate images and not joined to one white background)
  2. What a fail...
  3. Moved this to it own thread, as it just looks crazy!!
  4. I thought the Hyde was Hiding from Hyde Park. :p
  5. Sounds like instead of allowing this game to be something new and fresh for the Star Wars universe, George Lucas had already stepped in to ruin it anyway... I don't mind nearly as much now.
  6. [unreal 3.5 ] Oh ok, but yeah still doubt it's coming :p or surely it would be listed at the end alongside PS4.
  7. *Googles* "Modified Crystal Engine"... I think Tomb Raider has always had it's own engine.
  8. Ahh... Late To The Party ... not Link To The Past! :p Yeah have to say Megaman is one of those series that I've never played either! Have been kind of interested in giving some of the new ones a go, maybe I'll look at Mega Man 9 too.
  9. Thief is an UE4 game, which means it's another that the Wii U will miss out on. Looks so good!...
  10. Why are you guys reading it/want to potentially spoil it for yourself?
  11. IGN First Look: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/04/04/thief-stepping-out-of-the-shadows
  12. I'd totally be up for that! But I don't mind missing Qualifying too much, can watch it back later... it's more whether I actually go to Hungary this year! :p
  13. Zenda: The Linked Swords Funny video, and lol at 3:30 :p
  14. Uncharted 3 is £13.45 at Base.com through Play: http://www.play.com/stores/basecom/listing/703976247
  15. I think The Night Circus could well go on to be my favourite book! Only 160/500 pages in, but I just love it!
  16. Gametrailers break down and reveal the secrets of the Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/hpknh6/metal-gear-solid-v--the-phantom-pain-pop-block--debut-trailer
  17. Win! Great addition!
  18. Debut Trailer Definitely one to watch for me! Coming to PS4 and other Next-Gen consoles, I guess again there isn't a Wii U version, or otherwise it would have been mentioned alongside the PS4.
  19. The files look kinda cool, but the Briefcase and Tesseract look really cheap quality. Especially the tesseract how it flashes the way it does and in no way resembles the one in the films.
  20. There's a worse voice over in the latest Assassins Creed IV gameplay trailer! :p
  21. @Daft Although described as a thriller, I thought it could have been more of one. I also felt there was a lot more scope for adventure with a setup like that, but this story is a very controlled one. It didn't quite live up to it's potential I felt. But it's really cheap so still maybe worth a read.
  22. Cool, I'll send you my Paypal Thanks for that though! You've pretty much made my mind up that I should go for the PS3 version. Like you say I don't see myself getting a Wii U until Christmas maybe... and then when I do there will be the likes of Mario, Mario Kart and other First and Third Party games to catch-up on first/instead... plus this game will be even older in gameplay terms by then... plus the next-gen consoles arrive at the end of the year too! So yeah, decision made. (and yes getting it on PS Plus would have been great! :p at least I have that now!)
  23. So I finished reading Before I Go To Sleep. It was ok, a good idea, but it was a bit predictable tbh... I saw the big plot twist coming all the way throughout the book really, so when it came there wasn't really any big revelation, and the very end of the book wasn't very satisfying either. But a decent story, a bit basic, but something different nevertheless. I'm currently reading The Night Circus. Utterly fantastic!!
  24. @Captain Falcon and anyone else... :p How much are the things they're fixing for this game an issue to the game overall?... as Amazon are currently selling the PS3 version for under £8!
  25. @Happenstance is back! Welcome back dude!
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