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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Sell one of your Xenoblade bundles then.
  2. Can't make those days :/ But maybe I could do one soon.
  3. IGN are talking about what's happened to the Yoshi's Island series: http://uk.ign.com/videos/2014/03/29/can-nintendo-redeem-yoshis-island-for-its-hardcore-fans-nintendo-podcast @1:15 I lolled at NEW Super Metroid, where you would just be a giant Morph Ball rolling across the screen That's totally what Nintendo would do :p
  4. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeey!... it's Nintendo Guy!! :D"
  5. What, Bottas from 18th or whatever it is? :p It had better be dry! only way we can send RedBull backwards I believe Kimi will have a great race tomorrow! Podium please!!
  6. Tits McGee... no surely not? :p
  7. October 7th release date.
  8. Those Utd fans totally wasted their money :p 4-1 win to keep everyone entertained and a great reception in the stadium... no one probably noticed.
  9. Yeah I can't remember having problems like that either, I thought the save stations were quite fairly spaced out, and tbh I loved the challenge of getting between them and the feeling you have one you arrive at one having been exhausted in battle along the way. Golden Morph Ball for @Serebii
  10. If they combined the best of Other M and the best of Metroid Prime, it would still be Metroid Prime :p
  11. Ah yes true! We do see plenty of container lined up to be filled up with ooze. One's bound to find it's way out
  12. lol! yep I lolled
  13. Playstation Store.
  14. Confirmed http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/03/28/playstation-plus-april-pro-evo-2014-mercenary-kings-sly-cooper/ and yep @Daft they say it's Cross Buy enabled.
  15. The fact you couldn't ride your Loftwing at night was just plain weird! ... although I've just realised that's because they didn't design the land for night time!
  16. The course design and music in F-Zero X is SOOO good! Wish I still had my copy.
  17. Although I think it is also largely due to the fact Ocarina of Time has a strong narrative. Mario 64 has no story whatsoever so you can have that freedom, likewise with the original Legend of Zelda, all there is, is an end goal. Ocaina of Time establishes what it needs to in terms of optional control tutorials and story and then it gives you the freedom of Hyrule Field. Where you go from there is up to you.
  18. Your both right, April's Dad and Mahone to be Shredder worked together to create 'the heroes the world needs'. ... because the world is crying out for over sized Turtles, that scare the bejezus out of everyone and have to hide in the sewers.
  19. Here you go: (will watch it in a bit)
  20. Think I'd like to see young Link on the home console next. They did really well in Skyward Sword with Links personality, but you'd be hard pushed to beat that of WW. I think Young Link allows for more character growth throughout the game, plus if they're going to give us a grand explorable overworld, tackling and stepping out into that is going to feel so much more of an adventure. And it also allows for more fun touches like sneaking around spying on people, making animal noises etc...
  21. No nothing!... it's just if you happened to watch that IGN gameplay they ruined the whole thing for you, which was just idiotic on the part of IGN/SEGA.
  22. You know there isn't! But Monolith is doing X and Retro maybe Metroid or something else.
  23. Oh god I see what they mean about a dark tone!! It has the same vibe to it as an end of a Trilogy/'end of the world' film, like Transformers 3. Lighten up Bay you bastard! This is the Turtles!!
  24. Well I guess Assassins Creed 4 is quite a good showcase, but it wasn't built from the ground up on Wii U. ZombiU shows what a realistic launch game can look like. We have the Zelda tech demo, but we don't know if that standard can be applied to an entire game. I'd just love to see Nintendo carrying on from WWHD and see how far they can go with the animated/Pixar style. Plus we know that makes for a much more timeless game.
  25. Surely if they are going to sell consoles they need to make Zelda different, otherwise what reason is there for them to pick a Wii U up when they can just spend £40-£50 on any one of the games you've mentioned? The Nintendo charm, a beautiful art style you can't find elsewhere, something unique and different... this is the attraction. There is no way Nintendo are going to offer visuals better than The Witcher 3, a hardcore online experience better than Dark Souls, or an RPG experience and overworld equal to that of Skyrim! They need to do what they do well. For me, I'd love to see a Wind Waker/Skyward Sword sequel in terms of art style, but a vast explorable living landscape full of secrets and adventure.
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