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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Can i c a pix of u plz?!


    I m wet n rdy. Lol!

  2. Ye, I got pix! I m hot/spicy/dippable in ur tea.




    Dis is me wiv ma nu car! Do u liek it?!


    A/S/L plz. Thnx.!!!!!1

  3. I've also heard stuff that when the next N-E up-rising takes place, that you will align with the other two thirds of the Holy Trinity, which is made up of Platty and Shorty, and you will resurrect El Diablo, which is better known as Mokong. Now, Mokong isn't actually dead, so why he would need resurrecting, I do not know. I was hoping you could share some insight on that. Part of me thinks that Mokong is actually Part Irish-Part Pokemon, and that you actually killed him in a Pokemans fight, and that the Mokong we see is just a Ditto that you have used to copy Mokong until the time comes to bring the new one back.

  4. I heard a rumour that you are actually Ash from de Pokemans cartoons. When I look at your internet pictures, there are striking similarities. Look at this picture of you:




    and look at one of Ash:




    You are almost wearing the same clothes.


    Plus, I heard another rumour that, along with this rumour, that you also are a fan of Mudkipz, and that many people have heard that you like them. Is this true?

  5. I herd u liek mudkipz!

  6. My Sexy! How I Miss You.


    Wanna Cyber?!

  7. Ouchies. If it's possible, would you be able to sleep on your side, or curled up that way? If you can, try to get some rest, I think. Then, analyse it tomorrow, and see a doctor then if you need to. You never know, you may feel a hell of a lot better tomorrow. That link which I gave Caris said about using heat or cold, because it can relax the tightened muscle. So, if you say eet too, and you have proof, then...do eet, Caris! Do Eet Naw!
  8. You're welcome. The body is really tough, but it's also so fragile, and there's many things that can go wrong. Was it like a spasm? I'm not sure what advice I can give, except that you shouldn't do anything that could make it worse. So, walk every slowly if you can. The main thing is probably trying to sleep with it, and seeing how it is tomorrow. You'll probably need to see a doctor if it's that bad.
  9. That's awful, and I've had that before, so I know how painful it is. If you lay down on your side, or curled up on your side, would that help? I've found this link for you: http://www.bigbackpain.com/muscle-injuries.html#treatment There may be something there that can help you. *hugsies for the Geordie*
  10. It does, but it's a different kind of suspense, to me anyway. Alien felt more claustrophobic than Aliens did, imo. Although, both films are masterpieces and fine examples as films. The way I see it, Scott is the Godfather of Alien. Cameron did a great job, but I think the foundations were laid by Ridley. However, if James Cameron ever directs another film in the Alien franchise, I would also be ecstatic with that. They are both legendary directors. Although, I would much rather prefer that Cameron has more to do with the Terminator saga, right now anyway.
  11. Sorry, it has to be Scott every time. Cameron did exceptionally well with Aliens, and I love that film probably more than it is possible for anyone to love a film. But, there is one film I love more: Alien. I guess it comes down to what you want. Cameron's Action or Scott's suspense. These days, I want suspense.
  12. You've mentioned that there are a lot of things for Vieira to consider, but what do you think would be the main reasons for the player to come? When it was announced that Owen would be coming to Man United, the main positives that I saw was that this is a guy who can score goals, has no trouble finding the net, and is quite low risk in the sense that there's no guarantee he would be starting every game, he is free and that his wages would be relatively low. With Vieira, when I think of the positives, I think that he is somewhat of a wall in midfield. A tank, almost. Like you say, he is gritty and he's not afraid to get down to business. Just out of curiosity, what would be your Arsenal team and formation with Vieira playing? I'm not sure if it would really be Wenger admitting that he was wrong. I think it's more the case of bringing in some experience to get a job done. But then, that really depends on what kind of deal is offered. If it is a similar deal to what Owen has, then it seems like a good move. The question is, when called upon, will he be able to do the job? Can he still keep up with the pace of the game in England? That's a few questions to think about.
  13. This is turmoil, to be honest. One the one hand, you have got Ridley Scott directing an Alien film. He is the Godfather of Alien. This has been every fanboy's wet dream for about...well..since Alien! There have been occasions over the years where the proposition of an Alien V was made for Ridley to direct, but it was always a maybe, and merely just a dream. In this respect, I am absolutely delighted to hear that Scott is directing an Alien film. This is news of the century for me. On the other hand, this is a prequel to Alien. This worries me deeply. First of all, the problems that I have with prequels is that they hold the potential to ruin any mystery that the original film holds. There are many unanswered questions in Alien, but it's never a bad thing! Having something unanswered leaves that air of mystery, or suspense, and it also gives others the opportunity to speculate and discuss what they think happened. By answering these questions, sometimes you can kill that mystery. The beauty of Alien was that there were many things in that film which were "Alien." The Planet itself was harsh and the conditions were terrible. Rocky landscapes, it was very different to what the audience or the crew were used to. The space-ship that we find on the Planet has a strange design, which does not seem practical. The inside also is very "Alien", with the ribbed design. The Space Jockey/Pilot that we see in the chair, this is the subject of much discussion for Alien fans ever since the film was first viewed. And, how did the eggs get there? What happened to the crew? Where did the Aliens or Space Jockey come from? I am all for Scott directing an Alien film. But, I am unsure about the idea of a prequel to Alien. I need to hear more. However, if I had to choose one single man who would be given this task, it would always be Ridley Scott. 100%. Nobody would get a second thought.
  14. I woke up very late today, and so I hadn't done my daily checking of Sky Sports News when I had made my way downstairs. My Mum told me that Sir Bobby Robson had died, and I thought maybe she had made a huge mistake. Then, I checked on tv, and it was true. One of those heart-stopping moments, I think. I have a huge respect for this man and for what he achieved. I saw an interview with Sir Alex Ferguson today as well, and he talked about Bobby and how they were going to have dinner together on Monday with Bobby Charlton. He also said that before every big game, Bobby Robson rang to wish him good luck, and that it was a nice gesture from a man who took the time to do these good things for others. Very sad to hear about this. Rest In Peace.
  15. When I was a bit younger than I am now, I used to have real problems when I was shaving. It would just take off chunk-loads of skin and my face would always feel sore. Razor burn, soreness and blood. It was marvelous. One thing I did to change things was just to shave with the grain, and it took my face a week or so to adjust to it, but my skin felt loads better in time. I rarely shave against the grain now. That was one thing I did. I did shave with the grain before sometimes, but it never used to leave me with a clean-shaven look, and it felt a bit irritating to not feel clean, so I more often than not shaved against the grain. Another thing I did was invest in some Karma Cream from Lush. I can't live without it now. Lush is a brilliant place. Another thing is just to ensure that you have some decent razor blades and shaving gel or foam or whatever you use. Nothing worse than crappy blades where you're fighting against it trying to shave. So, yes, this is not directly aimed at you Raining, or...anyone really. Except for you youngsters out there or people who have trouble shaving. It can be a pain in the armpit.
  16. If she has changed so much, then you must know that the relationship is not what it once was. Over time, people do change, in many different ways for many different reasons. Maybe a change of location, or the company in which they keep helps add to this change. Nobody knows why people change, but I bet everyone can identify with someone who they think had changed over time, and maybe not for good. The light at the end of the tunnel is that there is a biiiig world out there, and if you put yourself out there you can come into contact with so many people. You can make new friends, meet and identify with new faces, and maybe just one of these people you will see as more of a friend. It always looks like the end of the world when a relationship ends. But, sometimes it can be the start of something new. I know when things ended between me and my ex that things changed for me for the better. It really was the start of a new life, so you can only consider things like this as a fresh new start. It'll seem awful right now, but it will get so much better in time.
  17. There is something that I do, which I'm not sure if my family, friends or pets have noticed. What I do is I take the covers off tv or other remotes, or I take the back cover off my phone, and I enjoy clipping it back on and off. It's the sound it makes, it's brilliant. I'm addicted to that. Also, this doesn't count I think, but I tap my hands on my knees/legs, as if I'm playing the drums. I know I used to drive people crazy in High School and work...and in houses when I did this.
  18. That must have been quite a difficult situation, especially because you were always under each other's noses, yet not on good terms. That would have pissed me right off.
  19. Yeeees, Molly. She uploaded it onto Redbubble only a few days ago. Stance of Happen: Do eeet! Do eet naaaw! I'm officially her pimp. Pimping her goods!
  20. Aww, Ine will be very happy with that! Thanks for the support.
  21. Sorry to hear that, dude. *internet hug* Chin up. Take this evening to try to cheer yourself up. Watch a film or go out with friends to cheer you up. The company will mean a lot, I think.
  22. I haven't come in here to give any further information on the topics being discovered, but I did come here to say this: Haden, you have a brilliant knowledge of history. I envy you. Same to Danny as well. I now feel inferior.
  23. I've been through a few break-ups, particularly after one relationship where my partner had been cheating, so things got intense towards the end between us and in the end things just become un-resolvable for us. However, it doesn't work that way for everyone. Many couples out there are able to work through the difficult, bad or terrible patches. But, both partners need to be willing to try. If that is not the case, then you risk facing an up-hill battle where you may not get anywhere, and risk hurting yourself further. Being honest and being willing to allow things to take their time is the best thing. If he's reluctant to start a relationship again, all you can do is try to promise that you'll take things slowly and that you will do your best. Sometimes people get second chances and sometimes they don't. But, it's worth a try. Also, if he is just wanting to be friends, then don't throw away that friendship so easily. If you lose a relationship but keep that friendship, then at least something has been salvaged, and that could be the silver lining. It'll be hard at first to accept that you'll both be seeing other people, but you'll use this experience to empower you for future relationships.
  24. I do feel a lot better in general. I feel a bit healthier and alert, so I think it's going well. I wish I had taken before and after pictures though to see how things were going, but I'm about 2 months into this now, so dunno if its worth it. Bah! We could go for walks and stuff, and that'll be some good exercise voor jou. Only gaining a kilo in all that time is pretty impressive, I think. Well done.
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