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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. That's terrible luck. (Your friend, not Newcastle) Anyone else think it was pretty raw of Chelsea not to let Walters take the penalty for his hat-trick? Aha.
  2. I hope it's some sort of Jurassic Park/The Fly cross-over. Brundle-Rex.
  3. Lukaku is an absolute beast. Can't believe West Brom didn't win. I'm watching Match of the Day tonight purely for Jon Walters. Also, @MadDog, you may have confounded Dragooooo to relegation, but United will have my vengeance tomorrow when we crush you.
  4. Hello, Pike. Random question: Are you in any way at all related to a "Gemma Pike" and "Hennie Kroon"? They live close to Bournemouth in Ferndown.

  5. That's crazy. I've never tried doing a 1 rep-max. One day.
  6. If it can, then it's a bargain at that price. I picked it up for 55quid a few months ago. Think it was reduced from £170 or something at the time. Lifting is going well at the moment. I really needed this as I was struggling to get consistency beforehand. As I wasn't consistent, I struggled to make gains. Shoulder pressing is getting better, I've switched to seated barbell pressing (sometimes military pressing) and can manage about 42/45kg now for 5 reps, which is an improvement on before. Squatting and deadlifting will take some time, as I've only just bought the bigger weights. Have managed to get back up to 90kg for the squat and 100 for the deadlift, which is a step in the right direction. I've noticed that I am exercising my legs a lot more now than I used to, purely because I have access to the equipment and can do it a lot more consistently. Went through a phase of about 4 months or so where I just struggled to make it to the gym. Probably longer than that, too. So, this has definitely helped. Probably the wisest investment I've ever made, in all honesty.
  7. It's worth noting that the top of the stand retracts all of the way down, which comes to around hip height or so (on me anyway) and you can overlap the feet of the stands when putting it away, so they don't take up much storage space when not used. If you imagine a square where each side is about 40cm and has a height of around 70 or so, then that's how much space it takes up. Not a great deal at all. I use the stands for squatting, military pressing, in conjunction with the bench for flat, incline and decline benching, as well as seated shoulder pressing. You can also use the spotter stands (the black parts that stick outwards) placed towards the bottom for deadlifts that are not quite on the floor, if you have problems with knees. It's good for height clearance off the ground. All in all, would recommend. They're quite sturdy, which is what you want/need really. I'm using standard weight plates, so I'm not entirely sure if the stand is appropriate if you're using Olympic barbells and weights, as it might be slightly too thick for the stand.
  8. Everytime I eat a piece of toast whilst watching the news, I get worried that I'll see a ghost.
  9. I LIE. There are no beauties in here. Only Iun. Happy Birthday to you. Fabriccio Coloccini says: "I would leave my kittens for you..."
  10. Do you mean the barbell or the squat stands? Currently I'm using the barbell I got with my weights set, which is from here. That's 14Ocm. I've gone up to 90kg or so on that and the bar held nice and firmly. Also managed 100kg deadlift on it no problem. I'm getting a 7ft (I think, or at least close to it) barbell for my birthday. Will post impressions on that when it comes! The squat stands are these ones. Working well so far.
  11. From Tooooorn. Although, I just looked it up and the line is apparently "So I guess the fortune teller's right." I've been living a LIE.
  12. Thanks. Wim hasn't really performed for the last few seasons. Spends more time in sick bay and I can't get him up to 10dv anymore. Leonard Van Brackel is a tough one, I've got a feeling he'll be a 9 this season, but I'm not sure if that's good enough anymore considering his age. What do you think about the idea of selling Thijs Feskens? That way I can bring another striker in. I'll see what happens after the change report. When does the change report come? Also, yes for the cup.
  13. So I guess the fortune teller lied. Go with the first one, definitely. You don't really have any idea where you'll be in 3 months. You might end up finding a nice place in a completely different area and there might not be an LA Fitness nearby. That last thing you want to do is pay for such a lengthy contract as that...I could see that going wrong quite easily. Choose the first one, then cancel it when you move and see if there's anything else close to your new place. If there is an LA Fitness, maybe choose it then, provided you'll be thinking of staying within that area for that amount of time.
  14. Nice pics, Raineeng. Too fucking tired tonight to do any exercise. I played football at both breaktimes whilst I was duty and had my afterschool football club which went on for an hour and a half. I'll count that as my exercise for today. Can barely keep my eyes open.
  15. I don't really know the line @Daft, but I understand the sentiment completely. I sometimes want to say a reference or a quote out loud at an appropriate time, but sometimes I wonder if there's any point. I've done it a few times and received no reaction.
  16. Devastated. Felt that we've played quite well all season, gave a good account of ourselves up until this game. Biggest defeat of the season. Had no luck at all. Tempted to sell the whole team and start to rebuild from scratch.
  17. Yeah, swimming has less impact on the joints. I wish I was better at it, being in water is not really my thing (unless it's a hot shower :p) Squash is excellent for cardio. I'm not a fan of running or jogging. After a while, I become aware that I'm doing it and my legs just don't seem to want to move easily/calves start to ache. But, football or squash, I can go for ages without any trouble. Funny how the mind and body works. Back day for me today. First time I've deadlifted since getting the new plates. They work a treat, they're just the right height to do proper deadlifts with ease. Managed to get back to 100kg for 4 reps and then 3. Not bad considering I've not gone that heavy for a while. Should be able to go heavier next time. Loved the sensation of it. Also threw in some shrugs as I'm going to exercise them about 3 times a week too, along with the calves. Figured I'd hit the shrugs whenever I do shoulders, back and maybe chest, then work the calves during leg day, and any 2 of shoulders, back or chest.
  18. I keep getting cravings to start Resi 4 again. Those Wiimote controls are too good. I've yet to try Dead Space in co-op, I worry it'll ruin the atmosphere. The original memory I have of playing it by myself at around 2-ish in the morning is fantastic. Is Metroid Prime Trilogy easy to get these days? I ended up getting it as a Christmas present. I'd imagine it would be quite tricky now? As for that list of games, it's impressive. It's pretty easy to build up a good collection of games these days, with cheap deals and with the second hand market.
  19. Just measured my height with some help. Was quite funny, I like messing with measuring tapes. :p Height is about 170/171, I'm not very tall. Weight is about 77/78kg at the moment. I was around the 70kg mark in the summer after doing a fair bit of cardio, but I hardly lifted any weights around that time. I've had quite a large period of time-off where I've not been doing it consistently, but now I'm back into it, going heavy again, which is nice. As a result, I've been putting some muscle back on, noticed some decent strength gains.
  20. I figured that. Surprised you didn't have Resi 4 or Dead Space in that collection, though.
  21. It's ok, we're not all perfect.
  22. Although you have made a typo, I believe that word that you have chosen is very apt. I am praying that your leaky defence lets in 20. However, it won't make much difference unless I do my part. Just for reference, Madpool killed me 3-0 at home earlier in the season. They did have title hopes at that point though (haha).
  23. THEN IT BEGIIIINS. Madpool will win 5-0 naaaw. Not too bothered if I do go down, the DVs are quite good and I believe that we'll at least get promoted back up the following season. We'll then have another crack and see what happens.
  24. Picture suuuucks. Villa getting schooled by Bradford in the League Cup. How the fuck did they not get relegated last season?
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