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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I would very much like to see more puzzles in games. A survival horror with a puzzle element would go down a real treat right about now. Not simply solve this puzzle by getting this item from point B and bringing it back to point A. An intelligent puzzle that requires you to think and analyse your surroundings carefully. I'm getting a bit bored of games just becoming about the action. There's more to it than that.
  2. I don't know what you're onnn aboouuuuuut. [/Cockney/Eastender] My back aches from back day. Triceps ache from yesterday. Not sure if I have the strength for leg day. :p Tomorrow.
  3. Somebody used the line "singing from the same hymn sheet" today. Steam coming out of my ears, ready to use RAGGGGGEEE.
  4. In terms of third party games, Resident Evil needs to get lost in the Bermuda Triangle and shouldn't return until it's sorted itself out.
  5. I love the response you created, @Ashley. Had a good chuckle at that one.
  6. The neighbours who lived next door during my fourth year at Uni were mega-dipshits. I remember one particular time where they were having a party that went on til about 6 the next morning, with them smoking some extremely strong weed. I normally can take the smell of the stuff, but this time it was so bad that I had to go and throw up in the bathroom. I was getting really wound up, all of the house were up and were pissed off. Then, a few months down the line, we had rats in our house that came from theirs, through a hole that connected our two houses. It was a shame as the neighbours before them were awesome.
  7. I remember growing up and discovering Mario Kart 64 for the first time. My eyes were open for the first time. There was no way that this could ever get old! Fast forward to Mario Kart Wii, and it was old. Double Dash was ok, I didn't think much of it. DS was fantastic. Wii just...blew. It really disappointed me. I haven't picked up 7 as a result of it. Could happily live without it for a long, long time.
  8. We've got more snow planned for tomorrow. It's going to start right from 9 til around 6. It'll be interesting to see how parents are going to collect their kids from school, as it's meant to be heavy at around midday. This is going to be fuuuuun.
  9. Do you? I can't remember, although you're probably right. I like how you get money for finishing highest scorer, highest assister. That's a good way to get money. I'm not going anywhere near the title next season. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I get relegated. If we go up, we'll get absolutely gangbanged in the Elite League, with this current squad. I need a few years of stability to breed these players, and then we'll hope to get into the Elite League and stay there.
  10. The problem with Ade is that he was given a contract. As soon as he has one, he just seems to switch off, haha. Seemed great last season, completely forgot you even had him this year. He seems to be one of these confidence players who plays well when they're loved and high on life, then seem to just stop caring after a while. The Xpert11 equivalent of moody! Oh, I know, you don't need to spend a lot of money. Just, some money. In the right areas. It can be done, we did it with Hernandez. But, to get a focal point of a team, somebody to come in and score for fun, striker's don't tend to come cheap. Van Persie was expensive, but worth it (so far anyway). Drogba cost Chelsea about the same amount, but he was worth it too in the long-run. As great as Michu has been this season, his transfer value will now be increased, so unless your scouting system is really, really good, you'll still end up paying quite a bit of money for these types of players anyway. It's hard getting to these players before they become big stars. Yeah, I read about that one. Quite cheeky, but Levy is a bit like that.
  11. I'm checking my bank balance at the moment, just looking at whether or not I can afford to sign up to the new squash place next month. How good are you with money? Do you spend it quickly or are you quite a good saver? I think I'm somewhere in the middle. I've been roughly at around the same mark for a while now. My goal for this year is to be able to start putting money aside, preferably for an electric drumkit, but that will take me a long, long time to save for.
  12. But this has been a possibility for years. People have been turning away from high streets and record stores in favour of places like Amazon. It's just disappointing that it had to come to this before they decided to step in. They're about 5 years too late, imo.
  13. Might be me being cynical, but why didn't these companies get involved much sooner? CD prices have been too high for years.
  14. Yeah, totally agree with that. I was gutted when I found out you don't get money for being promoted! I think promotion should be a million. Maybe 500,000econ for staying up and 725,000 extra for finishing first. If you got a looot of money just for staying up, like 3million, it would make the gap even bigger between certain leagues. We could almost do with another league between Elite and Middle.
  15. Yeah, I was surprised we played so deep. I guess he was anticipating your wingers pushing up and pumping balls into the box. In fairness, that's where the equaliser came from. Spurs need a striker, but I'll be surprised if you get one. I remember Dazzy posted a list of all the players who Spurs were going to buy before and the only one you got was Dembele, who was at the bottom of your list. If Spurs can get into the Champions League, you'll be in a better position to get a striker then. But, you're not going to go out and blow 25 or so million on a striker, because that's not what Spurs do. I've been winding my mate up because he's a Spurs fan and even 18 months ago I was telling him Spurs needed a striker. "Adebayor will be enough", he said.
  16. Thought we were unlucky not to win that. Clear penalty not given in the second half for a foul on Rooney. If we converted that, that would have been 2-0. Pleased with how Jones and Carrick defended. Vidic and Ferdinand stopped almost everything. Bale was anonymous. The one defensive mistake cost us 3 points. But, a draw seems like a fair result. Turning point for me was when we took off Cleverley and brought on Valencia. A season ago, he would have cut out everything on that right side. This season, I don't think he could tell you which way a lift was going, even if he had 2 guesses. So poor and short on confidence.
  17. Chelsea destroyed Arsenal in that first half. Could have been 4 or 5, Mata and Hazard just ripped them apart. How Torres still gets in the starting line-up is beyond me, though. So terrible. If Chelsea didn't pay 50million for him, if he was just your typical 6 or so million pound player, there's no way he would get into that team. Creates nothing, adds nothing. You'll struggle to sell him too, as nobody wants him. The more he plays, the greater his value diminishes.
  18. Wing plays would be even better if you had the player's roles more defined, like we said. So, left wing, right wing, left back, etc. That way, if you selected wing plays and had 2 wingers who were fast, then you should create a lot of chances. Also, wing plays would mean that the left and right backs would push up too, meaning you could also be exposed on the wings. There's a lot of scope there. Also also, I'd add another option: Counter-attacking. So, you would have Varied, long-range shots, Wing-plays, Through Plays, Counter Attacking. So, if you played Defensive and counter-attacking, it would be different to say playing Defensive and long-range shots. If you had pacey players in your team, they would gain an advantage when playing counter-attacking. Maybe for defending options you could select something to counter that, too. To balance it out.
  19. Same! It would make the transfer market even more exciting, knowing you needed a left back rather than a centre-back. It would make the all-rounder special quality more important, though. Knowing you had a player that could play at left or centre-back would be excellent. Or striker and left wing, for example. It is exciting seeing the game and interface change. It's changed a fair bit since I joined, which is the only way to improve it. I'd also like to see maybe a few more ways to earn money. Not really interested in the pools. Maybe a bonus if you manage to get a defender to score or every-time you get a clean sheet, for example.
  20. That's a great price. If massages were cheap as that here, I'd probably go for one every now and again. Seems to be quite hefty in terms of price here.
  21. Get it. You won't regret it. They just don't make videogames like that one anymore. From what I remember, you get told nothing in the game. you don't get told to go here, you don't get told to collect this from there. You don't get told what this weapon does. But, nevertheless, you find out yourself. It's the complete opposite of spoon-feeding. You learn how to crawl, walk, sprint and then fly yourself, completely unaided. I wish we could get another game like it. I'd pay double the price for one on the 3DS right now, without a second's thought.
  22. I've always wanted to do this. Either this, or get a robot version of me to do a job whilst I chill out. This guy was living the dream.
  23. Wait til it gets a bit better then do eeet. My old gym back home was on the other side of a big bridge. Trying to work there and back when it was leg day and icy was interesting.
  24. It certainly is an interesting argument that you make. But, the substances that he has taken were banned for a reason. Whatever the reasons for it, he broke them and he knew he was breaking them. Consistently. The points you make about the coaches, equipment and so forth, that's down to the infrastructure that the country places in order to progress that sport. I wouldn't really say that was "unfair" if one country decides to invest heavily in a particular sport. It doesn't automatically mean they'll become better athletes, it just means that they'll have more at their disposal to make use of. It's on the same lines as giving more laptops to schools or universities, or better facilities. The problem with these banned substances is that it means athletes can go for longer, at a higher intensity, with little recovery time needed, at a rate which is unfair to other athletes. Yes, you can take protein shakes and supplements, but there is a limit to how much it can do for you. With these substances that he took, he is almost limitless. That's why he keeps talking about feeling invincible. It's exactly the same with bodybuilders who take banned substances/steroids to push beyond their limits to the extreme, except this extreme also contains numerous health risks and automatically puts them on a distinctly unfair advantage compared to those who stay clean. It's not really on the same scale as having better facilities. At least with nutrition and better coaches, it is still down to the individual athlete and natural ability.
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