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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Not a huge surprise. They're gone. If we get any more games from Ubisoft on the Wii U, it'll be a bonus.
  2. A patch could come, I guess. It doesn't mean that it will. I doubt it will. Anyway, this isn't really something I've thought about and I guess I've accepted it. Still, thinking on it, it would make sense to have a wired USB connection, although I doubt it would be something that I would personally use.
  3. Title is fine/good, not sure what the fuss is about. I would have loved if the film had just been called Dawn of Justice, but it's fine the way it's been done. Logo is nice, too.
  4. I'm really happy with Van Gaal's appointment. There isn't anyone available who can do a better job, and I think he'll be a great fit at the club. Let's see who his signings are. Giggs probably should have retired a few seasons ago, but he's doing the right thing now and stepping aside. Let the youngsters come through and have a go. Club legend, no doubt. Will be strange not seeing his name on the teamsheet. One of my heroes as a kid.
  5. You look very pretty. You'll make somebody very happy one day.
  6. I hope you're right, otherwise I'm comin' fo' yoo. *Kryptonite arrows at the ready*
  7. It's always tougher when you've got somebody else pushing you. There's things you can do yourself, HIIT for example, running, a sport. Football and squash have definitely helped me with my fitness.
  8. That's weird as fuark, brah. Stay well clear. No contact. @Cube, why not take her details/number/email. Maybe you two could hook up when she's back if you're both available.
  9. What's the issue? General fitness or numbers you're lifting?
  10. I'm still plugging away. Think I've done alright considering I've had a very busy last few months. I've been really feeling my hamstrings work lately, like they're being properly activated during deadlifts, etc. My arse also hurts from hitting the legs yesterday. I've been getting comments from some of the older women in work that I have the best arse there. Feelsgoodman.
  11. Hahahahh. Used to watch these films when I was Little_LiNk. Oh man, good times.
  12. I'm definitely not alone in thinking this, but Nintendo have definitely lost that "indestructible" image that they seemed to have quite a few years back. Where even the fans would give their own blood rather than admit Nintendo were at fault or would defend them to the death. It is so, so rare to find a genuinely hardcore never-say-die Nintendo fan(boy) these days. Part of that has to be because Nintendo has slipped and changed. Part of that also has to be because the competition has just improved over the years. Even when they caught up, that wasn't enough and they're now competing with Nintendo on every level...even besting them in many areas. Their machines are improving, their online infrastructures are better, the third party content, the graphics. In the area that matters most, quality games...you can find plenty of these on other systems, too. Maybe not quite yet with the PS4/One, but that will come and is inevitable. Nintendo need to learn how to compete again. It is sad looking at past E3s and seeing all these classics get revealed, receive acclaim, etc. Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 and possibly Smash Bros will be the classics of this system, but there needs to be more, especially to bring back the "old fans" who left them for the other systems.
  13. No, because they're not giving gamers that option to customise things to how they want to play. You should be able to decide where you want the information to go. Taking it off the tv screen disadvantages all of the other GamePad-less gamers. If there was some sort of way you could say to them, "right, do you want the map or not, we can turn it on or off, or move it to my screen because I want it," that would be better. Again, it's the same with the voice-chat. By taking it out of the in-game section completely, you're forcing the choice amongst gamers. Having the choice is far, far better than getting none at all. The reasons behind their choices are also flimsy at best and it really shows how out of touch Nintendo is with the modern gamer.
  14. Do you actually think this will happen? I completely forgot about this game. To me, Wii Sports has had its time. It doesn't have the draw it once did. This is really far too late and should have been in the Wii U's first year.
  15. That's the kind of flexibility that I was hoping the GamePad could provide. That way you can save the on-screen stuff that can clutter up the telly and put all of that on the GamePad screen. It just seems such an obvious usage of it and it would be using the screen in a useful way.
  16. Nowhere near as much as Ocarina of Time has. That game has been pumped over the years, including OoT 3D. I'd love a spiritual sequel and maybe it can happen. If A Link To The Past gets one, why can't Majora's Mask?
  17. In fairness to the man, there's a 10/11 year gap between the quotes. People are allowed to change their opinions over time. But, from a PR perspective, it's not great. :p
  18. I just can't see anybody paying full price for this. Could it be a budget title? Who is going to buy this at £40? The saving grace could be whether or not we can fight as other popular Zelda characters (as mentioned above). That may sway some of the hardcore. I'd love to fight as Darunia, for example.
  19. Personally, I don't use the map all that much. But, it makes zero sense to take it out. Occasionally I'll glance at it to see how far ahead I am of the person behind me. I just don't get why it's removed from the tv screen...why not just simply give us an option where we can decide where the map gets displayed? There's quite a lot of "little" problems with this that seem annoying more than anything, nothing really game breaking I guess. Still, I do wonder what goes on at Nintendo HQ sometimes as they do make some baffling decisions. The character roster, the lack of GamePad usage, the split-screen on GamePad screen, voice-chat not in game, etc. I'm semi-looking forward to it, but it's not the Mario Kart it could have been. It could have truly been a killer title with all of these features.
  20. Let's get real here. Sonic Racing was a launch game for the Wii U that was aimed at other platforms. It's by a third party who probably didn't have a lot of time to optimise the game for the Wii U. Two years ago. Of course Mario Kart is going to look better as it rightfully should, considering it's a flagship title for the system and the fact that it's being made by Nintendo, who designed the system. Sonic at least had interesting ideas. 5 player multiplayer, for example. Ideas that Nintendo haven't implemented into Mario Kart 8, for whatever reason. Whilst Sonic Racing may not be technically as good as Mario Kart 8 (obviously), it should still be commended for giving the genre a new lease of life.
  21. Zidane was one of my heroes as a kid. Zidane, Cantona and Roy Keane. I would regularly wake up early to watch Gazetta Football Italia for the likes of Zidane, Ravanelli, Del Piero, Inzaghi and Paolo Maldini. Italian football from the 80s to the mid 00s was unbelievable. I've never supported just one player, because United are my team. But, I follow certain players avidly...but it's not quite up there with my love for United. Zidane has to be the one for me. These days, Ronaldo. He's an absolute monster.
  22. Has your account been hacked, brah? I didn't know you had this in you.
  23. Unlucky Hull, they couldn't hold on to that lead. Well played, Arsenal.
  24. I think the world and his wife thought each player would get a screen to themselves. In what universe did Nintendo think that this would be a useful feature or a good idea? Whyyyy would you need splitscreen on the GamePad? Fucking bizarre.
  25. The King of Spin. Anyway, this is all very confusing. Nintendo are infuriating in so many ways. Why can't we have more options? We should be able to decide if one player can use the GamePad screen in multiplayer or whether it's all split screen on the television. We should be able to receive on-screen notifications, or at least have the option to either display them on the tv or the GamePad screen. What DOES the screen add to Mario Kart exactly? Off-TV play if somebody is already using the tv, but...who in their right mind would want to play such a beautiful game on that GamePad screen out of choice?
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