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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. What did you say Sorry, Serebii, but Goron is right on this one. You're not addressing their points and a lot of them are valid. Just because you don't agree with what a lot of people are saying, doesn't mean it isn't valid. The fact that there are multiple people all saying the exact same thing should tell you that there are issues.
  2. Where did I blame him? I said, "Maybe things will change when Iwata eventually steps down, who knows." Maybe things will change when somebody else comes in and decides that they want to change a few things here or there, maybe somebody who is much more ruthless, who knows. Stop being so defensive, brah.
  3. I'm watching Ine play this game right now. It looks wonderful. However, Nintendo overdid it with the amount of bloom on dat sky. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING. LET'S ADD THIS BLOOM HERE AND HERE." "HD!!!" "MORE BLOOM!" Tempted to give it a go if she ever gets off the damn thing.
  4. Happy belated birthdays, gaiiiiz.
  5. If you're after the full online gaming experience, then the Wii U really isn't for you. Nintendo aren't skilled enough in this area and I don't think they're showing any signs that they will ever be truly able to compete with Microsoft and Sony in this regard. For every one step they take forward, there is always a catch and they will still lag behind the competition in some way. It's sad because I don't think we'll ever get the 32player F ZERO experience with full voice-chat options that many of us have dreamt about for so long. I don't think Nintendo are capable of it and I can't see them changing any time soon. They will continue to differentiate themselves from the competition whilst Iwata is in charge because, in their eyes, this is the only way in which they can compete. They can't go toe-to-toe with the others because they would get eaten alive, so they have to look at alternative methods. This "finding the casuals" strategy was one of the ways in which they achieved this. They won't create a console or system with all the fully loaded options that you'd get with the other machines because...Nintendo, they have to do things differently. :p Maybe things will change when Iwata eventually steps down, who knows. But, in their current state, this is how things are. Mario Kart is really as good as it's going to get with online. Smash Bros may have a few extra options or something, but then that's it.
  6. The average person isn't going to be able to create better music than The Beatles, Led Zepellin or The Who, so why bother giving them a guitar and a set of drums? Right? It won't devalue Nintendo's own efforts in any way, whatsoever. This is about giving gamers tools for them to enjoy and create. I'm playing ReVolt on the DreamCast and being able to create my own levels keeps drawing me back in. It's fun. The other argument is that children, particularly boys (as it has been documented in many cases) are keen to build and create things using Lego for example. This is partly why Minecraft has been such a huge hit and continues to be so. Let them build. It screams of elitism when I hear these arguments or points about user generated content. There isn't really a great argument for not including level editors within games or creating games with that element as a core mechanic, unless it simply doesn't work with time constraints, budgets and deadlines. I would have jizzed all over my house if I was able to create my own Mario Kart levels.
  7. How 'bout dis? A NINTENDO OPEN WORLD GAME. Hnnnnnnnnng. It takes place in the mushroom kingdom, there are many different regions, including a desert area, underwater zones, the mountains, etc. You could incorporate elements from 3D World and have platforming sections where Mario takes part in the main quest to save Peach or something. Butttt, you could have the Koopa Troopas challenging mario to races throughout different regions, like in NeedForSpeed: Most Wanted. Mario would take part in regular races (side missions) to gain cash and trophies (Mario Kart), you could take a trip to the tennis courts or golf course. All of these would be fully-fleshed, like their standalone counter-parts, but they would all be linked together and in one-giant game with an amazing detailed overworld. Imagine the side missions, where you stop the troopas from hurting ordinary Mushroom Kingdom citizens, where certain characters go missing and Mario must track them down using Luigi to help him orrrr Professor E. Gadd could make inventions to help him along the way. Would be fucking amazing. Hnnnnnng. Nice one, Braheem Sterling.
  8. Happy Birthday, DeepRod.
  9. Brah, I was in CEX earlier and saw this for £25. Came this close to getting it, but figured that I should wait until the backlog is clear. I'm going to have to miss the Sony conference on the Monday and I have work all day until at least 9 on the Tuesday. So, I'm tempted to watch both this and the Nintendo conference back to back. E3, yeaaah.
  10. What did you say [/canand] It's another reason to play the game and it gives the game more replay value. Done the Grand Prix and want another single player mode, then there would be that to tackle. It gives more life to the single player. F ZERO GX is still undefeated in terms of single player content.
  11. On hearing the news that many are disappointed with the online features: Well, what did we expect? Nintendo haven't got it right on many occasions and even though this is the top tier game, they still couldn't get it right. This is really as good as it's going to get with them, as the only other MASSIVE multiplayer title I can think of is Super Smash Bros. As for me, I prefer the game to MKWii. The track designs are much better, imo. It's actually more fun to race. But, I also agree with what the majority of people are saying. The tracks are very wide, some of the items are useless and the lack of voice chat is a huge, huge blow. For me, there's just not a lot of reasons to go back to the game as there's no additional modes to add variety. I'd kill for some kind of story or challenge mode, just something to keep drawing players in.
  12. I've got the free 14 day trial, so have managed to download the two new games. Am definitely going to sign up to it though, it's awesome. Free games, wooooo. Is it really that good then? I'm going to look into it, but maybe when it's a bit cheaper. Soon.
  13. Maybe he could have a reign of tyranny like the Governor in The Walking Dead. Fuck, Iwata giving us his edgier side as he aims to bring Nintendo back to the top. In all seriousness, I hope the guy is ok and wish him all the best.
  14. inFAMOUS is 25 quid preowned from Graingergames. I'm tempted, but also think that I should wait until I've finished my other games first. I've got Tomb Raider on this, Mario Kart, 3D World, Pikmin3 and Wonderful 101 on Wii U and a dozen or so Wii games + Dreamcast titles to work through. This summer is going to be awesome. I've planned it already. I'm going to wake up early, do some work for school, exercise and then just fucking game for the rest of the day. AntonioBanderas.gif
  15. The alarming thing for me was that I popped into ASDA to get some vegetables the other day and had a browse through the games section. Forgetting the fact that the Wii U section only had accessories, not games, there was a big box that promoted Watch Dogs to customers. At the bottom of the box, it listed all of the consoles/platforms that the game would appear on. Wii U logo was nowhere to be seen. By delaying it and leaving out the logo, etc, you're making consumers believe that the game isn't available on the system. You can understand the third party's dilemma because if the game does flop on Wii U, where's the incentive for them to put the game on the system in the first place? If the game is delayed and barely advertised for the Wii U, where's the incentive for the gamers to wait for the Wii U version? Nobody wins. If the game has a chance of selling on the system, it needs to be there at the same time as it arrives on the other systems. Delaying it sends out the wrong message. Let's also look back at the Rayman Legends situation. Was going to be Wii U exclusive, then got delayed before being multiplatform. Are any other console games going to suffer the same fate, where it benefits the Wii U? Would the tables ever be flipped in this instance? Most probably not. It's a shame. I was overjoyed when I discovered that this would be coming to the Wii U.
  16. That's a hard question. In the end, I went for the Wiimote and Nunchuk option. The ability to point at the screen (god tier controls for FPS), move your hands apart so that you're not tethered and the functionality of it make it in my top three at least. The N64 closely lost out, which I loooooove. Followed by the Wavebird controller for the GameCube. The NES is too rectangular/square/too sharp on the corners to be totally enjoyable for too long and the SNES is just a bit on the small side for me. Plus, the lack of analogues in both. As for the Wii U GamePad, I can't go for it as I can't confidently say that any game has truly made use of it. The Pro Controller is decent but nothing more. Feels quite plasticy to me, not as nice as the DualShock4, for example. Plus, no analogue shoulder buttons on either.
  17. One of the best gifs yet. The original kills me every time I see it.
  18. Played some more Tomb Raider tonight. If I didn't have work tomorrow, I'd still be on it right now. Immense game. Can somebody aware me on what the PlaystationApp does? I've downloaded it and it looks awesome. What does the companion app/second screen thing do, exactly? Can I buy games from the PSN store using the app and then download them when I get home, or does the console have to be on standby for this to happen?
  19. I think if anybody is really not happy with Nintendo's output or the lack of third party games...or even having diverse enough games, they should consider looking at an additional system. For future proofing more than anything. The PS4 and One may not have the games right now, but they'll be kicking about for the next 5 or so years and the games will get better in quality. It is sad and I did feel a strange sense of disappointment when I made my order. But, there's also excitement. I LOVE the DualShock4 and the system just feels great. I'm excited to actually have a powerful system and suddenly all of these games that I didn't care about before seem more appealing. Nintendo will be Nintendo. They'll frustrate, but occasionally there will be that game that comes around which makes you realise why you liked them in the first place. Sadly, they're not the same as they once were, they haven't improved in a lot of ways. It's going to be strange watching E3 this year as it'll be the first time that I'm more excited about the Sony conference than Nintendo's.
  20. The Premier League is suddenly losing all of these quality players. No Vidic, Ferdinand, Giggs, Lampard any more. That generation is almost gone. Sad to see them go. Lambert to Liverpool is a weird signing, but it'll provide cover/an option from the bench, which is what I expect he'll be used as. He's not good enough to displace Sturridge or Suarez from the starting 11, but he can come in and do a job in the second half or if they become injured. As long as he accepts that, he'll be fine. Southampton are going to struggle next season.
  21. I'm a new PS4 owner as it quickly became evident that the Wii U wouldn't be getting the third party games that I wanted. No Alien: Isolation was the last straw. I think I'll actually appreciate the Wii U a bit more as a result of this, because now it'll be my pure Nintendo machine. I won't need to feel angry about not getting the third party games because I can now get the best version on a different system, not some gimped Wii U edition. So, if Nintendo can look after themselves and get out their quality games, I'll be fine. One last thing, getting a PS4 has made me realise just how much a wasted opportunity and a potential piece of garbage that the Wii U GamePad is. Trying the DualShock4, I don't miss having a touchscreen or a second screen at all. It's not integral to the gameplay. I'll be using the Pro Controller as much as I can from here on in, starting with Mario Kart. Nintendo have lost me on that one.
  22. Last of Us next week? AntonioBanderas.gif Woodbuy.
  23. Tomb Raider has arrived. I've played about an hour so far, just testing it out. Hnnnnnnnnnnnggggg. It's amazing.
  24. Skyward Sword's fuck up was sad because it looked very interesting at the time. It was what many of us were waiting to see, Zelda using Motion Controls. It should have been a moment of triumph, but it ended up falling a bit flat for that moment. I think the rest of their E3 was good, can't quite recall it all. Wii Music was just something else. The plan was executed successfully. There were no fuck ups. It could have been avoided, but only months ago in the board room or in some office somewhere. It's an "obvious" idea and execution; we have a music game, let's have our heroes demonstrate this on stage. In theory, it could have been fantastic IF the game was fantastic. If they were demonstrating how to play Lylat Wars, for example, it would have been something else entirely. Instead, we had that.
  25. That Wii Music moment was far, far, faaaaar worse than the Skyward Sword one. At least the rest of what they showed about Skyward Sword was decent, even if the game did end up being cack. Wii Music's showing was a disaster in its entirety, from start to finish. Far worse. Faaaaaaaaaar.
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