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Everything posted by fanman

  1. Uh... it was on animal crossing?
  2. I thought they're only releasing PAL stuff to Europe...
  3. You can jump off the sky temple? Or is that something to do with the last one?
  4. They have an independent government.
  5. I got to sleep at 3 in the morning last night, and had to get up at 7:30. I felt so bad.
  6. I want Mario Kart 64 and Majora's Mask. I never owned those games, so I would like to have a chance to play them properly.
  7. I always thought he sucked as a manager. He screwed up liverpool, blackburn and newcastle.
  8. Not refuse to see, just aren't bothered about them.
  9. I was refering to games like Brain Training and big brain academy. Non gamers are where the money is, and you don't get them in with "official series" such as zelda.
  10. Shouldn't you have formatted the memory card? I got mine second hand and they told me specifically that they had.
  11. I only really noticed it at the start when miyu (not sure on the name, but scott's girlfriend) was talking in japanese.
  12. Not unless you play the missions. The missions are oh so fun. And since when did real gangsters use fists instead of uzis? :p
  13. Couldn't you have started giving that 20 pages back then?
  14. Oh, I beg to differ. He's just getting on my nerves.
  15. I recall a while back you saying something like "yeah, that's your opinion, and I respect that, despite the fact that I'm laughing my ass of at it". That's your general motive to EVERY opinion on anything. Ever. Everybody knows your opinion on the game, so stop posting it over and over again, you're getting on everybody's freaking nerves.
  16. At least I'm no miserable fuck who spends his time posting on forums about how he hates everything, and can't understand that other people have opinions too. Can't you go slit your wrists or something?
  17. GTA is fun to play.
  18. When they both suck that bad, it's hard to tell the difference. I enjoyed the ps1 ones, but yeah, driver 3 put me off.
  19. Driver 4 is parallel lines, which happens to be even worse than driver 3.
  20. I think life is just getting you down.
  21. I don't know if it was optional, but I left all the sidequests and collections untill the second half of the game, so I haven't noticed a drop in quality, but the dungeons are certainly much better in the second half.
  22. Bit late of a reply, but you just have to hit it later. You're hitting it too early.
  23. That's just laughable. Those games are what has made the DS what it is, and wii play is one of the top selling games so far on the wii.
  24. :shock: It's just doing the same moves, on the same levels, with the same characters, over and over again.
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