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Everything posted by fanman

  1. Yeah, I agree, all these childish comments are totally ruining the thread, it's so annoying... oh, I got another one you can add to your list: Oh... another fanboy on the list too.
  2. He doesn't have the triforce of courage for nothing.
  3. They're £15. Not really worth it.
  4. Watched basically all of them last night. They're hilarious.
  5. What's bad about the twilight? Only the monsters can come and eat people then, but that's not really much of a problem, is it?
  6. You can get it from some hong kong channel using a program called pplive, I think... I'll just check that though.
  7. Wel, this is the bitching thread, where you can miss out the "this game is still great though" part from the end. I, most probably like most others, was/were just pointing out little things that could be changed.
  8. Yeah, it would suck, which is another reason why the motion sensing is good.
  9. Sacking Alan Pardew was a mistake, IMO.
  10. Bush should be hanged for crimes against intelligence.
  11. It goes red if I have wiiconnect24 on and turn it off by the console.
  12. Charlton are doing good with Pardew now though, and Arsenal didn't do too good in their last game. Although you'd expect Arsenal to win, I think Charlton have a chance.
  13. You still have to pay living costs, which are a lot more than $30. Even if there aren't taxpayers, it's not really fair on the system to pay for someone like that.
  14. B, like in every other Zelda game.
  15. Turn the volume down to 2. It works best that way.
  16. Yeah; buy the gamecube one instead. I don't think it's unresponsive. If you actaully swing, it's really good, but if you're lazy and just flick it, it sometimes doesn't work.
  17. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is solitanze we're talking about.
  18. But a fucking cool one nonetheless.
  19. What the fuck is up with that postman?
  20. It should go orange if you turn it off by the controller, and red if you turn it off at the console. It should be green when on.
  21. Delete and download again. Problem solved.
  22. It was done for the victims, and why should the taxpayers in iraq pay for someone who killed their relatives to site in prison all day? He deserved it.
  23. What does the bible, sorry, gamerankings, say? As for me, I never got into final fantasy. I played VII briefly, but gave up pretty soon. I should revisit it sometime, since, well, the whole series is rather hyped.
  24. And it's the same with chelsea today.
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