On the mii plaza, there is an icon that you click which takes you to the mii parade. The mii parade is where miis that are set to mingle from people on your friend list are displayed. You can then copy them onto your wii.
You hear laughing too.
There are other things you can do too, such as holding the directional buttons on the warning screen to get different coloured balls in bowling, and holding 2 on the warning screen to get the training court in tennis.
A famous dictator's hanging being filmed and shown to the world? Are you serious?
I saw the video from the phone. It was really crappy. You could hardly see anything.
The ysaid that if they did it, that they would be a lot cheaper than a new game, as they don't have to pay for the development costs anymore. I would buy one for a tenner maybe. I can't see it actually happening.