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Everything posted by fanman

  1. But it does make for improvement. And looking at TP is better than looking at OoT. I actually meant better quality sound, as in sound effect and clarity. I was refering to the analogue stick of the n64. It was horrible to control. The camera was a hell of a lot worse than in TP, and movement was often hampered by the two. Yeah, if you completed it when it came out. Take your head out of the sand: If you got someone new to Zelda to play the two of them today, I doubt they'd prefer OoT.
  2. How are the tennis controls broken? They are near perfect and do exactly what they were meant to do. Wiisports is basically, the most innovative game of all time, and deserves to be number 1, especially in a non gaming magazine...
  3. Was that post serious? The GC is already dead. There no games being made for it, or released for it for that matter, since the wii is out and they are focusing their attention on that, moving any games they had for gc onto the wii. And that's beside the fact that you can get them for about £20 second hand.
  4. Is that from an early version of the game, or do you get it in the last dundeon or something?
  5. But it makes it feel more like you're hitting the ball in wiisports. the weight of the controller is nowhere near enough to press a button...
  6. No, because people buy those games, and that makes nintendo money, which means we get better games in the long run. You can see from the amount of shite on ps2 that it doesn't hurt.
  7. It's still pretty much the same game... with different controls.
  8. NSMB is too high. That game was far too easy.
  9. I don't think that includes phantom hourglass.
  10. Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of it? It wouldn't be half as funny.
  11. Better graphics, better sound, better gameplay. OoT is horrible to play now.
  12. TP doesn't fail in the majority. It is better than OoT. People only think OoT is better because it had a big impact on them, which this game obviously can't have.
  13. Because they fell into some trap and came out of their houses where the monsters ate them. It was mentioned in a cutscene. The monsters just didn't go into castle town.
  14. So you expect dead people to come back to life because the twilight has passed?
  15. To cut a long story short, I've done basically nothing.
  16. It's the whole stupidity of it that makes it funny. And about the jump part, when you see a jump, do you not press the jump button to get over it? He does make some fair points.
  17. I think he was being sarcastic about the fact that you just posted an image.
  18. Kakariko is meant to be that way because of the twilight.
  19. Of course I meant it deserves more. I would have given it about 9.5
  20. Hell no. There's no way in hell does this game deserve an 8.8.
  21. I think they are talking about the puzzles in the dungeons. Those two took a while to do, but other than that, they are pretty simple.
  22. Is that the youtube video you posted?
  23. I thought it was similar to the tower of the gods in the wind waker in the way that the puzzles were organized.
  24. I haven't played that game, but I've been told that it's shit.
  25. The puzzles were quite fun, I thought. It was bigger than under the well... and it generally looked cool.
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